
Statistics in a Nutshell

Errata for Statistics in a Nutshell, Second Edition

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The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
3rd image under "Multiple Regression Models" heading

In the online version, chapter 10 (Multiple Linear Regression), under the "Multiple Regression Models" heading, the third image (10-3) is intended to show the untransformed (i.e., skewed) version of the field "Gross National Income" (gni), but the X-axis in the visualization is "log_gni". I would expect the X-axis of 10-3 to simply be "gni" since the log transformed version in 10-4 has the X-axis label "log_gni".

Bryan Parker  Sep 06, 2019 
Chapter 11, third paragraph

Within Chapter 11 (Logistic, Multinomial, and Polynomial Regression), in the second paragraph under the "Logistic Regression" heading, the text states: "The outcome variable in linear regression is a logit...". This should read: "The outcome variable in logistic regression is a logit..."

Bryan Parker  Sep 13, 2019 
Printed Page 128
Table 5-4

Table 5-4 explains subscript notation for a 2x2 table.

The subscript for the cell in row 2, column 2 is not correct. It should be Cell_{22} but is given as Cell_{21}.

Simon  Jan 09, 2019 
Printed Page 131
First complete paragraph

This book says, "The degrees of freedom for a chi-square test of goodness of fit is (g - 1)", where g is the number of groups or categories. However, I find different values for degrees of freedom in different books. For example, see Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Statistics 3rd ed. by Spiegel and Stephens, problems 12.12 and 12.13. These two problems suggest that "the number of parameters used in estimating the expected frequencies" should be subtracted from g - 1 . See also Introduction to Statistics 2nd ed. by Ronald E. Walpole. That book says that "[t]he number of degrees of freedom ... is equal to the the number of cells [i.e. categories] minus the number of quantities obtained from the observed data, which are used in the calculation of the expected frequencies."
Who is right? Is there agreement about this?

George Caplan  Feb 02, 2019 
Printed Page 160
4th paragraph

It states, "the upper critical value for t is 1.325," but isn't it "1.761" according to Figure D-7?

Yosuke Ishii  Sep 22, 2019 
Printed Page 348
1st paragraph

In L.1, it states "the Paashe index is 87.50" but right below the paragraph the Paasche index is calculated as 129.17.

I don't understand why they don't match.

Is this accurate or did I misunderstand the content?

Yosuke Ishii  Oct 13, 2019 
Printed Page 401
Between 1st and 2nd paragraph

The table states "0.5=0.5/4=0.625" but the correct statement is "0.5+0.5/4=0.625."

Yosuke Ishii  Oct 14, 2019 
Printed Page 403
Right below the 1st paragraph

Could you please clarify why the value for Y in Figure 16-20. is 0.3989?

I tried to find the reason by myself but couldn't.
Thank you very much in advance.

Yosuke Ishii  Oct 14, 2019 
Printed Page 479
4th bullet

The errata for the 4th bullet on p. 479 is itself incorrect.

A reader pointed out that "= x" was missing.

The author, in summarizing said that "= 0" was missing.

Obviously, there is disagreement here.

Anonymous  May 09, 2018