Chapter 3. A Brief Interlude: On Coupling and Abstractions

Allow us a brief digression on the subject of abstractions, dear reader. We’ve talked about abstractions quite a lot. The Repository pattern is an abstraction over permanent storage, for example. But what makes a good abstraction? What do we want from abstractions? And how do they relate to testing?


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git checkout chapter_03_abstractions

A key theme in this book, hidden among the fancy patterns, is that we can use simple abstractions to hide messy details. When we’re writing code for fun, or in a kata,1 we get to play with ideas freely, hammering things out and refactoring aggressively. In a large-scale system, though, we become constrained by the decisions made elsewhere in the system.

When we’re unable to change component A for fear of breaking component B, we say that the components have become coupled. Locally, coupling is a good thing: it’s a sign that our code is working together, each component supporting the others, all of them fitting in place like the gears of a watch. In jargon, we say this works when there is high cohesion between the coupled elements.

Globally, coupling is a nuisance: it increases the risk and the cost of changing our code, sometimes to the point where we feel unable to make any changes at all. This is the problem with the Ball of Mud pattern: as the application ...

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