Acquaintance relationship information, 92
Additional purchase, 144–145
Adopter customers, 134
Aesop’s Fables, 3
AI AlphaGo, 32
Airbnb, 157–158
Airport traffic, data analytics, 30
Aldi, 11
Algorithm automation technique, for online shopping mall, 140–147
Amazon, 6, 48, 65, 108, 132, 136–138
cloud service, 182–184
defeating, 153–154
recommending like, 54–56
Angry Birds, 179
Apple, 22
Area-level airport transportation needs, 31
Area statistics, definition of, 149
Asda, 10
Automatic translation, 28
Back-testing model, 107
Balloon effect, 115
Battle of Guandu, 161
Behavioral orientation of customer, 12
Behavior analysis, of hypothetical criminals, 110
Behavior attributes, 50
Behavior principle predictive model, 107–108
Big Brother, ...
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