
WordPress: The Missing Manual

Errata for WordPress: The Missing Manual, Second Edition

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The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

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On the Missing CD Website for the book

Greetings and Salutations,

I love the book, it is is extremely clear and very helpful. As I am getting started with going through it I wanted to take a moment to check out the accompanying support materials. I appreciate all the hard work and effort that has gone into a project of this scope and I am certain that these are merely things that have been overlooked. Nonetheless, there are two spelling errors on the "Thoughts of a Lawyer" site that I wanted to pass along.

On the page, "About the Practice" Illinois is spelled incorrectly in the sentence: "Ms. Chapelle is a member of the Illionois Bar, and earned her B.A. at Michigan State University"

Also, in the article entitled, "The Felon I Didn't Represent," Winter is spelled incorrectly in the sentence, "I leave the judging to the judge, and try to give them the best legal representation possible, provided it doesn’t disrupt my golf game in the summer, my racquetball game in the winder, or my tanning sessions at the club (natch)."

Again, many thanks for your help and assistance. I am enjoying the text very much and will continue to stay in touch as the need presents itself.

Kindest Regards,

Mr. Carlen D. Cagle

Mr. Carlen D. Cagle  Nov 17, 2014 
Printed Page Second Edition
whole book

I have the Second Edition , which I purchased about 5 years ago. Now that I am retired I decided to learn this wordpress. My question is, is there much difference in the 3rd edition from the second edition? I would hate to waste my time learning this 2nd edition content only to find it is obsolete.

Charles H Streeper Jr.  Jun 19, 2023 
Printed Page 70

All of the examples are in grayed out typeface making it hard for me to read. I sent my first copy back to Amazon, but the replacement copy is no better.  Apr 17, 2021 
Printed Page 96
Step 5

You don't tell the newbie how to get back to the editing screen. The preview may overlay the editing screen altogether. This could baffle a newbie who doesn't realize that the editing screen is still there underneath the preview.

Gretchen Patti  Sep 27, 2016 
Printed Page 140
"Preview" paragraph

The text says that Preview "shows your site dressed in this theme" but that's not what I see. I see a set of standard text in that theme -- not my site contents at all. What am I missing here?

Gretchen Patti  Oct 04, 2016