Uploading Your App to the Android Market

All that is left to do is upload the signed binary to the Android Market.


You need to be a registered Android Developer to upload your app. If have not already registered, you can do so at http://market.android.com/publish/signup. The process is quick and easy—you just fill out a bit of profile information (name, email, phone, etc.), pay a $25 registration fee (using Google Checkout), and agree to the Android Market Developer Distribution Agreement.

  1. Launch your web browser, navigate to http://market.android.com/publish/, and sign into your Google account.

  2. If you aren’t forwarded automatically after logging in, navigate to http://market.android.com/publish/Home and click the Upload Application button (Figure 8-1).

Navigate to the Android Market upload page to submit your app

Figure 8-1. Navigate to the Android Market upload page to submit your app

  1. Click the Choose File button under “Upload New APK,” browse to KiloForAndroid.apk on your hard drive, and click the Upload button. You’ll be notified about the permissions that your app requires (users will be warned about these permissions when they go to install your app). Click Save to save the app you just uploaded.

  2. You can upload a couple of screenshots to be displayed on the Market page for your app. You need at least two. To take a screenshot of your app, launch your app from within Eclipse, choose WindowOpen PerspectiveOther, and choose DDMS. Select your ...

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