
Juniper MX Series

Errata for Juniper MX Series, Second Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
PDF Page 25
Chapter 1 . Second paragraph of page 25


Chapter 1, page 25:

For example,
given the current size of a full Internet routing table is about 420,000 IPv4 prefixes,
the MX5 would be able to handle over nine full Internet routing tables.

The number of the DFZ routes should be updated.

Congrats on the new edition!

Evelio Vila  Sep 12, 2016 
Printed Page 108
1st paragraph

The test in question describes the previous code example. The text in the 4th line references ae5.2000 but it should be ae5.200 according to the example.

- Swen

Swen Wulf  Dec 08, 2016 
Printed Page 108
1st paragraph

It looks like the author(s) used the interface numbering from the previous example rather than the current example. They say "... if a frame arrived with a single tag of 200, IFL ae5.2000 would accept it". I believe they meant to specify interface ae5.200 rather ae5.2000. The native VLAN example configuration doesnt define the ae5.2000 interface but the previous example does.

Thanks - Jon

Jon Langemak  Jul 07, 2017 
PDF Page 195
2nd paragraph

"...when an allowed outbound ICMP echo reply is detected..." should state "...when an allowed outbound ICMP echo request is detected..."

Vitaly Venglovsky  Oct 02, 2017 
PDF Page 200
Warning/Caution paragraph

"Had the operator not included the protocol tcp condition along with a port value in the telnet_out filter..." should state "Had the operator not included the protocol tcp condition along with a port value in the tcp_out filter".

Vitaly Venglovsky  Oct 02, 2017 
Printed Page 716
Chapter Review Question N.5

The Review Question N.5 of the Chapter 6 doesn't contain the correct value (31).
A. 26
B. 27
C. 33 <-- should be 31
D. 34

Also the Review Answer on the next page contain correct formula with wrong final value:

the book =
5. Answer: C.
Recall that the global FPC number = (member-id * 12) + local FPC. In this case, the answer would be (2 * 12) + 7 = 33.

should be =
5. Answer: C.
Recall that the global FPC number = (member-id * 12) + local FPC. In this case, the answer would be (2 * 12) + 7 = 31.

Giorgio Lippera  Nov 18, 2018 
Printed Page 816
Figure 8-19

The network is assigned to the link between R1 and R3 but both the ip address in the interfaces in the figure are from subnet

R1 (xe-2/1/0.0) has .0 but should have .4
R2 (xe-2/1/0.0) has .1 but should have .5

Also the code at the end of the page indicate .4 and .5

Giorgio Lippera  Nov 21, 2018