
Head First PMP

Errata for Head First PMP, Fourth Edition

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The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Printed Page Chapters 11 & 13
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To be consistent with other chapters, consider adding Key Concept Review to Project Risk Management and Project Stakeholder Management chapters.

Kevin Kovalic  Oct 19, 2018 
Printed Page 144

The illustration for Monitor & Control Project Work states that one input is "Work performance data" but per the PMBOK p. 105, it should be "Work performance information".

Amy Mayer  Mar 09, 2020 
PDF Page 408,409
Last paragraph

Dear Team,
In the paragraph titled "Estimate Activity Resources"
The last para says there are 7 tools and techniques for Estimate Activity Resource process....

( The 6 mentioned in bold are )
Expert Judgement
Analogous Estimation
Parametric Estimation
Bottom Up Estimation

Please let me know whats the 7th one or am I missing something
Thanks and Regards

Vishwanath  May 04, 2024 
Printed Page 638

In my book, it looks like there was a big printing problem. From page 638, it goes to page 623. Then from page 638, it jumps to 655. It seems like pages 639-644 was replaced with a duplicate insert of pages 623-638. Importantly, this results in much of Procurement Management's instruction to be omitted from the book.

Anonymous  Sep 30, 2021 
PDF Page 656,866,867
Fixed Price Contracts section, 3rd point (p.656); Index section (p.866,867)

The term "Fixed price with economic price adjustments (FPEPA)" is incorrectly referenced as "Fixed price with economic cost adjustments (FPEPA)" on pages 656, 866 and 867 of the Head First PMP Guide, 4th Edition. Please update accordingly.

Reference: PMBOK Guide (6th Edition), p.471.

Gopinath T  Dec 17, 2018 
Printed Page 701
Output ( of the Plan Stakeholder Engagement)

The output of the " Plan stakeholder engagement" process is the "Stakeholder engagement plan" based on PMBOK 6th Edition. But in the printed version of the book on page 701 in the "Output" section that representing the table and the header of the table shows the output of this process as
"Stakeholder management plan " which is wrong and has to be corrected.

Anonymous  Nov 10, 2019 
Printed Page 742
Processcross item 14 across

In the processcross, the answer to number 14 across, should be "ENGAGEMENT".
However, there is one too many boxes for the letters, so it doesn't fit.

In the solution on p. 760 the answer is filled in as "ENAGAGEMENT", which is not correct spelling.

Ilkka Melleri  Dec 27, 2021