Chapter 1. Building an ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application with F#

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

I’ve always loved magic. For as long as I can remember, I have enjoyed watching master magicians performing their craft. As I grew up, I read every book I could find on how to master the tricks that astounded me through the years. I quickly found that I enjoyed learning how to perform magic tricks even more than I enjoyed watching them.

As Sir Arthur Charles Clarke states, technology can often feel like magic. Maybe that is why I love technology so much. F# falls into this category more so than many of the other languages I have used throughout my programming exploits. The features that it provides bring great power that can occasionally feel like magic. Sometimes it can be difficult to determine how best to apply that magic in practical ways to achieve better, faster, and more scalable web, cloud, and mobile solutions. This book will show you how to leverage the full power of F# to solve your everyday development problems.

In this chapter you will start your journey by exploring F# combined with ASP.NET MVC 4. You will learn how to quickly kick-start one of these projects, do some basic ASP.NET MVC development in F#, and apply a few of the more advanced F# features to improve the code you write. Additionally, several topics and techniques that are not specifically related to ASP.NET MVC 4, but are commonly used in conjunction with this framework, will be exemplified. Throughout the chapter, features of F# that may seem magical will be demystified.

The rest of the book will explore additional platforms, technologies, libraries, and features that you can use with F# to create cutting-edge web, cloud, and mobile solutions.

The F# ASP.NET MVC 4 Project Templates

The developer preview of ASP.NET MVC 4 was officially announced after the Build conference in the latter half of 2011. In February 2012, the beta release of ASP.NET MVC 4 was announced and the release candidate followed at the end of May 2012. Version 4 brought many new improvements and enhancements to the already full-featured ASP.NET MVC offering. To learn more about ASP.NET MVC 4, visit their website.

The most efficient way to use F# with ASP.NET MVC 4 is to take advantage of the inherent separation of concerns built into the MVC design pattern. You can then utilize the provided boundaries to leverage the strengths of the C# ecosystem and the F# language features, respectively. In the case of the ASP.NET MVC framework, this is accomplished by establishing a C# ASP.NET MVC project to house the views and all client-side concerns, while using an F# project for the models, controllers, and any other server-side concerns. Figure 1-1 shows the typical MVC pattern implemented in ASP.NET MVC with a designation of component to project type.

MVC pattern with project type designation

Figure 1-1. MVC pattern with project type designation

While you can manually create a boilerplate solution with the aforementioned project structure, the process will quickly become tedious. Additionally, these mundane setup steps cause an unnecessary barrier to entry to using F# in your ASP.NET MVC solutions. To help eliminate these issues, a project template has been created and made available through Visual Studio Gallery.


If, for whatever reason, you are not running ASP.NET MVC 4, templates are also available for ASP.NET MVC 3 and ASP.NET MVC 2. A list of many of the available project templates can be found here.

Finding and Installing the Templates

Thanks to Visual Studio Gallery, finding and installing the ASP.NET MVC 4 F# project templates couldn’t be easier. Simply launch the Project Creation Wizard through whichever method your prefer—my favorite is the Ctrl-Shift-N keyboard shortcut—select Online in the lefthand navigation pane, search for “fsharp mvc4” in the search box at the upper-right corner, select the “F# C# MVC 4” template, and click OK. Figure 1-2 shows an example of the Project Creation Wizard just before OK is to be clicked.

Project template search on Visual Studio Gallery

Figure 1-2. Project template search on Visual Studio Gallery


While you could use the approach mentioned here every time you wish to create a new F# ASP.NET MVC 4 project, you really only have to do this once. After the initial installation, a new template will become available under the Installed category in the lefthand navigation pane. The template is named “F# and C# Web Application (ASP.NET MVC 4)” and you can access it by selecting Visual F#ASPNET.

After you click OK, a dialog (shown in Figure 1-3) will display from which you can select the type of solution you want to generate and the view engine you want to use, as well as whether you want to include a project you can use to write unit tests. Once you make your selections and click OK, the projects are generated and the applicable NuGet packages are automatically installed. For many of the rest of the examples in this chapter, I will assume you selected the Razor view engine during this process.

Project Creation Wizard dialog with F# ASP.NET MVC

Figure 1-3. Project Creation Wizard dialog with F# ASP.NET MVC

Exploring the C# Project

If you have created any C#-only ASP.NET MVC projects, the C# solution should look very familiar to you. There are really only three primary differences:

  1. There is no Controllers folder.

  2. There is no Models folder.

  3. The Global.asax file doesn’t have a corresponding Global.asax.cs file.

The primary reason for these changes is that each has been pushed to the F# project that was generated along with this C# project. We’ll look at this F# project in more detail in the next section. The Global.asax file is a little interesting in that it still requires some programmatic method for association to the F# class. The following code from the Global.asax markup shows how this is done:

<%@ Application Inherits="FsWeb.Global" Language="C#" %>
<script Language="C#" RunAt="server">

  // Defines the Application_Start method and calls Start in 
  // System.Web.HttpApplication from which Global inherits. 
  protected void Application_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e) {


Dissecting the F# Project

If you selected the “Empty Project” template on the Project Creation Wizard, then the resultant F# project is very simple. The project is generated with all necessary MVC assembly references and two .fs files: Global.fs and HomeController.fs. I already briefly mentioned the Global.fs file and I’m sure you can guess what HomeController.fs is. I’ll review them in detail in this section.


As previously mentioned, the Global.fs file contains most of the code that would normally go into the Global.asax.cs file, but with a few F# twists. The first thing you may notice is the Route type. This is an F# record type that is being used to contain routing definitions. Record types are immutable by default. Because of this, they go very well with the highly concurrent and stateless nature of the Web. I’ll talk more about uses for record types throughout this book. The Route record type is as follows:

type Route = { controller : string
               action : string
               id : UrlParameter }


The Route type is only used for the standard controller/action/ID route. Custom types are needed to accommodate other routing patterns.

