
Monolith to Microservices

Errata for Monolith to Microservices

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Printed Page Transactions p191

"If any workers didn't vote in factor...". I think "factor" should be "favor".

Yusuf Daniju  Jul 07, 2024 
Figure 1-11 The Recommendation service now accesses order information via an exposed database, which is structured differently from the internal database version

Monolith to Microservices / Implementation Coupling / Figure 1-11 The Recommendation service now accesses order information via an exposed database, which is structured differently from the internal database

The order lines must be reconciled to the order in the Published Order Database.

The Published Order Database rows are incorrect. They should have Order ID 343 and Customer ID 6325. The second line should have Qty 5.

Published Order Database should show:

Order ID Customer ID Qty SKU
343 6325 3 654-234
343 6325 5 954-235

Anonymous  Jul 21, 2021 
Section "Unclear Domain"

The second half of the first paragraph is duplicated in the next two paragraphs.

Daniel Brahneborg  Nov 04, 2019 
Printed Page 9
3rd paragraph

"...with perhaps ten of fewer microservices" should be "...with perhaps ten OR fewer microservices"

Anonymous  Aug 13, 2021 
ePub Page 10
Chapter 4 Step 3

(Page # is incorrect because I don't see them on safari)

Chapter 4
Step 3: Synchronize on Write, Read from New Schema
At this stage, it’s been verified that reads to Riak are working fine. The last step is to make sure that reads work.

It should read "at this stage its been verified that WRITES to Riak or working fine"

Ashok Srinivasan  May 03, 2021 
Printed Page 17
Coupling section, first paragraph

The phrase “We like cohesion we like, but we’re wary of coupling.” Has a grammatical error. Should read “We like cohesion, but we’re wary of coupling.”

Zachary Wolfe  Apr 13, 2020 
PDF Page 17

Duplication of "subsequently":

Books like Structured Design by Larry Constantine & Edward Yourdon (Prentice Hall, 1979) subsequently influenced generations of programmers subsequently

Pip  Aug 19, 2020 
PDF Page 19
2nd paragraph


When we decide to change our minds, we don’t want this to break consumers
(independent deployability, remember?).

A broken consumer? Presumably a piece of code looking up data, but the context doesn't seem present.

Pip  Aug 19, 2020 
Printed Page 64
3rd paragraph

This sentence needs some work: "The snapshot of Spotify's organizational structure reflected changes its had carried out to solve its problems."

Anonymous  Aug 19, 2021 
Printed Page 66
Figure 2-9 (top of page)

The text implies that the responsibility "Provisioning test environments" is mapped to the "Operations" team, not the "Backend delivery" team; and that responsibility is to be moved to the "Backend delivery" team (as show in Figure 2-10 on the next page). Figure 2-9 seems to be incorrect, as it shows "Provisioning test environments" already mapped to the "Backend delivery" team.

Anonymous  Aug 19, 2021 
PDF Page 72
2nd paragraph

"It’s worth noting that metrics can be dangerous because lf that old adage"

because of?

Pip  Oct 06, 2020 
PDF Page 78
5th paragraph

"I have seen used many techniques used "


Pip  Oct 06, 2020 
PDF Page 141
"Where to use it" section

Duplicated from page 139

Pip  Oct 10, 2020 
Printed Page 141
1st paragraph, Where to use it section

Duplicate "Where to use it section" on pages 139 and 141, same exact text, word per word on both pages

ria cataquian  Jul 24, 2021 
PDF Page 147
Step 3: Synchronize on Write, Read from New Schema

the phrase :
At this stage, it’s been verified that reads to Riak are working fine. The last step is to make sure that reads work too.
should instead be:
At this stage, it’s been verified that writes to Riak are working fine. The last step is to make sure that reads work too.
Also on Figure 4-15. "Reads only" should be "Writes only"

Clemente Biondo  Jul 12, 2020 
Printed Page 147
Step 3 section, 1st paragraph

In this sentence: "At this stage, it's been verified that reads to Riak are working fine. The last step is to make sure that reads work too."

I think the word should be "writes" instead of "reads". The whole section's premise is testing the write operations to the database after discussing about the read operations on the prior sections.

ria cataquian  Jul 24, 2021 
PDF Page 153
5th paragraph

Seed writes to either source
should be
Send writes to either source

Clemente Biondo  Jul 12, 2020 
Printed Page 175
Figure 4-38. Replacing a database join operation with service calls

The context is about the finance service querying sold albums (1) and requesting the album's name from the catalog service (2) which will then query the information on its local database (3).

The services in question (represented by a hexagon) is the Finance and the CATALOG service, but instead the hexagon displays CUSTOMER MANAGEMENT

ria cataquian   Jul 25, 2021 
PDF Page 178
5th paragraph

" So what do we do in our music shop many parts of our code need the same static reference data?"

Missing "when/where"

Pip  Oct 10, 2020 
PDF Page 184
5th paragraph

" People who work in an environment where creating and managing a microservice is low are much more likely to consider this option"

"low effort"?

Pip  Oct 10, 2020