
SVG Essentials

Errata for SVG Essentials, Second Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Printed Page xvii
Second paragraph 'We have a web page ...'

I bought this book 'SVG Essentials' ISBN 978-1-449-37435-8. You say you have a web page where you can fetch examples etc at but this page does not appear to exist (even though the number matches this book). Nor does any higher level of that URL seem to work either.
I had to use Google to track down your code examples, which seem to be at
Many thanks - Graham.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The URL is correct; perhaps the O'Reilly "shop" domain was temporarily down when you tried.

However, the catalogue page is currently missing the link to the GitHub repository; that will be corrected.

As you discovered, the examples are available here:

Anonymous  Jan 07, 2016 
ePub Page Chapter 15, Converting Custom Data to SVG
ungenerate sample file

In the first set of data, the centroid location is outside the area of the polygon, and given that this is a convex polygon, it's likely incorrect.

In the second set of data, all the y coordinates are close to 37.82, except for the last point whose y coordinate is 378.826. I suspect this is a typo, especially given the location of its centroid.

Neither problem really matters as this ungenerate sample file data is not used further.

Darius Wiles  Jul 14, 2022 
Chapter 15, Developing an XSL Stylesheet
Figure 15-4

The thermometer temperature in Figure 15-4 contains spurious "Â" characters (capital A with a caret) before the degree symbol, i.e., "17°C / 62°F". Figure 15-3 correctly shows the thermometer temperature without these characters.

Darius Wiles  Jul 15, 2022 
ePub Page 76
Examples 3-2/3-3

These examples should explicitly mention the conversion factor from mm to px. Leaving it out makes the location/size of the rendered rectangle pretty mysterious.

Also it isn't clear why the rulers don't show the full size of the <svg> element in all the diagrams in this section; in the case of a browser rendering the SVG wouldn't the full size of the <svg> element be displayed (assuming no external JS/CSS)?

Steve  Sep 08, 2015 
PDF Page 78

The section on transforming from "regular" Cartesian coordinates is very useful but omits what I consider to be an important detail -- as do most other examples I find online. What if Ymin is not 0?

Then an extra translation is needed.

The transform becomes

translate(0,ymax) scale(1,-1) translate(0, -ymin)

If you publish another edition, I think this is not terribly obvious (it took me an hour to figure out, I'm embarrassed to say) and I think it would be worth including, at least in one of the "Tip" sections.

Carl Godkin  Aug 21, 2015 
Printed, PDF, ePub Page 158
Example 11-2

In example 11-2, several elements are not closed.

The feGaussianBlur, feOffset, and first feMergeNode element should all be self closing, but the closing slash is missing.

Matthew Halverson  Feb 18, 2016 
Printed Page 250
line -3

The statement in the code: // ]]> is incorrect - this statement should not be commented out. This error is in the electronic edition too. The interpreter apparently ignores this statement and automatically completes the brackets - but this should still be corrected.

Emmanuel Yashchin  Mar 28, 2022 
Printed Page 332
in the top most code block

The points for the arc the method "centeredToSVG" shall return are defined as (x0,y0) and (x1,y1).

y1 is never calculated, but y2 is defined as global instead. Pretty sure this should have been y1 right before largeArc is defined.

Sören Sprößig  Oct 07, 2017 
Mobi Page 99999999999
Table of Content missing in .mobi

Missing Content Table of the book in the final release in .mobi format.
In the pre-relese version there was Table of content at the end of the book, but now nothing :(
(I'm using Kindle 3 Reader)

Note from the Author or Editor:
This may have been an error in an interim build, but I am seeing the Table of Contents at the end of the book in the final .mobi version I have available. It doesn't show up in the "Bookmarks" list, but if you're using a reader that displays Bookmarks, you don't really need the Table of Contents!

Update: The reporter of the error says the problem still exists in the latest downloaded version.

Anonymous  Nov 07, 2014