

3–2-1 shadow process, 116117


Achievement-Orange altitude, 4547, 53, 142. See also altitude(s); quadrants

activating the Integral Disciplines, 204

Adams, B., 76, 95, 97, 101

Scaling Leadership, 88

Agape love, 17

agency, 14, 15, 18. See also communion

excessive, 16, 21

insufficient, 16, 22

Agile Fluency model, 167

Agile Transformation(s), 14, 15, 25. See also Integral Disciplines

applying Integral Thinking, 69

assessing the organization, 197

building your Agile Transformation Community, 197198

coaches, 180

co-creating a compelling change story, 200

considering your capacity for change, 200201

drivers for change, 195196

getting started, 179180

guiding the change strategy, 199200

and holons, 2021

implementing and sustaining ...

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