
lex & yacc

Errata for lex & yacc, Second Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Printed Page xx
4th paragraph, last sentence

Abraxas' version 9781565920002 and yacc

should be:

Abraxas' version of 9781565920002 and yacc

Example 5-3. The first SQL lexer

yyerror(char *s)
printf("%d: %s at %s\n", lineno, s, yytext);

should be

yyerror(char *s)
printf("%d: %s at %s\n", lineno, s, yytext);

the final brace is wrong.

Anonymous  Jul 10, 2008 
Printed Page 8
third printf statement on page

below is listed twice in the list of adverb patterns:

... |
below |
between |
below {printf ("%s: is a preposition
", yytext);}

Printed Page 17
Example 1-7

I'm using AIX 4.3 version of 9781565920002 and yacc.
The example doesn't work properly if I don't put return statement
in sentence rule.
sentence: subject VERB object { printf("Sentence is valid.
"); return 0; }
(occurs under FreeBSD, too)

Other Digital Version 17
17, code

For the code ch1-05.l, we need to add memory free function and call this function to free memory used by look-up table.
18 \.\n { state = LOOKUP;
19 return 0; /* end of sentence */
20 }

void ClearLookupTable()

Wang Hao  Jan 22, 2013 
Printed Page 23
code Example 1-9

The C code does not have the same behavior as the 9781565920002 code in Example 1-10,
as claimed. In particular, try the following two test cases as input:

"Here is an unclosed literal text string

The 9781565920002 code treats the first example as two NUMBERs: .123 and .456, while
the C code has improper control flow and treats it as a single number. By
the time the C code gets to the second decimal point, it has no memory of
whether it started with .123 or just 123 without a leading decimal point.

The 9781565920002 code correctly detects that the second example does not fit any of
its patterns except the default, so it outputs the double quote and then
continues. The remaining words are then categorized as COMMANDs. The C code
makes the erroneous decision that this must be TEXT on the basis of the
double-quote character, even though the quote might never be closed later.

The C code could really stand to be cleaned up quite a bit. The indentation
in the NUMBER case does not match the nesting level, making it quite hard
to read, and the "early K&R hacker" style of the beginning of the code is
obsolete (e.g. use "int main(int argc, ..)"
instead of the "void main(argc, argv)" K&R style shown.)

Printed Page 30-31

The regular expression used to match decimal numbers does not handle the
following case: 2.

Now admittedly, one could argue that one should not put a decimal point
without a subsequent number, but the above will compile as valid 'C' and
will be correctly read into a scanf() or sscanf() call.

The problem is that the leading digits -or- trailing digits are optional,
but not both. At least leading digits or trailing digits are required.

The following regular expression is more complete:


and will match the following:


This issue seems to be repeated whenever you are matching a number.

Printed Page 31
3rd line from bottom

I believe the regular expression for matching a quoted string which doesn't
go over one line, which is listed as this


should be


The expression in the book incorrectly matches a string with no terminating
" on the same line as a string, eg

"this is not a string

would match because
is allowed to terminate the pattern. My version prevents
newlines in strings, but properly fails if the string is not terminated before
line end.

Printed Page 44
line 6 of Example 2-7

The following line:

.+ ECHO;

has been left out. This will prevent matching of other strings when not in the
MAGIC start state.

Printed Page 45
4th paragraph from bottom - 3rd chunk of example code (out of 4 chunks), 2nd

line of code;
The code reads:

^[ ]*

/* whitespace lines matched by previous rule */
. /* anything else */

I think the comment on line two should instead read:

/* whitespace lines NOT matched by previous rule */

Printed Page 47
Example 2-9

The result of running example 2-9 to:

some code /* comment */ /*

results in
code: 3, comments 0, white space 0
while it should be
code: 1, comments 2, white space 0

The problems are with the expressions and actions:
{ code++; }
{ code++; }
because they can inadvertently eat an opening comment /* just before the new line,
without switching to the COMMENT state.