After declaring the Route type, a class named Global is defined, which inherits from System.Web.HttpApplication. The code within Global looks pretty similar to the C# equivalent, with the exception of the MapRoutes method call and the use of significant whitespace rather than braces to define scope. The main difference associated with the MapRoutes method call is directly related to the Route record. Instead of “newing up” an anonymous type to pass the route information to MapRoutes, F# type inference is being leveraged to create a new Route record. This record creation syntax is known as a record expression. The Global class is shown in the following example with the Route record creation code emphasized:

type Global() =
    inherit System.Web.HttpApplication() 

    static member RegisterRoutes(routes:RouteCollection) =
                        { controller = "Home"; action = "Index"
                          id = UrlParameter.Optional } )

    member this.Start() =


The HomeController.fs file contains the definition for the HomeController class. This class inherits from Controller and implements a single action named Index. We will explore controllers in more detail later in this chapter. Here are the contents of the HomeController.fs file:

namespace FsWeb.Controllers

open System.Web
open System.Web.Mvc

type HomeController() =
    inherit Controller()
    member this.Index () =
        this.View() :> ActionResult

You may be curious about the :> symbol that is emphasized in the preceding example. This symbol indicates an upcast to type ActionResult of the result from this.View(). In this example, the cast to ActionResult isn’t really necessary, but it would be required in certain circumstances, so the template adds the upcast for example purposes. If you were to instead explicitly specify the return type of the Index method like this:

member this.Index () : ActionResult = 

then the cast could have been written as:

    upcast this.View()

Since the cast isn’t really needed in this specific case, you can simply change this method to the following:

member this.Index () =


Type checking for an upcast occurs at compile time to ensure validity of the cast. A downcast (i.e., :?>), on the other hand, is only checked at runtime. If there is any chance that the downcast will fail, it is recommended that you use a type test in a match expression. You could also wrap the expression in a try/with statement, then catch the InvalidCastException, but this is less efficient than the type test approach.

F# Controllers and Models

Since the primary focus of this book is on how to use F# to best complement the larger technology stack, I will be spending a lot more time talking about controllers and models than views. F# provides several unique features that lend themselves well to the creation of various aspects of controllers and models. I’ll show you a few of these in this section and cover more advanced features in later sections.

To help facilitate the discussion of controllers and models, I will walk you through the creation of a new page in the web application, paying special attention to the code used to create the model and controller. This new page will display a simple jQuery Mobile list view that is driven and populated by a new controller and model.

To kick things off, you need to create a new View. To do this, create a new folder under the Views folder named Guitars and add a new ASP.NET MVC view to the folder, named Index. Make sure to uncheck the “Use a layout or master page:” option in the ASP.NET MVC view item template wizard. You can now change the view markup to match the following:

@model IEnumerable<FsWeb.Models.Guitar>
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" 
        href="" />
    <div data-role="page" data-theme="a" id="guitarsPage">
        <div data-role="header">
        <div data-role="content">
        <ul data-role="listview" data-filter="true" data-inset="true"> 
            @foreach(var x in Model) {
                <li><a href="#">@x.Name</a></li>
    <script src="">
    <script src="">

        $(document).delegate("#guitarsPage", 'pageshow', function (event) {
            $("div:jqmData(role='content') > ul").listview('refresh');


Since the focus of this section is not on the view, I’ve consolidated everything into a single cshtml file for the purpose of simplicity. In production code, you would want to create a separate module for the JavaScript code (and likely use something like RequireJS to help load and manage the JavaScript modules). Also, you would want to create a separate Layout page for reuse by all mobile pages. Additionally, ASP.NET MVC 4 includes a convention-based approach for mobile development that involves adding “.Mobile” or something more device-specific to the names of views. You can learn more about the best practices for view creation here.


To create the basic controller for the new view, add a new F# source file to the F# project, name it GuitarsController.fs, and populate it with code that matches the following:

namespace FsWeb.Controllers

open System.Web.Mvc
open FsWeb.Models

type GuitarsController() =
    inherit Controller()
    member this.Index () =
        // The sequence is hardcoded for example purposes only. 
        // It will be switched out in a future example.
        seq { yield Guitar(Name = "Gibson Les Paul")
              yield Guitar(Name = "Martin D-28") }
        |> this.View

This looks very similar to the HomeController with the exception of the sequence expression and the pipe-forward operator. For this example, the sequence expression is providing a collection of Guitar model instances to be passed to the view. This “hard-coded” data will be replaced with a call to a repository in a future example.

The second point of interest is the use of the pipe-forward operator. In this example, the pipe-forward operator is being used to pipe the sequence of Guitar as the model argument for the overloaded method of View, which takes a single obj argument.


The obj keyword is an F#-type alias for object. I will talk more about type aliases in Chapter 2.


Models can be created with either F# record types or classes. Out of the box, F# records work well for read-only data and allow the models to be slightly simpler. In F# 3.0, a new attribute called CLIMutable has been added that makes F# records an excellent option for read/write scenarios as well. I will talk more about the CLIMutable attribute in Chapter 4. Here is an example of a Guitar model built with an F# record:

namespace FsWeb.Models

type Guitar = { Id : Guid; Name : string }


Prior to F# 3.0, F# record usage in both read-only and read/write situations was possible, but more difficult. This is because F# records do not have a parameterless constructor. The best solution to this problem (prior to F# 3.0) was to use a custom model binder.

The second option for building models with F# is to create the models as classes. The controller example that I showed in the preceding section assumes that the class approach is used. The code example that follows demonstrates how to build a Guitar model class in F# (this class, as well as most of the examples in this book, was written with F# 3.0; the syntax would be slightly different in F# 2.0 since auto-properties is a new feature in F# 3.0):

namespace FsWeb.Models

type Guitar() = 
    member val Name = "" with get, set

You can also add any desired Data Annotations to the model class. The following adds the Required data annotation attribute to the Name property:

open System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations

type Guitar() = 
    [<Required>] member val Name = "" with get, set


The Required attribute doesn’t provide value in this example, but it will be useful for the many scenarios where changes are being made from the UI.

Here is the model we will use for the Entity Framework example in the next section:

namespace FsWeb.Models

open System
open System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations

type Guitar() = 
    [<Key>] member val Id = Guid.NewGuid() with get, set
    [<Required>] member val Name = "" with get, set

Interacting with a Database

If you were to run the web application right now you would see a simple screen that displays a collection of guitar names. However, it’s still not very useful due to the data being hardcoded. Luckily, you have several choices when it comes to using F# to interact with a database for storage and/or retrieval of data.

Entity Framework

Entity Framework (EF) is probably the most common way to interact with an SQL Server database when working in ASP.NET MVC. Adoption is continuing to grow, especially now that EF supports a code-first approach. The F#/C# ASP.NET MVC 4 template already added all of the assembly references you need in order to start working with EF. With this done, you start using it by creating a class that inherits from DbContext. The following code shows an example of this:

namespace FsWeb.Repositories

open System.Data.Entity
open FsWeb.Models

type FsMvcAppEntities() = 
    inherit DbContext("FsMvcAppExample")

    do Database.SetInitializer(new CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<FsMvcAppEntities>())

    [<DefaultValue()>] val mutable guitars : IDbSet<Guitar>
    member x.Guitars with get() = and set v = <- v

There isn’t anything too crazy going on here. We’re simply using some of the out-of-the-box EF API features, defining an IDbSet of guitars, and creating a Guitars property with both a getter and a setter.


You can learn more about the EF API here.

Now you need to add a repository class to allow retrieval of all the guitars from the database.


The repository class isn’t technically needed; however, it is considered by many to be a best practice and has become a standard in most applications.

