
JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual

Errata for JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual, Third Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted

chapter 06
Tutorial: Animated Dashboard
Page 197
the tutorial example wouldn't work with the (jquery-1.11.2.js)
But it is still working with (jquery-1.7.2.min.js).

M.  Feb 21, 2015 

Tutorial: Login Slider
Page 188-194

The $('#login form') dose not show up.
the problem is in the (login.html) internal CSS
Line number 12 (If you are using DreamWeaver CS6)

#login {
width: 300px;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: -51px; // <------ here is your problem
z-index: 100;
background-color: rgb(27,45,94);
border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px;

the solution is to make : top: 51px; (remove the minus sign from -51px)

M.  Feb 21, 2015 
Printed Page 3
Note at bottom of page

The note on page 3 recommends "HTML5 Forms (O'Reilly) by Ben Henick. No such book is listed on the O'Reilly site or on Amazon.

Anonymous  Mar 04, 2016 
Printed Page 11
United States

In the document-relative path description the path for the homepage is given as scripts/site.js then later as /scripts/site.js Which is correct?

Anonymous  Jan 16, 2015 
Printed Page 16
Step 1

Step 1 asks to open fadeIn.html....but the third edition zip file doesn't contain a fadeIn.html file like the second edition zip file did. I went ahead and got the fadeIn.html file from the second edition, but it still doesn't work since there is no header element. Instead, there is a div with a class of header, which means that step 6 on page 17 should have $('.header').hide().slideDown(3000);
instead of

with the period in front of the word header, denoting that jquery is targeting a class. Took me a while to figure that out as I'm still learning the basics of this language.

Anonymous  Oct 26, 2014 
Printed Page 16
Step 1.

"In your text editor, open the file fadeIn.html"
should read
"In your text editor, open the file slide.html"

Anonymous  Oct 29, 2014 
1. (broken link node.js Page 8)

Page 16
reference to a file call fadeln.html that doesn't exists in the ZIP file

rico  Jan 20, 2015 
PDF Page 16
2nd par "1. In your text editor, open the file fadeIn.html."

The filename is wrong (non-existent) the file is called slide.hml

Anonymous  Feb 17, 2015 
Printed Page 16
In #1

It says, "open the file fadeIn.html" but there is no file by this name in the downloaded Chapter One folder. It should say "opent the file slide.html".

Anonymous  Mar 13, 2015 
Printed Page 16
Step 2

There is no "jsquery.min.js" file included in the downloaded zip file containing the _js directory. I did try using the 1.6.3.min and the 1.7.2.min .js files in its place, but either way, I could not get the slidedown example to work.

Steve Beckle  Jul 04, 2015 
Printed Page 16
Step 1

Step 1. In your text editor, open the file fadein.html.
Error is in the name of the file to open. The example files I download that support the book exercises does not contain the fadein.html file.
Work Around: I probed the supporting exercises files and found the slide.html can be used as the fadein.html file.
Correction: Update download files. Rename slide.html to fadein.html

Jack Robinson  Aug 13, 2015 
Printed Page 16-17
number 1 page 16

fadeIn.html not in the zip file available from the web site. Got the file from the 2nd edition zip file but it needed some modification and I'm not certain that the changes I made were the same envisioned by the author.

John Pfersich  Sep 09, 2015 
Printed Page 16
halfway of the page, first numbered item

This sentence refers to a file:

"In your text editor, open the file fadeIn.html...."

fadeIn.html does not exist in the source zip file that accompanies the book (

I believe it is referring to this file instead:

Angel Cruz  Dec 08, 2015 
Printed Page 16
List entry #1

We are instructed to open the file fadeIn.html

But that file is not included in the downloads for the book

Anonymous  Jul 24, 2016 
Printed Page 16
1st Para, #1 - just below Figure 1-4

Point No. 1 mentions about opening the file fadein.html

I could not locate this file in the exercise code I downloaded for this book.

Shailesh  Dec 09, 2016 
Printed Page 16
Section 1

The file "fadeIn.html" is not found in the example files downloaded as per instructions on page 12, NOTE section.

Linda Lefebvre  Jan 09, 2017 
Printed Page 16
Step 1

I agree with the customer who reported on October 26, 2016 regrading the fadeIn.html file.

I was disappointed to not be able to locate this file as I wanted to ensure a complete learning experience.

