
Linux Cookbook

Errata for Linux Cookbook, Second Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
PDF Page 26
1-st paragraph, first sentence

text "Installation Summary" must be "Installation Settings"

Andrey Kiselyov  Sep 14, 2021 
PDF Page 50
1-st paragraph, 2-nd sentence

/boot/grub/grub/cfg must be /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Andrey Kiselyov  Sep 18, 2021 
PDF Page 51
1-st listing, lines (non empty) 4 and 7 in listing

echo "set color_normal=${GRUB_COLOR_NORMAL}"
must be
echo "set menu_color_normal=${GRUB_COLOR_NORMAL}"


echo "set color_highlight=${GRUB_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT}"
must be
echo "set menu_color_highlight=${GRUB_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT}"

Andrey Kiselyov  Sep 18, 2021 
Printed, PDF Page 51
bottom of the page

On page 51:
"Then make it executable:
$ sudo chown +x 07_font_colors"
But the "chown" command does not give permission, it changes the owner, the syntax is different there, but it should be "chmod".

The error also was transferred to the Russian edition(Page number of error 79)

Ekaterina  May 25, 2022 
Printed Page 85
First paragraph in Discussion section, seond sentence

"The following pstree example...." should read "The following ps example...."

Anonymous  Apr 22, 2022 
PDF Page 145
Last paragraph, first sentence

In /etc/passwd the 4 in 4755 is setuid

must be

In /usr/bin/passwd the 4 in 4755 is setuid

according to the example above

Andrey Kiselyov  Oct 02, 2021 
PDF Page 153
Frst paragraph, 1-st sentence

Use the -find_ command to traverse the entire filesystem

must be

Use the find command to traverse the entire filesystem

Andrey Kiselyov  Oct 02, 2021 
PDF Page 157
1st paragraph

section 6.16 -> Hard Links(Discussion)
above the example of total inodes in the system
It should be df in the example summery, not du.
""You can see how many inodes a filesystem has with the du command, and how many are used"" not du it should be df.

Anonymous  Nov 05, 2021 
PDF Page 189
4-th paragraph 1-st sentence

"... 9 zettabytes"

must be

"... 8 zettabytes"

Andrey Kiselyov  Oct 09, 2021 
PDF Page 214
1-st paragraph after 2-nd title "Solution" (Recipe 9.6), Last sentence.

Click Delete → Attempt Data Rescue

must be

Click Device → Attempt Data Rescue

Andrey Kiselyov  Oct 11, 2021