
Learning Microsoft Power BI

Errata for Learning Microsoft Power BI

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
PDF Page page 37
first paragraph after Figure 2-7

"a0n" instead of an in this paragraph:

"The “Enter data” button (way back in Figure 2-3) will give you a0n
interface that should feel familiar if you use Excel, as it opens a table-like
structure where you can add columns, name them, and put data into cells, as
shown in Figure 2-8. It’s important to note that this interface has no formula
function. It’s only for simple data entry. You can copy and paste
information into this window, as well, but be careful before going copy-
paste crazy."

If it really is a mistake I would appreciate being mentioned by name for this contribution. Thanks!

Gabriel Castro Rodríguez  Oct 07, 2022 
ePub Page Figure 5-4. Getting the answer on the left is harder than it should be
Figure 5-4. Getting the answer on the left is harder than it should be

Dear Professor Jeremey Arnold,
I'm Vien, from Vietnam. I have read your book on Power BI (name "Learning Microsoft Power Bi: Transforming Data Into Insights"). In chapter 5, you created a DAX measure that gives you the score holder’s name, if one person matches, and tells you its multiple if multiple people have that minimum score and assignment combination. Could you share with me about that DAX measure.
I try so many times and find some help from internet, but it still not work.
Thank you and wait for your response.

Vien  Oct 28, 2022 
PDF Page 34
Figure 2-4.

a couple of 0s ("00") besides the Figure 2-4. If it really is an error I would appreciate being mentioned by name, thank you!

Gabriel Castro Rodríguez  Oct 07, 2022 
PDF Page 35
Figure 2-5

a couple of 0s ("00") besides the Figure 2-5. If it really is an error I would appreciate being mentioned by name, thank you!

Gabriel Castro Rodríguez  Oct 07, 2022 
PDF Page 39
1st paragraph

the word "mos000t"

The “Recent sources” button (Figure 2-3) will open a drop-down menu of
your most recent sources so that if you must connect to a data source again,
it’s conveniently already there for you. ?ou can click More from the drop-
down to get an even longer list of recent data sources. Figure 2-10 shows
some of my mos000t recent data sources in Power BI.

Gabriel Castro Rodríguez  Oct 07, 2022 
PDF Page 39
The Queries Subsection

the word 00on

Moving 00on to the queries subsection, you’ll see two buttons: “Transform
data” and Refresh. Refresh is grayed out in Figure 2-11 because I have no
data in my model to refresh.

Gabriel Castro Rodríguez  Oct 07, 2022 
PDF Page 40
Figure 2-11

a couple of 0s ("00") besides the Figure 2-11.

Gabriel Castro Rodríguez  Oct 07, 2022 
PDF Page 42
1st paragraph under the figure 2-13 The Calculations Subsection

this is a 2 in one, there is a closing quotation mark instead of an opening one and that quotation mark is stuck to the e in have

Under Calculations, you have” New measure” and “Quick measure”

Gabriel Castro Rodríguez  Oct 07, 2022 
PDF Page 42
Figure 2-13

a 0 next to Figure 2-13

Gabriel Castro Rodríguez  Oct 07, 2022 
PDF Page 47
Figure 2-17

a 0 next to Figure 2-17

Gabriel Castro Rodríguez  Oct 07, 2022 
PDF Page 67 to 72

The file names for the excel documents are different from the names of the files available at: https :// resources.oreilly. com/examples/0636920596080
(remove blank spaces)
Not a great problem but I guessed it was worth mentioning.

Gabriel Castro Rodríguez  Oct 07, 2022 
PDF Page 71
2rd paragraph

commas and points are within the quotation marks:

Let’s rename these “Demographic Data,” “Survey Data,” and “Grades.”

Gabriel Castro Rodríguez  Oct 07, 2022 
PDF Page 73
2nd paragraph after Figure 3-5

The third option used to close power query without applying changes is called "Close", the books calls it "Leave".