Anonymous  Sep 25, 2021 
Printed Page 42
in the file prompt.html

the prompt.html file is missing this:
<div class="wrapper">

Anonymous  Mar 20, 2015 
ePub Page 50
Top of page

Text reads (for example, "this is not right" isn't a valid string because it begins with a double-quote mark and ends with a single-quote). The text string DOES end with a double-quote mark making the explanation invalid.

Anonymous  Mar 31, 2016 
Printed Page 85
Number 4

The author claims the script repeats prompt until an user enters a valid number, but script also accepts for instance "4r" - which is no valid number.

Anonymous  Aug 30, 2015 
Printed Page 93
2nd paragraph, 1-2nd line

".... with a new value, the string 'Outside the function'; ..."

shouldn't that be:

".... with a new value, the string 'Inside the function'; ..."

because the original value is the string 'Outside the function'?

Anonymous  Nov 26, 2014 
PDF Page 112
Tip box

In the 'TIP' box, the book says that the developer - when using Google CDN - can leave off parts of the version number.

This doesn't work as in the example provided, it works when providing ONLY the first number of JQuery release, and this is not recommended as Google will keep that file locked at version 1.11.1

Check this post:

Ihsan M  Dec 02, 2014 
Printed Page 120
Line 7 in paragraph 3.

In the paragraph:

You don't just use the ID name ('message'); you have to use the CCS syntax for defining an ID selector ('#message'). In other words, you include the pound sign before the ID name, just as if creating a CCS style for that ID.'

The words 'pound sign' should read '# symbol' (or equivalent).

Richard  Jan 17, 2018 
Printed Page 129
4th paragraph - 3rd line

"This fact can come in handy if you want you to ..."

should be:

"This fact can come in handy if you want to ..."

Anonymous  Nov 28, 2014 
PDF Page 131
Third code example

Missing single quote in the following example.

$('#product101').replaceWith(<p>Added to cart</p>');

Brent Payton  Oct 27, 2016 
PDF Page 136
Figure 4-6

Figure 4-6
There is comma (,) highlighted for "Seperates property from value".
It should be colon (:) as separator.

Correct version:
'background-color' : '#FF0000',
'border' : '2px solid #FE0037'

Anonymous  Oct 31, 2014 
Printed Page 136
Figure 4-6

The comma between the propertyand value should be a colon.

Anonymous  Nov 29, 2014 
Printed Page 138
3rd paragraph - 1st line

"... you want to list of all of the external links ..."

should be:

"... you want to list all of the external links ..."

Anonymous  Nov 29, 2014 
ePub Page 139
2nd paragraph

Text says "so <p> is translated to <p>." It should read "so <p> is translated to &lt;p&gt;." indicating that the tag was converted so that it would not be interpreted.

Anonymous  Mar 31, 2016 
PDF Page 172
1st paragraph (after the NOTE)

"OK, that’s a mindful."

Please see

Brent Payton  Oct 31, 2016 
Printed Page 188
The Programming - Step 1

There is no login.html in the Chapter 6 source code directory.

Anonymous  Jul 07, 2015 
Printed Page 212
Preloading images

In the "For Loop" in the example code.

The loop is defined as:
for (var i=0; I < preloadImages.length; i++)

The "i" should not be capitalized in the condition part of the "for" statement.

it should be:
for (var i=0; i < preloadImages.length; i++)

Anonymous  Dec 16, 2015 
Printed Page 212
4th paragraph

typing error:
for (var=0; I < preloadImages.length; i++)
should be:
for (var=0; i < preloadImages.length; i++)

C.D.   Dec 27, 2018 
Printed Page 223
Step 5

Remove trailing period from the line of code presented in this step.

Anonymous  Jul 08, 2015 
PDF Page 296
3rd paragraph

On p296,

3. Add one final rule to the form.css file:

sholud be revised like:

3. Add one final rule the ones inside the <style> tags created in 2:

The following paragraph at the end of p296 should also be modified since as described in 1. in p295, the readers are recommended to add the new styles directly to the html file, instead of using external files to keep things simpler.

"Save the CSS file and preview the validation.html page in a web browser to see how the CSS affects the error messages (you may need to hit the browser’s reload button to see the changes you made to the CSS file)."

