Appendix B. Exam Review Guide

This book covers all objectives relevant to the exam and more. The tables in this appendix map the exam objective to the corresponding book chapter. Furthermore, you will also find a reference to the Kubernetes documentation. Some foundational objectives important to the exam, such as Pods and namespaces, have not been listed explicitly in the curriculum; however, the book does cover them. You can use the mapping as a reference to review specific objectives in more detail.

Application Design and Build

Exam Objective Chapter Reference Documentation Tutorial

Define, build, and modify container images

Chapter 4



Understand Jobs and CronJobs

Chapter 6

Job, CronJob

Indexed Job for Parallel Processing with Static Work Assignment, Automatic Cleanup for Finished Jobs, Running Automated Tasks with a CronJob

Understand multi-container Pod design patterns

Chapter 8

Init Containers, How Pods manage multiple containers


Utilize persistent and ephemeral volumes

Chapter 7

Ephemeral Volumes, Persistent Volumes, Storage Classes


Application Deployment

Exam Objective Chapter Reference Documentation Tutorial

Use Kubernetes primitives to implement common deployment strategies

Chapter 11

Deployment Spec Strategy, Canary Deployment

Zero-downtime Deployment in Kubernetes with Jenkins

Understand Deployments and how to perform rolling updates

Chapter 10


Using kubectl to Create a Deployment, Performing a Rolling Update ...

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