Printed Page 58-65
code ch3-01.y, ch3-02.y, ch3-03.y

Yacc codes ch3-01.y, ch3-02.y, ch3-03.y, all miss "main()" function so that nobody
calls yyparse(), eventually none of the examples runs correctly.
I tried to add following codes in yacc codes:

After that all examples are running correctly.

Printed Page 58-59
example ch3-01.* code and compile and output instructions on both pages

Example ch3-01 does NOT work. I have tried this on a Win PC, SCO Unix, Redhat 7.2
Linux and Suse7.3 Linux. Using both hand-typed code, as well as using the examples
from the ftp site, at NO time does the { printf("= %d
",%1);} ever display on the
screen as it is supposed to.

<safari section 5.3.1> Print page 117, Example 5-3. The first SQL lexer;
yyerror(char *s)
printf("%d: %s at %s
", lineno, s, yytext);

should be

yyerror(char *s)
printf("%d: %s at %s
", lineno, s, yytext);

the final brace is wrong.

PDF Page 59

Example ch3-01.y should be:

statement: NAME '=' expression
| expression { printf("= %d\n", $1); }

expression: expression '+' NUMBER { $$ = $1 + $3; }
| expression '-' NUMBER { $$ = $1 - $3; }
| NUMBER { $$ = $1; }

extern FILE *yyin;


To build it:

yacc -d ch3-01.y
lex ch3-01.l
gcc -o ch3-01 lex.yy.c -ll -ly -lfl

vrcats  Sep 09, 2010 
PDF Page 63
United States

For the chapter 3 programs(source code) there is need to add the yyerror function for the compilation to be successful.
Also as pointed in the previous errata we need to add the main function with yyparse().
Here is the complete code that leads to a successful compilation


statement: NAME '=' expression
| expression { printf("= %d\n", $1); }

expression: expression '+' NUMBER { $$ = $1 + $3; }
| expression '-' NUMBER { $$ = $1 - $3; }
| NUMBER { $$ = $1; }

//extern FILE *yyin;


int yyerror()
printf("Invalid expression");
return 1;

int yywrap()
return 1;

---statements issued for compilation
yacc -d ch3-01.y
lex ch3-01.l
cc lex.yy.c -o ch3-01

Varunkumar Manohar  Oct 17, 2012 
Printed Page 116
Last line

missing pattern at bottom of page 116.
before " int c = input();"
'[^'\n]*' {

Anonymous  Feb 13, 2011 
Printed Page 132
Example 5-17

scalar_exp_commalist is listed twice. The second one can be omitted.

Printed Page 136
top of page

The production for search_condition allows for an empty production. The bar
(|) before "search_condition OR search condition" should be removed.

The same error appears on page 316 in the appendix and in the electronic code

Printed Page 204
Last line of the second examle

I think that the line:

{ yyval.opval = ..............

should be read:

{ yylval.opval = ..............

"yylval" instead of "yyval"

Printed Page 234

On page 234 of the second edition, I think

IF expr stmt ELSE stmt

should be

IF expr THEN stmt ELSE stmt

This error occurs twice on that page

Anonymous  Feb 12, 2009 
Printed Page 246
2nd code example

The trick to save the input line at a time:

.* {

fails to save the first input line of the yyin buffer.

Printed Page 286
in the middle

In the example "E-1: F9781565920002 specification to parse a command line ape-05.l" in
page 285, at the end of the example we can see the following part of code:

if (targv[0][offset+copylen] == '') { /* end of arg */
buf[copylen] = ' ';
offset = 0;

The mistake is that here the case in which the length of an argument is longer
than max (that is, the maximum number of characters that can be copied into the
buffer at one time) is not supported. In this case, we can't copy the full
argument into the buffer, but we can only copy a part of the argument. Then,
offset should be updated so as to store the point where we left copying the argument
into the buffer. This is possible by adding to the if-sentence:

offset += copylen;