Nobuyuki MIyajima  Sep 26, 2014 
Printed Page 299
United States

On page 296 line 10-12
confirm_password: {equalTo:'#password'},
is what the book has us add

but the complete_validate.html has

confirm_password: {equalTo:'#password'},
spam: "required"

On page 299 line 12

the book has the listing of the final html without the

spam: "required"

Roy Canterbury  Jul 20, 2014 
Printed Page 300
United States

on page 300 step 3 it has
3. Add one final rule to the form.css file:

no form.css file is being used

3. Add one final rule below the rule in step 2 before the </style> tag

Roy Canterbury  Jul 20, 2014 
Printed Page 300
United States

page 300 next to last paragraph
That's all there is to it. Save the CSS file and preview ...

not using an external css file s/b

That's all there is to it. Save the file and preview ...

Roy Canterbury  Jul 20, 2014 
Printed Page 307
Top of page

"1. In a text editor, open the file hello_world.html in the chapter09 folder." This file does not exist among the downloaded tutorial files.

Anonymous  Mar 17, 2015 
Printed Page 307
1st paragraph

"In a text editor, open file hello_world.html in the chapter09 folder" No such file exists in the missing manuals cd download

Elize Kruger  Mar 11, 2017 
Printed Page 315
Step 1

There is no dialog_buttons.html file in the chapter9 source code directory.

Anonymous  Jul 12, 2015 
PDF Page 326
3. Inside the $(document).ready() function, add the following code:

';' should be removed from the following:

content: $('#contactInfo').html();


content: $('#contactInfo').html()

as in complete_advanced_tooltips.html

Nobuyuki MIyajima  Sep 26, 2014 
Printed Page 326
3rd line

There should not be a semi-colon here. rules inside object literals take commas after them if they are proceeded by additional rules. However, they do not semi-colons. Using the semi-colon causes the tutorial to not work as intended.

Rob Parks  Oct 29, 2017 
PDF Page 338
First "Note"

The remote_tabs.html example doesn't show those remote web page's contents at Chrome or Firefox...could someone tell me how to fix this? Thanks.

Anonymous  Dec 09, 2014 
PDF Page 338

I just want to answer to previous person. On question about remote tabs. For remote tabs to work, you need to run your page on a server or on a local server like: WAMP, MAMP, XAMP etc. And yes, in the book that information is omitted.

Anonymous  Dec 15, 2014 
PDF Page 356
line before the last paragraph

yearRange : '-120:0' - doesn't work

needs to be - yearRange: '-120:+0'

Anonymous  Dec 15, 2014 
PDF Page 382
last paragraph

$('#airport').autocomplete({ source : 'airports.json'}); - doesn't work

should be:
$('#airport').autocomplete({ source : airports});

Anonymous  Dec 16, 2014 
Printed Page 382
last line

the command $('#airport').autocomplete({ source : 'airports.json'});

has been given the wrong source, it should be ...({ source : airports});

the magic doesn't happen with this typo

Ief Vandepitte  Aug 30, 2017 
Printed Page 459
Programming step 1

There is no load.html file in the chapter 13 folder of the tutorial code.

Anonymous  Aug 18, 2015 
PDF Page 475
firs paragraph: 9. Try to log into the site.

In that paragraph is written - ...Try to log in a second time: You’ll see the “Incorrect login information” message appear a second time.

It doesn't apper not second, not first time until you add - return false; at the end of submit event handling anonimous function.

Anonymous  Dec 18, 2014 
PDF Page 490
4. After the line you just added, type this:

all the tutorial - Adding Flickr Images used this - $.getJSON(ajaxURL,function(data) {
or that - $.getJSON(ajaxURL, searchInfo, function(data) {
lines, should be:
$.getJSON(URL, searchInfo, function(data) {

Anonymous  Dec 18, 2014 
Printed Page 583
3rd line of code

I know how to use $(":text").focus(), but the code shown here is
$(".text")[0].focus(). I made my own code to try this out, but I keep getting errors. So I was wondering whether the code is really valid or not. If it's valid, how is it handled?

Anonymous  May 12, 2015 
ePub Page 824

On Amazon Kindle.

Location 824 states "open the file fadeIn.html".

This file is not included. Instead it seems to have been renamed to:
" slide.html".

Kevin Harris  Jun 18, 2015 
Other Digital Version 1069
2nd complete paragraph

Kindle Book location 1069 of 17568:

' “this is not right” isn’t a valid string because it begins with a double-quote mark and ends with a single-quote).'

the string does NOT begin wit a double-quote and end with a single-quote.

Anonymous  Aug 19, 2015