Here’s the code that shows the creation of a GuitarsRepository class:

namespace FsWeb.Repositories

type GuitarsRepository() =
    member x.GetAll () = 
        use context = new FsMvcAppEntities() 
        query { for g in context.Guitars do
                select g }
        |> Seq.toList


If you need to use EF in F# 2.0, the query syntax in the preceding example will not work (since it’s new to F# 3.0). For F# 2.0, you can do similar things by installing the FSPowerPack.Linq.Community NuGet package, opening Microsoft.FSharp.Linq.Query, and changing the syntax to something similar to the code that follows:

query <@ seq { for g in context.Guitars -> g } @> |> Seq.toList

This functionality from the F# PowerPack uses a feature of F# called quoted expressions, which allows you to generate an abstract syntax tree (AST) and process and evaluate it as needed. While there are many uses for quoted expressions, one common use case is to generate F# code or code in other languages.

The first thing the GetAll method does is instantiate a DbContext. Notice how the use keyword takes the place of the standard let keyword. This ensures that the object will be disposed appropriately after use—it’s similar to wrapping code in a using statement in C#, but doesn’t require that you wrap any additional code.

The GetAll method then performs a query against the database. The query syntax used to accomplish this is a new feature in F# 3.0 that makes data manipulation a bit easier. While the syntax acts like it’s a new compiler feature, it is actually an implementation of an F# feature called computation expressions. I’ll show you an example of how to build your own custom computation expressions later in this chapter. In the next section, we’ll explore the query computation expression in more detail.

With those two steps complete, all that is left to do is to switch out the hardcoded data that we originally added to the Index action in GuitarsController:

type GuitarsController(repository : GuitarsRepository) =
    inherit Controller()
    new() = new GuitarsController(GuitarsRepository())
    member this.Index () =
        |> this.View

In some ways this change simplifies the code (especially the Index action), but it also adds a little complexity with the new overloaded constructor. This serves a few purposes:

  • By allowing the repository to be passed into the constructor, it opens the door for the use of Inversion of Control (IoC) containers. For the sake of simplicity, the preceding example does not include all of the changes that would be necessary to make optimal use of an IoC container.

  • It makes the controller more testable. By providing an overloaded constructor, you have the ability to pass in a fake repository class that allows the controller actions to be tested without requiring database interaction.

Since out-of-the-box ASP.NET MVC requires the controller to have a constructor that takes no parameters, you also have to include this line of code:

new() = new GuitarsController(GuitarsRepository())

This provides the needed constructor and then calls the main constructor with a new GuitarsRepository.

To wrap this up and try out your new database interaction, make sure the web.config in the C# Web Application project has an appropriately named connection string, such as:

<add name="FsMvcAppExample"
     connectionString="YOUR CONNECTION STRING"
     providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

You can now run the application to have EF automatically create the database and table. Add some records to the Guitars table and put on your party hat. An example of what the web page should look like when you go to http://localhost:[port]/Guitars is shown in Figure 1-4.

Guitar list with ASP.NET MVC 4 and jQuery Mobile

Figure 1-4. Guitar list with ASP.NET MVC 4 and jQuery Mobile

Querying the Data

The new query syntax that you saw in the preceding section looks and feels a bit like LINQ in C#/VB.NET. Here are a few more quick examples of how it can be used:

Get a guitar by name.

    member x.GetByName name = 
        use context = new FsMvcAppEntities() 
        query { for g in context.Guitars do
                where (g.Name = name) }
        |> Seq.toList
Sort the guitars by name.

    member x.GetAllAlphabetic () = 
        use context = new FsMvcAppEntities() 
        query { for g in context.Guitars do
                sortBy g.Name }
        |> Seq.toList
Get the top X records.

    member x.GetTop rowCount = 
        use context = new FsMvcAppEntities() 
        query { for g in context.Guitars do
                take rowCount }
        |> Seq.toList

A number of additional examples are available here.


You can also use many of the previous examples with the F# PowerPack Linq approach, though the syntax is not as clean.

Querying with Type Providers

F# 3.0 has another new feature called type providers, which makes interacting with the database even easier. To use a type provider to access the database, you first need to add a reference to FSharp.Data.TypeProviders. You can then use one of the database-related out-of-the-box type providers such as SqlDataConnection. This type of provider gets the database schema and generates appropriate types on the fly. Here’s an example:

open Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders

type DbConnection = 

type GuitarsRepository2() =
    member x.GetAll () = 
        use context = DbConnection.GetDataContext()
        query { for g in context.Guitars do
                select (Guitar(Id = g.Id, Name = g.Name)) }
        |> Seq.toList


An extra step is needed to get IntelliSense for context inside the F# WebApp project. To accomplish this, simply create a web.config file in the F# WebApp project and add appropriate database connection string elements.

Once this is done, you can query the results with the same query syntax I showed you in Entity Framework. This may not seem all that different from the previous Entity Framework approach, but the great thing here is that the FsMvcAppEntities type is not needed and can be completely eliminated. Additionally, the Guitar model class is now simpler as the [<Key>] attribute is no longer needed.

Going into extensive detail about how type providers work is beyond the scope of this book, but at a high level the following is occurring:

  1. A magic fairy generates pixie dust that swirls and twirls into your computer.

  2. By using the query computation expression you can now interact with the database.


If you want to learn about the “real” inner workings of type providers, I suggest checking out the documentation for creating type providers on MSDN. Additionally, I have created a sample custom type provider on my blog. Note that I created the example from my blog with the developer preview of F# 3.0. It is likely that things have changed since then.

Luckily for us, the specifics of how this stuff works aren’t all that important. All you need to know is the simple syntax you just learned. The out-of-the-box SQL-related type providers are packed with a number of benefits as long as the database you’re interacting with already exists. However, the rest of the examples in this chapter take a code-first approach. Because of this, I will use the previously shown Entity Framework approach for these examples. In Chapter 2, I will show an example that uses the type provider approach.

Taking Advantage of F#

You now have the tools and techniques you need in order to build a simple web app with F# and C# ASP.NET MVC 4. You’ve also seen a few of the great features that F# has to offer to help you on your journey, such as record types, sequence expressions, the pipe-forward operator, and one of the out-of-the-box computation expressions. However, this barely scratches the surface of what F# can do for you. The next few sections will provide several more “magical” F# features that will help you on your way.

The first thing you may have noticed in the examples thus far is that we are still building the ASP.NET MVC code using a mostly object-oriented approach. This is all well and good, and you can certainly use this approach to build solid web solutions that accomplish the majority of your goals; however, there are several advantages that you can gain by moving to a more functional paradigm.

