
Creating a Website: The Missing Manual

Errata for Creating a Website: The Missing Manual, Fourth Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Printed Page i-iv
All missing

The first 4 pages of contents are missing!

Anonymous  Jun 06, 2021 
Printed Page 6
Step 4

I was creating a TextEdit html document using my Mac Book Pro laptop. I followed the directives to edit TextEdit preferences that would allow my browser of choice to successfully interpret my document's code. Unfortunately, the image I attempted to include in my html document always failed to show and the dreaded boxed question mark appeared. After checking several online resources for suggestions, I came across a Mac Forum where one of the advisors offered the following suggestion for Mac users who were running the most updated Mac operating system available as of 2017: the user needs to open the TextEdit preferences and, in addition to choosing Plain Text and Display HTML, you must "uncheck" the boxes for Smart quotes and Smart dashes. After following this advice, I rewrote the html code document and the image appeared without issue.

Roberta K.  Mar 09, 2017 
Printed Page 12
Troubleshooting moment section, 4th paragraph

In the sentence "For example, a word processor converts a tag like <h1> into the HTML text &lth1&gt; by replacing the angle brackets with..." - I think that maybe there's a semicolon missing after the &lt character entity.
Thank you.

Andrey Kalinin  Apr 02, 2018 
Other Digital Version 32
2nd paragraph, HTML example

In the Missing CD part of the book, an HTML version of the book contains a slight discrepancy from the textbook, in the first line of Lee Park's work history: "Flying Fingers" is contained by list item, then by italic - instead of the other way around.
While not resulting in a different outcome in text format, it may be confusing to learners.

Oksana Grochowski  Aug 12, 2016 
Printed Page 55
Nesting Lists example

In the unordered list, the function 'style="square"' is used. I believe this should read 'type="square"'.

I attempted to change the style of the bullets to circles and discs, however, with 'style' in the code, nothing changed. Once I changed it to 'type', it changed the bullet style.

Greg Morrison  Dec 28, 2015 
Printed Page 62
"A Few More Elements" section, third paragraph

Text indicates that the <mark> element Is not widely supported.

In testing this element, I have found that it is supported on Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge.

Greg Morrison  Dec 28, 2015 
Other Digital Version 182
3rd paragraph

Tutorial: Linking the Pages in a Site

I believe the following is a typo: "See pictures from < a href =" TripsArctic/ arctic.htm" > The Arctic </ a >"

MacDonald, Matthew. Creating a Website: The Missing Manual (p. 182). O'Reilly Media. Kindle Edition.

There are multiple references to TripArctic on this page. This appears to be the sole instance of TripsArctic.

Paul Wittig  Jan 16, 2017 
Printed Page 203
bottom paragraph

The second sentence in the bottom paragraph of page 203 reads:

"You know how to create an external style sheet and attach it to as many web pages as you want with the <style> element."

This will not work. The <style> element is used for including a style sheet on the same page. To attach an external style sheet, the correct tag is <link>. Step 5 on page 78 shows an external style sheet being attached with the <link> tag.

Barry Gruber  Feb 28, 2016 
Printed Page 229
Whole page

p229 shows the "Part 2 - From Web Page to Website", which according to the table of content would be expected to preceed Chapter 6

Anthony Cros  Sep 11, 2015