
Java Servlet Programming

Errata for Java Servlet Programming, Second Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Printed Page xi

New Atlanta Communication haven't been bought by Unify Corp.

You can look at:

Printed Page xvi
first paragraph does not exist anymore...

Where can a reader find the com.oreilly.servlet package?

It would be helpful if you could find a new "home" for it and post the link
in the book's webpage.

Printed Page 3
last paragraph

FastCGI *does* support multiple concurrent requests per process, contrary to the description on this page. It uses a capability protocol to ask each application whether it is capable of handling concurrent requests.

Printed Page 23
3rd line

Incorrect English grammar. Should be "If you don't mind MY asking,"

The gerund "asking" in this context demands the possessive case.

Printed Page 29
Example 2-4

Two ssi calls are made in the .shtml with the same parameter (zone), but
with different values (first GMT, then EST). The resultant output uses the
first input parameter for both calls to the ssi servlet. This behavior was
observed using IE5 and jws2.0 on NT4.0.

Printed Page 42
First and subsequent paragraphs

In the Apache tomcat 4.0.1 I downloaded, servlets don't reload by default. The
context (in sever.xml) for their "examples" servlets is set-up to reload
automatically, but not the ROOT. I had fun figuring it out, but I imagine others
might be miffed.

Printed Page 50
Near the bottom of the page

The code, as written, does not make use of the local_count variable. I
believe the author's intent was to create a "small as possible"
synchronization scope. I believe the author intended the code to be:

int local_count;
synchronized(this) {
local_count = ++count;
if(count % 10 ==0) saveState();

out.println("......"); // etc., etc.

Printed Page 60
1st paragraph 3rd line

line 3 should read "then automatically present" at the moment it reads "then
automatically resent"

Printed Page 61
In PrintMessages method

First, in the while loop towards the bottom of the page, null checks are
performed e.g. if (name == null) name = "Unknown user";
The problem is that these will never be performed because what's returned if
a user types in no information is an empty string, which is not the same as
a null in java. So each of these lines should be
if (name.equals("")) name = "Unknown user";
the other problem is in the email null check it is listed as
if (name == null) email = "Unknown email";
The problem is the email should be checked not the name so this should be
if (email.equals("")) name = "Unknown email";
This whole issue is not very serious though because it's an empty string and
not a null so there are no null pointer problems to worry about. This only
make's sure that something is printed if the user doesn't enter anything,
which was the authors intention.

Printed Page 62
Example 3-10 in handleForm() method

When you set the lastModified time in handleForm you use
System.currentTimeMillis(). On page 59 in the Client-Side caching section
you mention that "All times returned by getLastModified() should be rounded
down..." because the Last-Modified and If-Modified-Since headers are given
only to the nearest second. Perhaps I am not understanding something, but it
seems to me based on the information on page 59 that you should have used
the same "round-down" technique for Example 3-10 in the Server-Side Caching
section, so that the code would be:

lastModified = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 * 1000;

Printed Page 68
code block

the following code is missing from CacheHttpServlet

public void resetBuffer() throws IllegalStateException
contentLength = -1;

without this code the class will not compile

Printed Page 76
Middle of page

text reads, "...or the servlet's SessionContext that we'll learn...

There is no SessionContext class or interface in the Servlet API. Perhaps this was
meant to be a reference to the ServletContext.

Printed Page 103
Section: Reading From an Abstract Resource

"How the URL path .... is determined by the web

Should read:
"How the URL determined by the servlett container."

Printed Page 150
code block

out.println("<I>Error accessing " + req.getRequestURI() + "</I>");

This line does not return the output I would expect as a user, as a programmer I can
see why this happens though.

The output from this line, when I try an access
http://localhost:8080/learn/readme.night is:

Error accessing /learn/servlet/ErrorDisplay

as a user would expect this to read:

Error accessing /learn/readme.night

I think this is because it is a separate http request and it simply looses the URI as
it has been redirected to this servlet. Therefore the code is actually displaying
accurate information its just its usefullness to a user is removed. Some might say
that this is a security risk as it unvails your directory structure. I am aware this
is an example in a book and not production code.

I used this config to run the web-app:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<!DOCTYPE web-app
PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"


Printed Page 150
code block

This error has already been posted but I would like to point out that changing:

req.getRequestURI() to

(with a check for the attribute being null) would fix the problem.

Printed Page 150
middle of page

out.println("<I>Error accessing " + req.getRequestURI() + "</I>");

it should read

out.println("<I>Error accessing " +
request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.forward.request_uri") + "</I>");

Anonymous  Feb 14, 2012 
Printed Page 185
3rd Paragraph no longer exists - have these images been moved?

Printed Page 202
last line of the Hidden form fields' 1st paragraph

Replace :

"You include hidden form files with HTML like this:"

By :

"You include hidden form fields with HTML like this:"

Printed Page 209
3rd full paragraph

The text:

"For example, is valid and matches and but

should read:

"For example, is valid and matched and, but not"

According to Netscape's cookie specification and RFC 2109, the domain pattern does match From the links off of Jason Hunter's website: :
"A domain attribute of '' would match host names '' as
well as ''."
"Note that domain-match is not a commutative operation:
domain-matches, but not the reverse."

Printed Page 256
5th and 6th paragraps

Finally, ... a servlet can retrieve the client's certificates (plural) as a
request attribute:[] certs =

For any server ... will return a security.cert.X509Certificate[]
(array) object ...

Example 8-13 is ok !

Printed Page 270
End of page + start of next page

There is an example class given, ContextProperties, which uses the
ServletContext Object.
Thoughout this entire example and following example code, the actual object us
ed should be the ServletConfig Object !

Printed Page 295
(example 9-11), middle of the page says

(returns added for legibility):

while ( {
name = rs.getString(1);
if (rs.wasNull() || name.length() ==0)
name = "Unknown user";
email = rs.getString(2);
if (rs.wasNull() || email.length() ==0)
name = "Unknown email";
comment = rs.getString(3);
if (rs.wasNull() || comment.length() ==0)
name = "No comment";

... (more stuff) ...

I'm pretty sure that the wrong variables were set. It
should be (arrows on lines that changed):

while ( {
name = rs.getString(1);
if (rs.wasNull() || name.length() ==0)
name = "Unknown user";
email = rs.getString(2);
if (rs.wasNull() || email.length() ==0)
email = "Unknown email"; <----- HERE
comment = rs.getString(3);
if (rs.wasNull() || comment.length() ==0)
comment = "No comment"; <----- HERE

... (more stuff) ...

Printed Page 303
1st paragraph, 4th line

"to communicate, we're going assume ...."
should be:
"to communicate, we're going to assume ...."

Printed Page 374
3rd para (Dispatching by name)

The method getNamedDispatcher(String name) should be called by a ServletContext, and
not an HTTPServletRequest as shown in example.

It looks to me that the example should therefore look like :

ServletContext context = getServletContext();
RequestDispatcher dispatcher = context.getRequestDispatcher("searchView");
dispatcher.forward(request, response);

Printed Page 395
Examle 13.3 source code

In most of the examples in Chapter 13, starting with the one on page 395, Content-
Type of the responses is set to text/plain (with

This messes up Netscape 4.x browsers, which respect this and do NOT render the HTML,
it just types out the "source" HTML codes.

The correct type is: res.setContentType("text/html;charset=Something")

Printed Page 641
description of addIntHeader

The description seems to be simply copied from addDateHeader
