
iOS Swift Game Development Cookbook

Errata for iOS Swift Game Development Cookbook, Second Edition

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In chapter 1 the first code sample in the section "creating a component-based game layout" looks like it mistakenly uses code from the Objective-C version of this book. I was expecting to see swift code here.

Japhet Martin  Apr 17, 2017 
PDF Page 17
Create a Component Based Game Layout

The Component class is shown by example in Objective-C although this is a Swift text. Also, shouldn't the first class be @class Component as per the explanation (in Obj-C)?


First, define a Component class. This class represents components that are attached to game objects—it is a very simple class that, at least initially, only has a single method and a single property:

@class GameObject;
@interface Component : NSObject

- (void) update:(float)deltaTime;

@property (weak) GameObject* gameObject;

Next, define a GameObject class. This class represents game objects:

class Component: NSObject {

// The game object this component is attached to
var gameObject : GameObject?

func update(deltaTime : Float) {
// Update this component


Excerpt From: Jonathon Manning & Paris Buttfield-Addison. “iOS Swift Game Development Cookbook.” iBooks.

John Duckworth  Dec 28, 2015