
Python Data Science Handbook

Errata for Python Data Science Handbook, Second Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
PDF, ePub, Mobi Page Page 143; Section "Stacking and Unstacking Indices"
1st paragraph

The outputs of the code [38] and [39] are wrong.

Chentao Yang  Dec 22, 2022 
Other Digital Version Chap17 Loc7181
Partial slicing...

Kindle version:

In[24]:poploc['california':'new york']

should be

In[24]:pop.loc['California':'New York']

David Knuth  Feb 24, 2023 
PDF Page Exploring Modules with Tab Completion, Pg 9
6th para

Omit 'can be' in 'search can be useful'.

Harsh Shah  Apr 26, 2023 
PDF Page Pg 16, Underscore Shortcuts and Previous Outputs
Last line

print(_) should print 1.0 instead of .0

Harsh Shah  Apr 27, 2023 
Printed Page page 180 Chapter 21

Sex is not assigned at birth, it is defined at the moment of fertilization, so at birth it is only observed.

Michael Hare  Feb 12, 2024 
ePub Page Kindle Chap 20 pg 268 of 914
first code example - import seaborn as sns

The entire chapter is based on using the seaborn dataset on exoplanets. The code given to import this dataset does not work:
planets = sns.load_dataset('planets').

Searching the web, there is a download at:

Same issue with all of the downloads such as the US census data.

Why does the author's github site not have all the download datasets needed to use the book?

You should have a link to errata and updated code for the epub versions of the book.

Albert van Roodselaar

Albert van Roodselaar  Jun 04, 2024 
PDF Page 38
Caption of Figure 4-2

The caption of Figure 4-2 should be The difference between NumPy array and Python lists

ZHANG Hongyuan  Feb 17, 2023 
PDF Page 68
3rd paragraph (ignoring the codes)

"We see by rule 1 that the array a has fewer dimensions, so we pad it on the left with ones:"
"We see by rule 1 that the array a has fewer dimensions, so we pad its shape on the left with ones:"

ZHANG Hongyuan  Feb 18, 2023 
PDF Page 84 Modifying Values with fancy indexing
Second code snippet of the section

Out[19] should be [ 0 80 80 3 80 5 6 7 80 9]

Harsh Shah  Apr 30, 2023 
PDF Page 102; Boolean Operators
Operator-Equivalend ufunc table

Missing symbol |
for np.bitwise_or

Harsh Shah  Apr 30, 2023 
Printed Page 121
[14], description above

In [14]: A.add(B, fill_value=A.values.mean())

In Out[14], there are five distinct values placed in the locations that
were "NaN" in Out[13] (which is incorrectly labeled as "Out[12]").
The call to mean() therefore doesn't appear to "fill with the mean of
all values in A".

Gregory Sherman  Dec 20, 2023 
Printed Page 143

(I get the same result in Out[21] & Out[40] as in the text, showing that the pop Series is identical.)

Results I get differ from the text as follows:
In [38]: pop.unstack(level=0)
state CA NY TX
2010 37253956 19378102 25145561
2020 39538223 20201249 29145505

Gregory Sherman  Dec 21, 2023 
Printed Page 143

Result I get again differs from text:

In [39]: pop.unstack(level=1)
year 2010 2020
California 37253956 39538223
New York 19378102 20201249
Texas 25145561 29145505

Gregory Sherman  Dec 21, 2023 
Other Digital Version 144
Figure 10-1

Figure 10-1 looks like an 'S' in the book, but should look like an up-and-to-the-right scatter of points. Other earlier figures seem very incorrect also.

David Knuth  Feb 20, 2023 
Printed Page 146
1st paragraph, 4th line of code

on page 146
there are differences in the code in the book and the code on the website:

code in the book:
<p style= 'font-family:"Courier New", Courier, monospace'>{0}{1}
code on website:

...<p style='font-family:"Courier New", Courier, monospace'>{0}</p>{1}

David Walden  Jan 17, 2024 
Printed Page 162

I was not able to run this, but the form does not look right - it's df[a][b].unique():
In [28]: final['state'][final['area (sq. mi)'].isnull()].unique()

Gregory Sherman  Dec 23, 2023 
Printed Page 173
second sentence

"Here, because group A does not have a standard deviation ..."

This does not match what is actually done:
In[22]: def filter_func(x):
return x['data2'].std() > 4
The text should be something like "... column 'data2' of group A ...
Note that using "x['data1']" would return nothing, and just "x" would result in a TypeError

Gregory Sherman  Dec 26, 2023 
PDF Page 234
Figure 26-3. A simple sinusoid via the object-oriented interface

This diagram is not drawn with an object-oriented interface. It uses the MATLAB interface, as shown in the code immediately above.

Anonymous  Aug 04, 2023 
PDF Page 303
The paragraph one before the last.

"Minor ticks, though, have their labels formatted by a NullFormatter"

The immediately preceding output example shows that LogFormatterSciNotation is used instead of NullFormatter.

Anonymous  Aug 13, 2023 
PDF Page 399
The last paragraph

This paragraph is the same as the last paragraph of p.396 and is misplaced in p.399.

Zhenhua Xu  Oct 26, 2023 
PDF Page 404
The last paragraph

This paragraph is the same as the last paragraph of p.396 and is misplaced in p.404.

Zhenhua Xu  Oct 26, 2023 
Other Digital Version 518
1st paragraph

The "sex" column of the tips dataset is said to refer to the sex of the server: "... far more data on male servers ...". The R tips dataset, from which this dataset was sourced, attributes the "sex" column to the sex of the bill payer.
(Kindle edition, p 518, location 15128)

John Winchester  Apr 18, 2023 
Other Digital Version 526
Chapter 36, page 526 lower half

In the Kindle version in the chapter 36 example with marathon data, this line:
data['split_sec'] = data['split'].view(int) / 1E9
should be:
data['split_sec'] = data['split'].view('int64') / 1E9
so that it will work on systems where the default int is 'int32' (and all systems)

The next line also needs the same fix

David Knuth  Mar 09, 2023