

Errata for sendmail, Fourth Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Printed Page 29

V10/Berkeley <- good
V10/Berkeley <- bad, does not begin a line

Corrected in the 3th edi, the same spot

Printed Page 46

% cd sendmail-8.14.1
Look at page 45

Also corrected in 3th edi (P42 1/2-way)

Printed Page 185
last paragraph

Here is the printed version:
If you install openssl in directories [...]

It should be:
If you install sasl in directories [...]

Because the chapter talk abour SASL library and not OpenSSL.

PDF Page 196
1st paragraph

in AuthInfo database example entries

Authinfo:IPv6:2002:c0a8:51d2::23f4 ← an IPv6 address

shouldn't it be (adding an imaginary version of a valid suppressed representation)?

Authinfo:2002:c0a8:51d2::23f4 ← an IPv6 address

Athanasios Viennas  Aug 26, 2015 
Printed Page 203
definition list after 2nd paragraph

The definition list has 3 entries: SSL, TLS, SMTP AUTH. Where SMTP AUTH is typed as "SMTP AUTH=". The "AUTH=" part is in terminal font. I guess this is some editing error.

Note that index (p1278) also has the "SMTP AUTH=" entry, pointing to the above error (p203).

Masao Uebayashi  Jul 19, 2012 
Printed, PDF Page 278

FEATURE(`access_db', `db specification' `relaytofulladdress')

must have a comma in between arguments

FEATURE(`access_db', `db specification', `relaytofulladdress')dnl

Marcus Schopen  Nov 10, 2013 
Printed Page 619
1st paragraph under 17.8.13 FEATURE(conncontrol)

ClientRate: 10

should read

ClientConn: 10

Andre Roman  Feb 25, 2009 
Printed Page 620
2nd paragraph

In the ?17.8.13 FEATURE(conncontrol) you use the same example as in ?17.8.43 FEATURE(ratecontrol).
It says
ClientRate: 2
ClientRate: 0
ClientRate: 10
ClientRate:10.5.2 2

I think it should say
ClientConn: 2
ClientConn: 0
ClientConn: 10
ClientConn:10.5.2 2

otherwise I cannot understand the difference between the examples in ?17.8.13 and ?17.8.43

Guy Wald  Jan 08, 2009 
Printed Page 620
1st paragraph

ClientRate: 2
ClientRate: 0
ClientRate: 10
ClientRate:10.5.2 2
ClientRate:IPv6:2002:c0a8:51d2::23f4 5

Should read:

ClientConn: 2
ClientConn: 0
ClientConn: 10
ClientConn:10.5.2 2
ClientConn:IPv6:2002:c0a8:51d2::23f4 5

Andre Roman  Feb 25, 2009 
PDF Page 644
17.8.13 FEATURE(conncontrol)

In the section describing the conncontrol feature, ClientRate: is used in access.db, which should be ClientConn:

Anonymous  May 31, 2011 
Printed Page 877
about an inch down from top of text, about 80% of the way towards the right margin

printed: FEATURE(use_ct_file)
should be: FEATURE(use_cw_file)

Michael Paoli  Mar 26, 2009 
Printed Page 877
7th printed non-blank text line from top, about 1" from right margin

printed as:
should be:

Michael Paoli  Apr 29, 2009 
table 23-29, section 23.7.27

The table 23-27 entry reads "-f (section)23.3.4 Perform a case-insensitive search" which seems to imply that all case is translated to lower-case for comparison. This differs from the section 23.3.4 verbiage which reads:

"23.3.4. -f

Preserve case V8.1 and later

Ordinarily, sendmail will normalize a key to lowercase before looking it up in a database. If the keys in the database are case-sensitive ("TEX" is considered different from "tex," for example), the -f database switch should be used to prevent this normalization. Note that if the -f switch is omitted (the default), the database must have been created with all lowercase keys (also the default).

Also note that when the -f switch is used with the regex database-map type, it causes the regular expression match to be made in a case-insensitive manner."

IMHO this seems to be the exact opposite of the Description supplied in Table 23-27.

This problem was discovered in the 3rd Edition on pages 916 and 868 respectively, the checked in 4th Edition on-line. At worst it is incorrect, at best misleading.

Bill Kanawyer  Sep 29, 2009 
Printed Page 917

The -R ldap database map switch is used to disable (not enable as printed) LDAP referrals. So, with this -R option specified, sendmail will *not* follow referrals.

Gregory Shapiro
Dec 14, 2009 
Printed Page 976
2nd indented line

Page 976, 24.9.5
2nd indented line
-O is a command line option

Printed Page 976
2nd indented line

Page 976, 24.9.5
2nd indented line
-O is a command line option

page 977, 24.9.6
Same old story.
Both are also wrong in 3th edi

Anonymous  Jul 02, 2008 
Printed Page 977
section 24.9.6

2nd indented line
-O is a command line option
