Acquainters, use in meeting opening, 35

Chatterer participant, 94

Chevron room setup, 54

Acting stupid, in management of

Classroom style room setup, 53

difficult situations,

Close-ended questions, 104-5

participants, 139

Closing activities, 34, 44-48

Adjourning, in team development,133

agreements from participants, 45

commitments from participants,45

Affinity diagram, 76-79

Agenda, 17-32

discussion of outstanding

creation of, 17-18

questions, 45

fundamentals of effective

ending on time, 45

meeting planning, 30-31

evaluation of session, 45

invitation to meeting, creation of, 25-30

review, 45

summary, 45

meeting time selection, 24

Commitments from participants, 45

participant ...

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