
Managing NFS and NIS

Errata for Managing NFS and NIS, Second Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
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Preface, 3rd paragraph

"NFS and NIS protocols were developed by Sun Microsystems and are now licensed to hundreds of vendors and universities, not to mention dozens of implementations from the published NFS and NFS specifications"

may be "NFS and NIS protocols ... NFS and NIS specifications" will be better.

Anonymous  Sep 07, 2010 
Printed Page 18
4th paragraph

The 1st sentence of the 4th paragraph should say "Instead of using ..., RPC servers are designated by program number." The original sentence said "service number".

Printed Page 19
End of third sentence in "Socket RPC and Transport Independent RPC" section

Remove few extra words at the end of the sentence:

... transition RPC applications was needed.


... transition RPC applications.

As a result, the entire sentence reads:

The motivation for TI-RPC was that it appeared that OSI networking
would eventually supplant TCP/IP-based networking, and so a
transport independent interface would make it easier to transition
RPC applications.

Printed Page 27
1st paragraph, 2nd line

change "each database, which" to "each database"

Printed Page 142
4th paragraph, 2nd line

/var/statmom/sm should be /var/statmon/sm

Printed Page 177
5th paragraph (numbered 6.)

/tmp_mnt/news should be /tmp_mnt/tools/news

Printed Page 183
Last bullet point

"Even though the corresponding map names in NIS are auto_direct and auto_home..."

Shouldn't this be and

Printed Page 200
numbered bullet '3.' at bottom of page

If I am understanding the heirchical mounts (in non -hosts maps - pg. 199) correctly, then the auto_tools entry below should be cha
nged to referenece a different NFS mount and NOT the same as the root of the hierarchical mount. If I am missing something, please


deskset / -ro,intr mahimahi:/tools2/deskset
/wonderworks-v2.0 -ro,intr mahimahi:/tools2/deskset

should be:

deskset / -ro,intr mahimahi:/tools2/deskset
/wonderworks-v2.0 -ro,intr

Printed Page 200
3. Change the deskset entry in the auto_tools map to

I believe the listing under subparagraph 3. should be

deskset / -ro,intr mahimahi:/tools2/deskset
/wonderworks-v2.0 -ro,intr wahoo:/tools2/deskset

The book list mahimahi instead of wahoo.

Printed Page 229
6th non-courier paragraph, starting 'The first example trusts...'

"The third example is most restrictive. Only user johnc is trusted on host corvette,
and of course both luser and ruser (both "johnc") must be the same."

On Solaris 8 and and 9 (and perhaps previous versions) this is untrue.

If /etc/hosts.equiv contains

hostname rusername

then the named ruser can claim to be *any* luser, including root,
on the trusting host.

E.g., on host 'mine', /etc/hosts.equiv says

jim mud

Then user jim, on host mud, can pretend to be anyone at all on
host mine.

This is potentially lethal.

Printed Page 250
last line

Last line read
% grep -v '^default:' | /home/lucy/acl.default > /home/lucy/acl.files

Should read
% grep -v '^default:' /home/lucy/acl.default > /home/lucy/acl.files

Anonymous  Feb 17, 2016 
Printed Page 307
1/2 way down the page

Half way down the page, a new subsection starts entitled
"RPC Portmapper _ rpcbind".

Is that formatting correct? I expect to to see one of:

(a) RPC portmapper (rpcbind)
(b) RPC portmapper - rpcbind

preferably the first one.