Moving to a More Functional Approach

You may have noticed a couple of things about the guitar controller and repository. The repository has a separate class that designates a GuitarRepository. If a new repository is required in the future, to retrieve something like trumpets, you would likely have to create a very similar repository class called TrumpetRepository. Having to do this often will result in a lot of code that breaks the Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) best practice. One way to solve this using a functional paradigm is to create a generic module with reusable functions that take other functions as arguments. Functions that take or return other functions are known as higher-order functions. The following shows an example:

namespace FsWeb.Repositories

open System
open System.Linq

module Repository =
    let get (source:IQueryable<_>) queryFn = 
        queryFn source |> Seq.toList

    let getAll () =
        fun s -> query { for x in s do
                         select x }

This code defines a Repository module—which provides a named grouping of F# constructs such as functions. The functions in the Repository module are fairly generic and reusable due to F#’s support of functions as a first-class citizen. The get function takes two arguments:

  • An object named source that must be of type IQueryable<_>.

  • A function that takes source as an argument. This function, which could be anything that takes source as the last argument and that can then be passed into Seq.toList after the function is evaluated, will execute the query computation expression.


The Repository module is similar in concept to the generic repository pattern in C# that uses IRepository<T> and/or Repository<T>. While some consider this to be an unnecessary abstraction layer, I feel this approach improves readability and reduces code duplication. Although several of the examples in this book use a generic repository approach, the query computation expression can certainly be used without the additional abstraction.

With the get function defined, we can create any number of additional query functions that can be passed into get as the second argument. The getAll function in the example shows how to do this. Other examples include the following:

    let find filterPredFn =
        |> fun fn s -> query { for x in s do
                               where (fn()) }
    let getTop rowCount =
        |> fun cnt s -> query { for x in s do
                                take cnt }


If your background is in C#, you can do similar types of things with Func<T, TResult>, but the syntax can quickly become less than ideal.

To take advantage of this generic repository you also have to make a few changes in the controller code. The great news is that these changes actually allow your code to be more testable as a byproduct. Before I show you how to implement these changes in the controller, I need to explain a few additional functional concepts.

Understanding Pipelining and Partial Function Application

Function composition is one of the key weapons available to the F# developer. To put it simply, function composition is the chaining together of small, single responsibility functions to form more complex, multidimensional processes and algorithms. This technique allows you to create applications that accomplish complex tasks, while keeping out bugs, reducing maintenance concerns, and increasing the ability to understand the code.

You’ve already seen several examples of function composition in this book as any time the pipe-forward operator is used, a form of this concept is being applied. The pipe-forward operator causes the function or method that is first in the chain to be evaluated with the result of that evaluation passed as an argument to the next function or method in the chain. The code that follows provides a simple example:

let function1 () = 
    "Hello "
let function2 firstString =
    firstString + "Daniel "
let function3 combinedString =
    combinedString + "Mohl"  

let result = function1() |> function2 |> function3
printfn "%s" result

This code defines three functions cleverly named function1, function2, and function3. Next, each function is called and the final output is assigned to result. Lastly, the result is printed to the screen. The interesting aspects here are that function1 is evaluated and the result of that function is then passed into function2 as an argument. Once function2 is evaluated, the result of that evaluation is passed in as the argument to function3. This ultimately produces a typical “Hello world!” result with “Hello Daniel Mohl” printed to the screen.

This may seem a little elementary if you have been doing much F# development, but it’s important to have a solid understanding of this foundational functionality before moving on to more advanced concepts.


F# provides other composition-related operators that I have not mentioned here. More information on operators such as ||>, <||, <|, >>, and << is available here. We will discuss a few of these here and there throughout this book.

The next concept related to function composition that you need to understand before moving on is that of partial function application. F# allows functions that can be partially applied—known as curried functions—to be created by simply separating the function arguments by a space. Here’s an example:

let function1 firstString secondString thirdString =
    "Hello " + firstString + secondString + thirdString

This function allows you to pass some or all of the arguments. If only some of the arguments are provided, then a new function will be returned that expects the additional arguments that were not included in the first call.

For example, the partiallyAppliedFunc in the following code will result in a new function that expects a single string argument:

let partiallyAppliedFunc = function1 "Daniel" "Mohl"

You can now take advantage of these concepts to allow the GuitarsController to use a more functional approach.

Making the Controller More Functional

Using function composition and partially applied functions allows you to modify the GuitarsController to take advantage of the new Repository module. I’ll show the modified controller in full and then break it down:

namespace FsWeb.Controllers

open System
open System.Web.Mvc
open FsWeb.Models
open FsWeb.Repositories
open Repository

type GuitarsController(context:IDisposable, ?repository) =    
    inherit Controller()    

    let fromRepository =
        match repository with 
        | Some v -> v 
        | _ -> (context :?> FsMvcAppEntities).Guitars 
               |> Repository.get

    new() = new GuitarsController(new FsMvcAppEntities())

    member this.Index () =
        getAll() |> fromRepository 
        |> this.View 

    override x.Dispose disposing =
        base.Dispose disposing

The first change simply opens the Repository module in much the same way a namespace would be opened. This step is really only needed to improve the readability of the code. The next change is that the main constructor now takes an object that implements IDisposable and an optional repository. The biggest difference here is that the repository is now a function rather than an object. Type inference helps out a lot in this scenario by identifying the appropriate signature of the function based on usage. This keeps everything nice and concise. The use of a function instead of an object allows for any function that matches the signature to be passed in as the repository. This greatly simplifies isolated unit testing, which can be a pain point when using Entity Framework.

The next change you will notice is the fromRepository definition. This piece of code checks the incoming repository parameter. If nothing was provided for that parameter (which is the case for normal execution), a little prep work is done to generate a function that will then be used to retrieve data in the various controller operations. This showcases a practical example of both function composition via the pipe-forward operator as well as partial application of a curried function. The pipe-forward aspect is associated with the passing of context.Guitars to the Repository.get function. This causes Repository.get to be partially applied with the first parameter (i.e., context.Guitars) with a new function being returned that expects the final parameter to be applied at a future time.


You could have written Repository.get as simply get since we previously opened the Repository module; however, I think the current approach makes the code more readable.

The parameterless constructor comes next, which instantiates a new FsMvcAppEntities and passes it to the main constructor. A repository is not passed in this case. This works to our advantage, since the default repository-related functionality is desired when running the web application.

The final interesting change uses the fromRepository function that came in through the main constructor as well as the getAll function in the Repository module to retrieve the data. The results are then passed to the view in the same way you passed them in the previous examples. One other interesting benefit of using F# that is shown in this example is how the flexibility that the language provides can make your code more readable. getAll |> fromRepository reads very much like how I would write or say this in English. I could have just as easily switched this up by using fromRepository(getAll()) or fromRepository <| getAll(), but that would not have been as readable. F# gives ample options that allow you to choose the best approach to accomplish the job at hand.

Simplification with Pattern Matching

You now have a controller and repository that read well, are easy to maintain, and follow a slightly more functional paradigm, but F# has many other features that can provide even more benefits. In this section I’ll show you just a little bit of the power of pattern matching with F#.

