
CSS Pocket Reference

Errata for CSS Pocket Reference, Fifth Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
PDF Page 18
Intro about Positioning, 2nd sentence

Original: "These rules govern not only the containing block of the element, but also how it is laid out within that element."

I'm not entirely sure what the ' *it* is laid out within that element.' refers to.

Change to: "These rules govern not only the containing block of the element, but also how the element is laid out within that containing block." (credits to Eric himself)

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 27, 2018 
PDF Page 19
entry for "Absolute"

Missing index entries for position: absolute; and position: sticky;

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 32
2nd para

Original: "Table elements cannot have any padding, although they can have margins"

The terms "padding" and "margins" need to be swapped.

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 32
5th para

Original: "…hypothetical grid lines between the cells…"

The concept of hypothetical grid lines is stated without context and should probably explained to avoid confusion.

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 40
3rd para

Original: "The same mapping warnings that applied to inches also apply to centimeters."

The warnings reffered to should probably be stated in the first entry (about centimeters) and then referred to in the following entries about absolute units of measurement.

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 41
entries about em and rem

em: entry could use a pointer to the parent as a reference for percentage values

rem: entry could use some hints about the difference to em and its usage, seems a bit terse compared to the entry about NULL-width (just my 10 cents… ;)

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 41
entries about em and rem

em: entry could use a pointer to the parent as a reference for percentage values

rem: entry could use some hints about the difference to em and its usage, seems a bit terse compared to the entry about NULL-width (just my 10 cents… ;)

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 47
last sentence

Original: "Custom properties are scoped to the element to which they are applied."

This seems to imply that the scope of custom properties/CSS vars is limited to a certain property. Maybe the word "scoped" should be changed in favour of "applied"?

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 47
last sentence

"Custom prop‐ erties are scoped to the element to which they are applied."

Sorry. Forget my last suggestion. It doesn't make sense. Yet, I'm still confused. ,;)

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 53
2nd entry (arbitrary substring)

Entry about "Arbitrary Substring Attribute Value Selector":
missing index entry

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 56
1st para, last sentence

Original: "This will select the first, fifth, ninth, __fourteenth__, and so on children of the body."

Suggested fix: "This will select the first, fifth, ninth, thirteenth, and so on children of the body."

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 57
1st para, 2nd sentence

Original: "Thus, to select every third-to-last paragraph (p) that is a child of the body element, starting with the __first__ such paragraph…"

Suggested fix: "Thus, to select every third-to-last paragraph (p) that is a child of the body element, starting with the last such paragraph…"

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 61
:enables entry, description, last sentence

Original: "This includes any form input element in (X)HTML, but does not include hyperlinks."

Suggested fix: "This includes any form input element in HTML, but does not include hyperlinks." – remove (X) to conform with rest of book.

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
Printed Page 63
Examples for ::after

Examples use old CSS1 and CSS2 single colon syntax but should use CSS3 double colon syntax.




The same error applies to the other 3 pseudo elements too.

Colin 't Hart  May 13, 2019 
PDF Page 69
1st entry, "Values"

Original: "Values: <Length>"

Suggested fix: "Values: <Ratio>"

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 76
entry for "align-items", "Applies to"

Original: "Applies to: Flex containers, grid containers, and multicolumn containers"

According to Spec and MDN applies only to Flx-Containers

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 79
after entry for "animation-duration

Missing entry for "animation-fill-mode" property

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 85
description for "background-image", 2nd sentence

Original: "Depending on the value of background- repeat, the image may tile infinitely, along one axis, or not at all."

Suggested fix: "Depending on the value of background- repeat, the image may tile infinitely, along one axis, both axes, or not at all."

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 96
entry for "border-image-width", Computed value

Original: "Four values, each a percentage, a number, a <length> made absolute, or the auto keyword"

Missing format for "percentage" and "number"

Suggested fix: "Four values, each a <percentage>, a <number>, a <length> made absolute, or the auto keyword"

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 99
entry for "border-radius", Description

Original: "A shorthand property that defines the rounding radius for the bottom-right corner of an element’s border."

