6 Energy Consumption in Smart City Projects in the Era of 5GAn Analysis of User-Generated Content

Yatish Joshi, Gaurav Kabra, and Abhishek Tripathi

DOI: 10.1201/9781003227861-6


6.1 Introduction

6.2 Literature Review

6.3 Research Development and Findings

6.4 Discussion and Implications

6.4.1 Discussion

6.4.2 Theoretical Implications

6.4.3 Managerial Implication

6.5 Conclusion


6.1 Introduction

The challenge of the present generation is the over-exploitation of resources and increased pollution. This consumption pattern is unsustainable, with the over-consumption of resources and unmanageable levels of hazardous waste [36]. There is a need to decrease over-consumption through lifestyle modification, including a radical ...

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