Pattern matching is a feature that allows you to control program execution and/or transform data based on defined rules or patterns. F# supports a number of different pattern types. You can find a full list here.

To explain how pattern matching can help in your ASP.NET MVC projects, I will walk you through the creation of a new page. This page is used to create a new Guitar record. To accomplish this, you will need to add a new ASP.NET MVC view as well as a few new controller methods. The following example provides the markup associated with the new view that is in a new file named Create.cshtml:

@model FsWeb.Models.Guitar
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Create a guitar</title>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" 
        href="" />
    <script src="">
    <script src="">
    <div data-role="page" data-theme="a" id="guitarsCreatePage">
        <div data-role="header">
        <div data-role="content">
            @using (Html.BeginForm("Create", "Guitars", FormMethod.Post))
                <div data-role="fieldcontain">
                    @Html.LabelFor(model => model.Name)
                    @Html.EditorFor(model => model.Name)
                        @Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.Name)
                    <button type="submit" data-role="button">Create</button>

Place this new file in the Views\Guitars folder of the C# web application project. As with the previous ASP.NET view example, this view-related markup is for explanation purposes only and should not be taken as an example of something that is “production-ready.”

You need to add two new methods to the GuitarsController class. This is where the pattern matching magic comes into play. The following shows the new methods. The emphasized code showcases the pattern match expression:

member this.Create () =
member this.Create (guitar : Guitar) : ActionResult =
    match base.ModelState.IsValid with
    | false -> 
        upcast this.View guitar 
    // … Code to persist the data will be added later
    | true -> upcast base.RedirectToAction("Index")

Let’s concentrate on the second method. This method will handle a POST that includes the information needed to create a guitar. The interesting thing here is the pattern match expression that is determining flow based on the validity of the passed-in model class, which is guitar in this case. You can basically think of the pattern match expression for this example as a switch or case statement. (This simple match expression could have been written as an if…then…else expression. You can learn more about such expressions here.)


You may have noticed that the HttpPost version of Create requires a cast to ActionResult. You can make this read a bit better by providing a simple function to do the upcast, such as:

let asActionResult result = result :> ActionResult

The function can then be used as follows:

guitar |> this.View |> asActionResult

This is great, but what if you need to check multiple things, such as model validity as well as validation of something specific to a property on the model? As a contrived example, perhaps you need to check for model validity as well as verify that the word “broken” isn’t in guitar.Name. The only way to accomplish this with a switch statement is to implement nested checks. This can quickly cause code to get out of hand and make maintenance a nightmare.

With F# pattern matching we can easily solve this with code such as the following:

let isNameValid = Utils.NullCheck(guitar.Name).IsSome && 
                  not (guitar.Name.Contains("broken"))
match base.ModelState.IsValid, isNameValid with
| false, false | true, false | false, true -> 
    upcast this.View guitar
| _ -> upcast base.RedirectToAction("Index")

The important thing that I want to point out about this code is how the pattern match expression has become much more than just a switch statement. The first line now defines a tuple that contains the first value of base.ModelState.IsValid and the second value of isNameValid. We can now pattern match against that tuple.


The Utils.NullCheck(guitar.Name).IsSome code in the preceding pattern match example determines whether the provided guitar object is null. Based on this, an F# Option type is returned that indicates Some if the guitar object is not null or None if the object is null. Here is the code for the Utils.NullCheck function that provides this functionality, and represents another pattern match example that has slightly different syntax from what has been seen so far:

let NullCheck = function 
                | v when v <> null -> Some v
                | _ -> None

The first pattern in the preceding example is matching against the previously described tuple. It also is using OR logic, which makes the code more succinct. The match will succeed if the tuple equals (false, false), (true, false), or (false, true).


The name validation check in this example is here to showcase a few of the capabilities of F# pattern matching. A real requirement such as this would be better served with a custom validation attribute that could be placed on the model and potentially checked client-side as well.

Pattern matching has a whole host of other great features, including the ability to bind input data to values for transformation, implement more complex guard logic, and match against F# record types.


The ability to pattern match against F# records is one reason to prefer records over classes when possible. Other reasons include immutability, conciseness, and improved features for creating new records that vary from the original.

Related Advanced Topics and Concepts

I’ve shown you several ways to start taking advantage of F# in your ASP.NET MVC applications. Your controllers and models should now be succinct, readable, and more functional in nature. Some of the benefits shown provide subtle improvements. Others can greatly improve the readability and reliability of your application. One thing that you may not realize just yet is how F# can improve the maintainability of your code. One example of this is related to the code transformation process I took you through for making the application more functional. Throughout the process I made a number of changes to types associated with various methods and functions. Thanks to type inference, I generally only had to change the type or signature in one location and the rest of the code automatically picked up the change. This can be a big win!

In the next section, I will walk you through a few more advanced concepts that are not directly related to ASP.NET MVC solutions, but are often used in conjunction with F# ASP.NET MVC solutions.

Improving Responsiveness with Async Workflows

It’s been long known that asynchrony is one of the keys to achieving responsive websites. F# provides a feature, called asynchronous workflows (also known as async workflows), that makes it very easy to make asynchronous calls from the server. The basic syntax is as follows:

async {
   let client = new WebClient()
   return! client.AsyncDownloadString(Uri(""))

The astute observer will notice that the async syntax looks a bit like the query syntax. This is because async is a computation expression just like query. There is a ton of power in computation expressions.


The ! (pronounced “bang”) operator in the preceding example is telling the computation expression that this line will be doing something to the underlying implementation by calling specific functions (Bind and Return, in this case). An example of how to build a custom computation expression is provided later in this chapter.

This simple async example creates a new WebClient inside an async block. It then downloads the content from the provided URI without blocking the current thread. It should be noted that the async block returns a task generator that will not actually be executed until explicitly told to do so. You can execute the previous code with something like Async.Start.


Tomas Petricek has an excellent series of blog posts where he talks about the differences between async in F# and C# 5.0. It’s a great read!

How could you use this in ASP.NET MVC? Well, for starters you could make any external calls from within controllers use this feature. A more common usage is to create an asynchronous controller. Tomas Petricek and Jon Skeet provide an example of this. Yet another example is to use async workflows in combination with MailboxProcessors to allow lightweight processes that can be used for a whole host of different tasks. The next section provides an example of this.

Caching with MailboxProcessor

The MailboxProcessor feature in F# is one of those things that feels like pure magic. The more you play with it, the more uses you will find for it. MailboxProcessor—which is commonly aliased as agent—combined with asynchronous workflows, provide the ability to spin up tens of thousands of isolated processes that can be strategically positioned to do your bidding. This means you can divvy out work to various MailboxProcessors, similar to how you might use threads, without having to incur the overhead associated with spinning up a new thread. Additionally, MailboxProcessors primarily (though not exclusively) communicate through message passing, which allows you to eliminate the problems associated with multiple threads using shared state.