Suggested fix: "A shorthand property that defines the rounding radius corners of an element’s border."

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 106
entry for "bottom"

"Animatable" section is redundant with the title line ("Anim: P")

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 108
entry for "box-sizing", Description

Original: "Defines whether the height and width of the ele‐ ment define the dimensions of the content box (the historical behavior) or the border box."

Mention of padding-box is missing

Suggested fix: "Defines whether the height and width of the ele‐ ment define the dimensions of the content box (the historical behavior), the padding box or the border box. "

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 126
entry for "font-variant", Description

Description is outdated (refers to small-caps only), should reflect additional CSS3 values.

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 137
entry for "hyphens", Animatable section

"Animatable" section is redundant with the title line

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 138
entry for "justify-content", Computed value

Original: "Co_n_puted value"
Should be: "Computed value"

Jørgen W. lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 139
entry for "letter-spacing", Values

Original: "Values <length> | normal"

Description and Spec + other sources (CSS Tricks etc.) mention percentages. Possibly missing from spec, even.

Suggested fix: "Values <length> | <percentage> | normal"

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 139
Entry about "letter-spacing"

Update: According to E. Meyer the mention of percentages in "Description" should be dropped.

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 27, 2018 
PDF Page 141
entry for "list-style-image", Values

Values: <uri> | <image> | none

AFAIK value/data type <image> includes <uri>, "Computed value" should be updated accordingly, "Values" should be reduced to "<image>"

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 141
entry for "list-style-image", Examples

Second example contains a backslash before 'http'

Is the backslash before 'http' intentional?
Shouldn't the urls be quoted?

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
Printed Page 143
Description for margin property.

Shorthand properties such as margin should include information about how the value for the property is interpreted.

The information I want to see here are:
1. the order of the properties -- in this case, margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left.
2. What happens when values are omitted, ie 1, 2, or 3 values are provided instead of 4.

This errata applies to all other shorthand properties too.

Colin 't Hart  May 13, 2019 
PDF Page 157
entry for "outline", Description

Original: "This is a shorthand property that defines the overall outline for an element"

"outline-offset" can not be set by "outline"

Suggested fix: "This is a shorthand property that defines the overall outline for an element (except the value for 'outline-offset').

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 157
entry for "outline-color", Description, 2nd senctence

Original: "…something other than none for any visible border to appear."

Suggested fix: replace "border" with "outline"

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 158
entry for "outline-style", Description, 1st sentence

Original: "Defines the style for the overall border of an ele‐ ment. "

Suggested fix: Replace "border" with "outline".

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 161
entry for "padding", Description, 2nd last sentence

Original: "The background of the element will extend through‐ out the padding."

IMHO missing note about influence of 'box-sizing' property in this context.

Suggested fix: "The background of the element will extend through‐ out the padding (unless this behaviour has been redefined e.g. via box-sizing)."

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 164
entry for "page-break-after", Values

According to Spec* and description, missing values: avoid | left | right


Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 164
entry for "page-break-before", Values

According to Spec* and description, missing values: avoid | left | right


Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 165
entry for "page-break-inside", Note

Original: "This property is essentially replaced by break- before, but browser support for page-break-before may be stronger."

2nd "page-break-before" should be replaced with "page-break-inside"

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 170
entry for "size", Example

body {page-size: landscape;}

"page-size" should be repaced with "size":

body {size: landscape;}

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 178
entry for "transition", "Applies to"

Original: "Applies to: All elements and :before and :after pseudo- elements"

pseudos should have double colons

Suggested fix: "Applies to: All elements and ::before and ::after pseudo- elements"

Jørgen W. Lang  Sep 18, 2018 
PDF Page 182
3rd paragraph

there is:

white-space Inh.N

there should be:

white-space Inh.Y

please see:

Piotr  May 13, 2020