The Close & Apply button takes all the modifications you’ve made until
that point and applies all the changes, refreshing any data elements that
were impacted by the changes. If you click the drop-down arrow, you’ll see
a drop-down menu giving you three options: (1) Close & Apply; (2) Apply,
which, as you might expect, applies changes but doesn’t close Power
Query; and (3) Leave, which does not apply any changes. If you choose to
leave, Power BI Desktop will warn you that you have unapplied changes.

For your reference the official documentation:




it is not allowed to include URLs here, unify it by removing the blank rows.

Gabriel Castro Rodríguez  Oct 08, 2022 
PDF Page 75
6th paragraph

refresh is out of the quotation marks but is part of the name of the option, it should be "Include in report refresh"

The “Include in report” refresh function is not quite as intuitive as it should
be. If “Enable load” is turned off,

Gabriel Castro Rodríguez  Oct 08, 2022 
PDF Page 75
6th paragraph

The name of the option is “Enable load to report” rather than “Enable load”, I know it is understandable without the full name but the quotation marks make it seem as that is literally the name

The “Include in report” refresh function is not quite as intuitive as it should
be. If “Enable load” is turned off,

Gabriel Castro Rodríguez  Oct 08, 2022 
PDF Page 81
6th paragraph

There is an unnecessary or (to my opinion):

The Number Column functions can allow you to get statistics on a column as a separate value, perform standard calculations against a column to edit its values, apply scientific calculations against a column, perform trig functions against a column, round a column, (THIS OR -->) or find whether a value is even or odd or its sign.

Gabriel Castro Rodríguez  Oct 08, 2022 
PDF Page 85
last paragraph

In my opinion, it seems like this sentence something is not quite right at least:

"By default, Power BI will try to detect relationships when importing data
and when the data is put together in such a way that Power BI will detect
the relationships correctly."

to make my point easier to see let´s remove a section:

"By default, Power BI will try to detect relationships when [...] the data is put together in such a way that Power BI will detect the relationships correctly."

What do you think?

Gabriel Castro Rodríguez  Oct 08, 2022 
PDF Page 108
list 1st paragraph

stacked should be capitalized, that is how the names of these visualizations appear on Power BI:

skipping over visuals that aren’t relevant to this portion of the te?t):
Stacked bar chart
Stacked column chart
Clustered bar chart
Clustered column chart
100% stacked bar chart (Should be "Stacked")
100% stacked column chart (Should be "Stacked")
Waterfall chart

Gabriel Castro Rodríguez  Oct 08, 2022 
PDF Page 117
2nd paragraph

The point should be outside of the closing parenthesis:

A good business example of this is comparing my average product price to
my total profit. Average price for my products is going to be lower than my
total profit (or at least it should be, or you have much bigger problems than
this book can really solve.) If I were to put those values on the same a?is—
say, profit in millions and average price in the hundreds—the average price

Gabriel Castro Rodríguez  Oct 08, 2022 
PDF Page 142-144

the description of Table 5-1 appears before the table, in the table, N and X are used both to describe the same thing (does not apply value).

Gabriel Castro Rodríguez  Oct 08, 2022 
PDF Page 147
Figure 5-2

The images are the same as in Figure 5-1

Gabriel Castro Rodríguez  Oct 08, 2022 
PDF Page 168
Figure 5-16

when adding this column, I get 77.13 as value in every row. I added this column to the 'Survey Data' table. Am I doing something wrong?

mmm = IF(HASONEVALUE ( 'Survey Data'[ExcelSelfDescribedProficiency] ) = TRUE (), CALCULATE (AVERAGE ( 'Grades'[Score] ),ALL (),'Survey Data'[ExcelSelfDescribedProficiency] = SELECTEDVALUE ( 'Survey Data'[ExcelSelfDescribedProficiency] )),CALCULATE ( AVERAGE ( 'Grades'[Score] ), ALL() ))


Gabriel Castro Rodríguez  Oct 09, 2022