To accomplish its intended task, each MailboxProcessor has a virtual “message queue” that is monitored for incoming messages. When a message arrives, it can be retrieved from the message queue and processed however you choose. Generally, pattern matching is used to determine the type of message that has arrived so that it can be processed appropriately. Once the message has been processed, an optional reply can be sent to the sender of the message (either synchronously or asynchronously).

The following example uses a MailboxProcessor to hold cached data:

namespace FsWeb.Repositories

module CacheAgent = 
   // Discriminated Union of possible incoming messages
    type private Message =
        | Get of string * AsyncReplyChannel<obj option>
        | Set of string * obj 
    // Core agent
    let private agent = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->
        let rec loop(cacheMap:Map<string, obj>) =
            async {
                let! message = inbox.Receive()
                match message with
                | Get(key, replyChannel) ->                    
                    Map.tryFind key cacheMap |> replyChannel.Reply 
                | Set(key, data) ->
                    do! loop( (key, data) |> cacheMap.Add) 
                do! loop cacheMap
        loop Map.empty)
    // Public function that retrieves the data from cache as an Option 
    let get<'a> key = 
        agent.PostAndReply(fun reply -> Message.Get(key, reply))
        |> function
           | Some v -> v :?> 'a |> Some
           | None -> None
    // Public function that sets the cached data
    let get key value = 
        Message.Set(key, value) |> agent.Post

This may seem a little intimidating at first, but with a little explanation it will all be clear.

Messages as a discriminated union type

The first type that is defined in the CacheAgent module, which is named Message, defines all of the messages that are valid to send to the cache agent. This type is using a feature of F# called discriminated unions, which provides the ability to specify related groups of types and values. In this specific scenario, the feature is especially well suited as it allows you to define the message contracts that can be handled by the agent. Discriminated unions also allow each defined type to contain a different signature, which provides a ton of additional power. Discriminated unions have many use cases, and I will show more examples of them throughout the book.

In the previous example, only the input message is being defined in the Message discriminated union type. If necessary, you could easily define reply message types with varying signatures, as shown in the following example:

    type private MessageExample2 =
        | Get of string * AsyncReplyChannel<Reply>
        | Set of string * obj 
    and Reply =
        | Failure of string
        | Data of obj

The core agent

The core agent is defined directly after the Message type. It creates and immediately starts a new MailboxProcessor that constantly watches for incoming messages. An anonymous function is then defined that contains a recursive function named loop. This loop function takes a single parameter named cacheMap, which will be repeatedly passed to the function to provide the needed state management. The use of the async workflow provides the ability for the agent to continuously loop without blocking any of the other application functionality. It is within this asynchronous workflow that the agent’s message queue is checked for new messages.

If a new message is found, pattern matching is used to determine the message type so that appropriate processing can be done. In the case of a get message type, the cacheMap is searched for an entry that contains the specified key. If the key is found in cacheMap, then the associated value is returned as Some(value), else None is returned. Finally, the result is returned to the sender of the message.


Once again we see an Option type in use. Using an Option type for values that would otherwise be null makes your application more robust since it helps prevent null reference exceptions. You’ll see a consistent theme within F# related to explicitly over implicitly. The Option type allows explicit definition of something having an assignment or not having an assignment, whereas null can mean either the value doesn’t have an assignment or it’s just in a default state.

If the message is of type set, then the provided key/value pair is added to cacheMap and the new cacheMap is passed as the parameter in the recursive call to the loop function.

Lastly, the recursive loop is kicked off with an empty Map.


The cacheMap value in the MailboxProcessor example is using the F# type named Map, which is an immutable data structure that provides basic dictionary types of features.

The rest of the code is primarily defining the public API that allows interaction with the agent. It’s basically just a facade on top of the agent’s API that arguably makes it a little easier to work with.


More information and a few more MailboxProcessor examples are available here.

Using the new CacheAgent

Taking advantage of this new CacheAgent is quick and easy. Simply call the public get or set functions. You could easily add this directly to the desired action of any of the controllers, but it would be better to write this once in the Repository and provide flexibility to determine whether the cache should be used. The following updates to the Repository module do the trick, with the emphasized code showcasing what is new:

module Repository =
    let withCacheKeyOf key = Some key 

    let doNotUseCache = None 

    let get (source:IQueryable<_>) queryFn cacheKey = 
        let cacheResult = 
            match cacheKey with
            | Some key -> CacheAgent.get<'a list> key
            | None -> None

        match cacheResult, cacheKey with
        | Some result, _ -> result 
        | None, Some cacheKey -> 
                let result = queryFn source |> Seq.toList 
                CacheAgent.set cacheKey result
        | _, _ -> queryFn source |> Seq.toList 

    let getAll () =
        fun s -> query { for x in s do
                         select x }
    let find filterPredFn =
        |> fun fn s -> query { for x in s do
                               where (fn()) }
    let getTop rowCount =
        |> fun cnt s -> query { for x in s do
                                take cnt }

The first two functions provide a readable way to indicate whether cache should be used. If it is to be used, then the specific cache key string is included. Here are some examples of the use of these functions:

let top2Guitars = getTop 2 |> fromRepository <| doNotUseCache

getAll() |> fromRepository <| withCacheKeyOf("AllGuitars") |> this.View


The use of the backward pipe (i.e., <| ) operator in the preceding example causes the result of the value to the right to be passed as input to the function on the left.<?xml version='1.0'?> <indexterm><primary><| (pipe-backward) operator</primary></indexterm>

The code changes in the get function allow results to be retrieved from cache (if desired and available), retrieved from the database with the cache being set to speed up future requests, or always pulled from the database. The first pattern match checks to see if caching is desired. If Some key was provided, an attempt to retrieve the cache from the CacheAgent is conducted. The result of that attempt is bound to cacheResult. If no caching functionality is desired, then None is bound.

The next pattern match expression is checking for three scenarios:

  • Some value came back from the cache, in which case that value is returned to the caller.

  • No cache was found in the CacheAgent, but the caching functionality is enabled. This causes the query to be run against the database, the result to be stored in the CacheAgent, and the result to be returned to the caller.

  • Caching is not desired for this call. This causes all requests to go to the database and nothing to be retrieved from or set in cache.

A full book could be written on the uses for the MailboxProcessor. This CacheAgent example alone could easily be extended to include features such as auto-cache expiration, failover, auto-refresh of cached data, distributed processing, eventing when data changes, cache removal, and so on. Examples of use cases outside of this CacheAgent include, but are certainly not limited to, any background processing for which you might normally use a background thread, daemons, CQRS type architectures, notification engines, and web socket server implementations.

