
Adobe 12, 36, 43, 180, 231, 266

Ambient 120

ambient lighting 34

Angle Jitter 213

Angle preference 103

background 144

Back Inflation 59, 60, 92, 110, 164, 176

Beauty Lighting 42; See also Butterfly Lighting

Bend slider 60

Bend X 360

Right preset 65, 66

Bevel & Emboss 150

Bevel properties 171

binoculars 10713, 2046

black value 146

brightness 36, 43, 49, 50, 120, 148, 149, 187, 199, 279

Broad Lighting 41, 42

brushes 58, 127, 212, 238, 243, 250, 252, 253, 277, 278

Brush properties 213

Bump: corkscrew and 176; creating planetary scene and 224; defined 120; hourglass and 157, 158; microphone and 133; sword in stone and 164, 166; watch and 153; wine bottle and wine glass and 142; wire illustration and 122, 123

bump map 121

Butterfly Lighting ...

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