
Java Threads

Errata for Java Threads, Third Edition

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The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

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PDF Page Page 140
The code javathreads.examples.ch05.example1.ScoreLabel

Assuming Two Threads invoke newCharacter(),may be some error!

徐小虾  Nov 02, 2013 
Printed Page 30
2nd paragraph

The paragraph can easily be (mis)understood as stating that in Example 4 calling the interrupt() method results in the interrupted status being set, even if the thread is blocked by the sleep() method. However, according to the Thread API, the interrupted status is cleared when the sleep() method throws an InterruptedException.

Printed Page 30
bottom paragraph

"The character-reading thread still executes the sleep() method, which won't be interrupted (since the main thread has already completed the interrupt() method)".

This is impossible. After interrupt() method finish, the character-reading thread throws InterruptedException in the sleep() method call.

Please, see the InterruptedException in javadoc's Thread.sleep().

Printed Page 36

While the text states that the method interrupted() simply returns the value of Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted(), the Java API for the Thread class adds that this method also clears the interrupted status.

Printed Page 62
newCharacter method

2nd paragraph of p65 says, "in the same order as the newCharacter".
However, the order for getting the locks is not correct.

public void newCharacter(CharacterEvent ce){
try {
finally {

should be replaced by

public void newCharacter(CharacterEvent ce){
try {
finally {

Author's comments: The lock() method calls are all done in the
beginning of the method. And the lock() method does not throw any
exceptions. Hence, it is not necessary to check to see if the lock is
already grabbed before unlocking it. In the finally clause, it is
guaranteed that both locks are grabbed, and need to be released.

The finally clause's purpose is to release both locks -- locks that
are guaranteed to be owned. And it is only releasing those two locks.
While it is "prettier" to release the locks in the reverse order in
which they are grabbed, it is not necessary in this case.

Printed Page 85
4th paragraph from the bottom

The lines

Thread1: Set currentScore == 0
Thread2: See if currentScore = 0

must read

Thread1: Set currentScore = 0
Thread2: See if currentScore == 0

Printed Page 86
First paragraph

Prior to Java 1.5, the double-checked locking idiom in Java was broken as the author indicated in this paragraph.

However, as I understood it the changes to the memory model and particularly to the sematics of volatile in Java 1.5 now allow the use of this idiom, providing that the lazily initialized object is a volatile field.

I include links to articles I have recently seen regarding this for further explanation:

The paragraph on double-checked locking should be changed to reflect this change in Java 1.5.

Printed Page 173
4th paragraph

"to the executing state" should be "to the exiting state".

Printed Page 196
2nd code segment

public <V> call( ) throws Execption;
should read:
public <V> call( ) throws Exception;

Printed Page 239
bottom half, handleClient method

The SocketChannel sc is nonblocking as it is created in the handleServer method on
bottom of page 234. But the code does a and assumes that all 8 bytes
is avaiable instantly. It seemes to me that we might end up with fewer than 8 bytes.