Jumping on the Message Bus

You already built a MailboxProcessor, so you have a head start when it comes to writing F# code in your ASP.NET MVC application that sends and receives messages. In this section, I will expand on this concept by talking about how to use F# in combination with a message bus. A message bus provides a number of advantages, ranging from scalability to a naturally decoupled system to multiplatform interoperability. Message-based architectures that utilize a message bus focus on common message contracts and message passing. Does this sound familiar? It should, since MailboxProcessors basically do the same thing, but at a smaller, more focused level. While there certainly isn’t enough space in this chapter to cover this topic in exhaustive detail, the examples provided in the following sections will get you started.

To keep things simple, I’ve created a small library called SimpleBus that will be referenced throughout the rest of this chapter. It should be noted that while SimpleBus works well for the basic examples in this book, it is missing several key features, such as full publish/subscribe capability, transactional queues, request−response capability, correlated messages, multiple message types per queue, and much more. For production applications, I recommend using one of the numerous message/service bus options available via a quick and easy Internet search. While SimpleBus would need a few enhancements to be production-ready, the F# code used to interact with the bus and the concepts described could certainly be used as is to build a robust production application.


The primary goal of SimpleBus is to allow the publishing of messages to a specified MSMQ endpoint, which can then be watched and consumed by another process. This lays the groundwork for a highly scalable, decoupled, message-based system. To handle the publishing of messages, I’ve defined a function named publish that takes a queueName and a type that will be serialized (using a BinaryMessageFormatter) and sent to the queue:

let publish queueName message =     
    use queue = new MessageQueue(parseQueueName queueName)
    new Message(message, new BinaryMessageFormatter())
    |> queue.Send

The function first creates a new MessageQueue, taking care to ensure that the memory associated with the MessageQueue instance will be marked for release after use. The desired queue name is provided as an argument to a parseQueueName helper function, which will be described later in this section. The output of the parseQueueName function is then provided as a constructor argument to MessageQueue. A Message type—which is in the System.Messaging namespace—is then instantiated with the body of that Message type set to the generic message object that was passed in as an argument. The Message constructor is also provided a new BinaryMessageFormatter instance, which will cause the message to be serialized to binary form. If this formatter were not provided, the default would be XmlMessageFormatter. BinaryMessageFormatter is used here to provide better performance and to allow the sending of F# record types. The new Message is then piped to the Send method of the MessageQueue instance.

Two helper functions assist during a call to publish:

let private createQueueIfMissing (queueName:string) =
    if not (MessageQueue.Exists queueName) then
        MessageQueue.Create queueName |> ignore

let private parseQueueName (queueName:string) =             
    let fullName = match queueName.Contains("@") with
                   | true when queueName.Split('@').[1] <> "localhost" -> 
                       queueName.Split('@').[1] + "\\private$\\" + 
                   | _ -> ".\\private$\\" + queueName
    createQueueIfMissing fullName

The createQueueIfMissing function checks for the queue, and if it doesn’t exist, it then creates a nontransactional queue. MSMQ allows messages to be published to local queues as well as to queues on remote machines. This is determined by the provided queue name. The parseQueueName function looks at the provided queue name, determines whether the queue is local or remote, and formats the queue name appropriately. It then calls the createQueueIfMissing function to verify that the queue actually does exist and creates the queue if needed.

With the publish function and associated helpers defined, you have all that is needed to start pumping messages into a queue. Before I show an example of this, I’ll quickly show and describe the subscribe function:

let subscribe<'a> queueName callback =     
    let queue = new MessageQueue(parseQueueName queueName)

        fun (args) ->             
            args.Message.Formatter <- new BinaryMessageFormatter() 
            args.Message.Body :?> 'a |> callback                                             
            queue.BeginReceive() |> ignore)

    queue.BeginReceive() |> ignore

The subscribe function provides a way to consume messages from a queue. It allows the distinction of a type that will be used to determine what type the deserialized message should be cast to. Like the publish function, it also takes a queueName as the first argument. Additionally, it takes a callback function that will be called whenever a new message is found in the queue.

The first thing subscribe does is create a new MessageQueue in much the same way as what was done for publish. The only real difference is that queue is bound with the let keyword rather than the use keyword. This is important because it means the function will not clean up after itself, causing you to have to explicitly call Dispose() on the returned queue when subscribe is used. This additional cleanup step is required since the ReceiveCompleted event potentially needs to have access to the queue long after the initial call to subscribe.

The subscribe function then creates an event handler that will be raised by System.Messaging.MessageQueue.BeginReceive whenever a message comes into the queue that is being watched. This event handler sets the message formatter. It then casts the body of the message to the designated type and passes it as an argument to the callback function. The BeginReceive() method is then called to allow the queue to continue to be monitored. You don’t really care about the IAsyncResult value that is returned from BeginReceive(), so it is ignored.


As I mentioned at the beginning of this section, this SimpleBus is not production-ready. For example, it would not currently handle multiple subscriptions in the same assembly. I intentionally left this out to reduce complexity. A simple example of a message bus F# implementation that is used in a production application is available here.

Publishing messages

Separation of concerns is important in all aspects of software development, and solutions built on message-based architectures are no exception. One common approach for achieving this is to follow a principle called Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS). A key tenet of CQRS is to clearly separate commands (operations that cause state change) from queries (requests that simply provide data for read-only activities). This approach fits very nicely into concepts associated with a functional-first language like F#.


Just to be clear, use of a message-based architecture is not strictly related to CQRS or vice versa. However, these do often coexist, and a number of the concepts associated with CQRS and/or other architectures that use message buses are excellent companions to many of the core tenets of F#.

To test out the publish functionality, you can follow the concepts of CQRS by creating a type that will be used as a command to create a new guitar record. Since message types will need to be available to both the publisher and the subscriber, it’s best to place them in a separate assembly. In this example, I’ve named the new assembly Messages. The CreateGuitarCommand record that will be published is as follows:

namespace Messages

type CreateGuitarCommand = { Name : string }

You can now easily publish this message with SimpleBus.publish. To see this in action, you can finish up the Create method in the GuitarsController. The modified method is shown in the following code, with the new code emphasized:

    member this.Create (guitar : Guitar) =
        match base.ModelState.IsValid  with
        | false -> guitar |> this.View |> asActionResult 
        | true -> 
            {Messages.CreateGuitarCommand.Name = guitar.Name} 
            |> SimpleBus.publish "sample_queue" 
            base.RedirectToAction("Index") |> asActionResult


You will need to make sure MSMQ is installed on the machine. Additionally, you will need to run Visual Studio in admin mode (at least once) in order to have the application create the needed queue.

