PART 2What Effective Leaders Should Do

In Part 1 we established we are designed to overcome chaos and we do so by choosing purpose and aligning people and resources around that purpose. We also noted that it is more difficult to keep order than it is to build it. The high calling of leadership is to overcome those barriers and do it sustainably.

Parts 2 and 3 are organized around two dimensions of leadership development shown in the following image.

Table represents market definition.


The vertical dimension shows the managerial process habits that organizations need to establish. This is what Part 2 will address. People engagement habits, the horizontal dimension, will be covered in Part 3.

This diagram highlights that you need both capabilities to be effective. Process skills without people engagement is bureaucratic. And people skills become disillusioning if the processes don't provide some order. The two systems work together synergistically.

Part 2 is a compilation of managerial best practices that really need to become habits—the default way things are done in your organization. They include strategic planning, change management, operations management, continuous improvement, and talent management.

Part 2 chapters describe what leaders need to do:

  1. 7. Build a Habit‐Reinforcing System
  2. 8. Set Vision
  3. 9. Prioritize Change
  4. 10. Balance Running and Changing
  5. 11. Get Results through Teamwork ...

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