
Head First PMP

Errata for Head First PMP, Third Edition

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The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

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Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
chapter 15: question 38 on stakeholder management

the correct answer is Monitor Stakeholder Engagement.
Control Stakeholder Engagement does not exist!

Bram De Backer  Feb 24, 2020 
chapter 15: question 20 on quality management

the Process Improvement Plan is something which is not described in the PMBOK nor in the book. it can not be the right answer. this is problem from PMBOK v5 or older.

Bram De Backer  Feb 24, 2020 
chapter 15: answer to question 21 on quality management

the answer explains that [...] are all techniques of Acquire Project Team.
Acquire Project Team does not exist in PMBOK v6. It should be Acquire Resources.

Bram De Backer  Feb 24, 2020 
chapter 15: question 27 on stakeholder management

The question ask about a Communication Management process.
Identify Stakeholder is a Stakeholder management process.

From the given answers, only A can be correct. (you may have identified the stakeholder but still never spoken to him because you did not have communications properly managed).

Bram De Backer  Feb 24, 2020 
throughout the book

there are various references to a "Quality Assurance" process. What is meant is the "Manage Quality" process.

Bram De Backer  Feb 24, 2020 
question 17 of practice exam

it is stated that "those costs have increased AC", meaning the police was already paid for (it's already in the actual costs). Currently the answer states "B. pay the police", which would mean you would pay twice for the same service?

Bram De Backer  Feb 24, 2020 
throughout the book

Throughout the book (including in the Practice Exam!) you can find mention of the "Staffing Management Plan", except for what it really is (with the exception maybe of the screenshot under "The Resource Management Plan" in chapter 9). The reason is that no such plan exists in PMBOK v6. This should be the Resource Management Plan.

Bram De Backer  Feb 24, 2020 
question 115 of practice exam and the answer

the "records management system" does not exist in PMBOK v6. not in the least because it (according to the answer guide) belongs to the "Close Procurements" process, a process that also does not exist in PMBOK v6!

Bram De Backer  Feb 24, 2020 
question 125

Even without looking in the book, you can *never* have a monitoring&control process without the original plan.

On top of that, page 495 of the PMBOK guide literally lists "Procurement Management Plan" as an input to the "Control Procurement" process.

Bram De Backer  Feb 24, 2020 
question 182

a "final product, result, or service" is also not something you can generate during "Close Project or Phase". What *is* something you generate is "a final product, result, or service *TRANSITION*".

Bram De Backer  Feb 24, 2020 
Printed Page 152
1st paragraph, 5th sentence.

With PMBOK V6 PMI emphasizes that Lessons are created in the Manage Project Knowledge process in Integration, and the output is called the Lessons Learned Register. . In the Close Project or Phase process, as you're describing on P. 152, the Lessons Learned are not created, but rather the Lessons Learned Register that has been built throughout the project is finalized and added into the organization's Lessons Learned Register, where the Lessons Learned Registers from the other projects in your company are all stored. You do state that the lessons learned are made part of the company's OPAs in this process, but more specifically, it's the the Lessons Learned Repository.

Jeff Furman, PMP Instructor  Sep 25, 2018 
Printed Page 609
Last Bullet Point

The final bullet point in Bullet Points: Aiming for the Exam states that there are no executing processes in Risk Management. However, v6 of PMBOK added Implement Risk Responses (In the executing group), which is covered in this version of PMP starting on page 614.

Drue  Feb 07, 2019 
Printed Page 750
Question 31

Option C states: Procurement closure means verifying that the project is complete or terminated; Close Project or Phase is the process of tying up all activities for every management process group.

The book has this as the correct answer, but Procurement Closure is the closure/termination of procurement/contract, not of the whole project! The project is not necessarily completed with the completion of the procurement contract.

Alex G.  Oct 14, 2017 
Printed Page 765
Question 106 of practice exam

I am using 3rd edition, eight Indian reprint December 2015.

I request early response (at least over email) as i have scheduled my PMP real exam on 12-Dec-17 and this thing is really getting me anxious.

This question provides one part of a network diagram
In that for activity D: ES=7, EF=9 ( this means task duration =9-7=2)
Also it gives for activity D: LS=3, LF=4. ( this means task duration =4-3=1)

Isnt this incorrect? Am I missing anything? How can a task have 2 days duration using one formula and 1 day duration using another formula?

Same kind of confusion for activity E where given ES=10, EF=12, LS=3, LF=4

Regarding the answer, if one refres to Headfirst s/he may answer 10 as LF of activity F. But if one referes Rita’s book s/he may answer LF of activity F as 11! What does PMI would answer?

Thank you.

Gajanan Desai   Nov 26, 2017