This new code simply creates a new CreateGuitarCommand record, with Name set to the provided guitar.Name, and pipes it to SimpleBus.publish. In this particular case, the record expression could be shortened to {Name = guitar.Name} as type inference would have taken care of the rest. However, it’s common for multiple commands to exist with the same value names, so it’s best to qualify them. For example, a DeleteGuitarCommand might look like this:

type DeleteGuitarCommand = { Name : string }

Consuming messages

Consuming messages from the queue isn’t much harder than publishing them. Often messages are consumed and processed via appropriate code that is deployed in Windows services; however, the messages could just as easily be consumed and processed by a web application. To keep things simple, you can consume the messages that were just published via a console application. The code looks like this:

open Messages
open System

printfn "Waiting for a message"

let queueToDispose = 
    SimpleBus.subscribe<CreateGuitarCommand> "sample_queue" 
       (fun cmd -> 
            printfn "A message for a new guitar named %s was consumed" cmd.Name) 
printfn "Press any key to quite\r\n"
Console.ReadLine() |> ignore

This console application subscribes to the queue expecting messages that will deserialize to a CreateGuitarCommand. A function is passed as the second argument to the subscribe function, which will simply print some text to the console including the guitar name value from the message. The last line of the code disposes the MessageQueue object.

Continuation-Passing Style

Although the consumer of the messages works well if nothing goes wrong, what happens if an error occurs while the message from the queue is being processed inside the subscribe function? As it exists right now, the subscription process would simply stop working, throw away the message, and not tell anyone. This obviously is not what we want. At the very least, we need to allow the message retrieval to continue, and notify the message consumer of the problem.

One way to accomplish this goal is through something called continuation-passing style (CPS). At the risk of oversimplification, continuation-passing style is an approach that causes functions (specifically actions, thus inverting the control flow) to call other functions on completion rather than returning immediately to the caller. The simplest example of this is a callback function, similar to what is already being done in the subscribe function—this is actually an explicitly passed continuation.

Can we use this approach to handle the error message scenario? Absolutely; by simply passing in a failure callback function that is called from the subscribe function when an exception occurs, the message consumer can be notified and can handle the scenario appropriately. To accomplish this, the subscribe method is modified as follows (the changes are emphasized):

let subscribe<'a> queueName success failure =     
    let queue = new MessageQueue(parseQueueName queueName)

        fun (args) ->     
                args.Message.Formatter <- new BinaryMessageFormatter() 
                args.Message.Body :?> 'a |> success
            | ex -> failure ex args.Message.Body
            queue.BeginReceive() |> ignore)

    queue.BeginReceive() |> ignore

The subscribe function is now accepting two functions as arguments. The first will be called on success and the second will be called on failure. The only change required to call the subscribe function is to pass in the function to execute on failure:

let queueToDispose = 
    SimpleBus.subscribe<CreateGuitarCommand> "sample_queue" 
        (fun cmd -> 
            printfn "A message for a new guitar named %s was consumed" cmd.Name)
        (fun (ex:Exception) o -> 
            printfn "An exception occurred with message %s" ex.Message)

I’ll show several more examples of this concept in use in Chapter 2, including how to use Async.StartWithContinuations to handle success, failure, and cancellation of asynchronous workflows.

Creating a Custom Computation Expression

I’ve shown a few different computation expressions throughout this chapter that are provided out of the box in F#. These computation expressions give F# a lot of power, but it doesn’t stop there. F# also gives you the ability to create your own custom computation expressions. Before getting into this, though, it’s worth taking a second to boil down the definition of a computation expression to its simplest form.

It’s easiest to think about a computation expression as a type wrapper that has a pipeline of operations that can be executed on a given set of F# code. The operations in the pipeline are applied at different points during execution of the wrapped code. Additionally, specific operations within that pipeline can be instructed to execute based on how the wrapped code is called. This allows for the creation of composable building blocks that can contain very complex pipelines, but that are trivial to use.

To show how to build a simple computation expression, I will walk you through the creation of one named publish. Yep, you guessed it; this custom computation expression will publish messages to the queue much like the direct call to the publish function of the SimpleBus that we discussed in the preceding section. Before showing you how to build a custom computation expression, I’ll show you what the syntax will look like during usage:

publish {
    do! SendMessageWith("sample_queue", 
            {Messages.CreateGuitarCommand.Name = guitar.Name})

While computation expressions can quickly become very complex, the one that allows the preceding syntax is quite simple. The code is as follows:

module PublishMonad

// Define the SendMessageWith Discriminated Union
type SendMessageWith<'a> = SendMessageWith of string * 'a

// Define the PublishBuilder builder type
type PublishBuilder() =
    member x.Bind(SendMessageWith(q, msg):SendMessageWith<_>, fn) =         
        SimpleBus.publish q msg
    member x.Return(_) = true

// Create the builder-name   
let publish = new PublishBuilder()

The first piece of this code that we should discuss is the PublishBuilder type. You can give this type whatever name you prefer; however, the general convention is to name it as shown in this example, where the builder name (i.e., publish) is changed to Pascal-case and appended with the word Builder. The builder type (i.e., PublishBuilder) can define various methods, which can change the way the builder works. The Bind method is called when the let! or do! (pronounced “let-bang” and “do-bang”) symbols are used in the computation expression. The Return method is required and is called in most cases. Since it is not really being used by the logic in this code, a simple hardcoded Boolean value is returned.

The real work in the PublishBuilder is happening in the Bind method. This method takes two arguments. The first is a value and the second is a function. For this example, only the first argument needs to be considered. This argument contains a value of the SendMessageWith discriminated union type that specifies both the desired queueName and the message to send to that queue. The Bind method then uses those values to call the SimpleBus.publish function.

The Create action in the GuitarsController that is used during an HTTP POST can now be changed to this:

    member this.Create (guitar : Guitar) =
        match base.ModelState.IsValid  with
        | false -> guitar |> this.View |> asActionResult
        | true -> 
            publish {
                do! SendMessageWith("sample_queue", 
                     {Messages.CreateGuitarCommand.Name = guitar.Name})
            base.RedirectToAction("Index") |> asActionResult

While this example is similar in concept to the trace computation expression provided on the MSDN documentation web page, the typical custom computation expression is implemented in order to accommodate more complex scenarios. Examples of common usages are available here. More information on building custom computation expressions is available here.


This chapter covered a large number of topics in a fairly short amount of space. You went from finding and setting up your first ASP.NET MVC 4 application with C# and F# to building a custom computation expression that pushes messages onto a message bus. You also learned how to use a number of different F# features to build better web applications. Some of these include discriminated unions, the Option type, MailboxProcessors, pattern matching, async workflows, the query computation expression, and more. You will see how to use many of these features in other scenarios throughout the rest of this book, so if you don’t feel 100% comfortable with them just yet, there will be more examples to come.

In the next chapter, I will walk you through several approaches and options for building services with F#. Primary focal areas will include WCF (SOAP), ASP.NET Web API, and various web micro-frameworks. Unit testing in F# will also be covered. As the great Bob Seger song states, “Turn the page.”

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