
Physics for Game Developers

Errata for Physics for Game Developers, Second Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
PDF Page xviii
2nd and 3rd paragraph

The descriptions for Chapter 24, 3D Display and Chapter 25, Optical Tracking are reversed.

Cesar Brod  Jun 30, 2013 
PDF Page xix
2nd paragraph

Nintendo is mispelled in the third line of the 3rd paragraph. The book spells Nentendo.

Cesar Brod  Jun 30, 2013 
PDF Page xix
8th paragraph

The convention Bold is also printed in Italic. So, the convention should be Bold and Italic, or the print should be fixed.

Cesar Brod  Jun 30, 2013 
PDF Page xxii
First paragraph

The [[my]] seems odd... [[our]] would be better:

We also want to express [[my]] appreciation to O?Reilly for agreeing to take on this project giving us the opportunity to expand on the original edition.

Cesar Brod  Jun 30, 2013 
PDF, ePub Page xii
First sentence under the "Mechanics" subsection

The first sentence of the aforementioned section is:

"Most people that we’ve talked to when we was developing the concept for this book immediately thought of flight simulators when the phrases “real physics” and “real-time simulation” came up."

The typo is the word "was" which should be "were".

Corrected sentence:

"Most people that we’ve talked to when we were developing the concept for this book immediately thought of flight simulators when the phrases “real physics” and “real-time simulation” came up."

Ryan  Oct 12, 2019 
Printed, PDF, ePub, Mobi, , Other Digital Version Page n/a

Code listings on Github at "oreillymedia/physics_for_game_developers_2e"

Anonymous  Feb 04, 2023 
Printed Page Pg 312-37
formula LiftCoefficient / DragCoefficient

the formula to calculate lift and drag coefficients is printed as:
cl = clf0[i] - (a[i] - angle) * (clf0[i] - clf0[i+1] / (a[i] - a[i+1]);

I think it should be
cl = clf0[i] + (a[i] - angle) * (clf0[i] - clf0[i+1] / (a[i] - a[i+1]);

(The code download is consistent with the book.)

I have found the book very useful and have enjoyed it a lot!

Anonymous  Feb 25, 2024 
Mobi Page 4

I am viewing the Mobi file on an Amazon Kindle Paperwhite.

The provided location (page 4, paragraph 3 in the PDF) is missing the end of the sentence, "and check their dimensional accuracy."

This is true for just about every paragraph in the book. I think this corresponds to the last physical line of each paragraph in the PDF version.

emddudley  May 03, 2013 
Printed Page 11
Source Code

TotalMass FAC+= Elements[i].mass;

should read:

TotalMass += Elements[i].mass;

Ian Ennis  Feb 18, 2014 
Printed Page 11

The line;


should read:

PointMass Elements[_NUMELEMENTS];

Brad Moffat  Nov 07, 2014 
PDF Page 16
2nd paragraph, after Table 1-2

The formula and the text yield different results. The correct should be 993 N on both.

Cesar Brod  Jul 19, 2013 
Printed Page 18
Whole page

Units all written wrong, Ns^2m is written as N-S^2-m, i.e. with minus signs.

Goes on whole page, and several pages before and after

Michael Fairbank  Mar 05, 2016 
Printed Page 25
bottom half

The matrix for I is not aligned. Needs a large bracket. Looks incredibly amateurish

Michael Fairbank  Mar 05, 2016 
Printed Page 105
1st paragraph below Table 6-3

The text states that "the only formula that has changed is the formula for T", but the formal for h has also changed in this case.

kengr  Jul 24, 2015 
Printed Page 113
Lower half

The equation starting |J|= is impossible because |J| is necessarily positive, and the RHS of that equationis necessarily negative.

I have lots of errors in this book, some serious. It is incredibly badly typeset - why did you use Microsoft word? Word has mangled integral signs into umlaut characters. Contact me if you want me to give you my full list of corrections.

I am an educator at a UK university. This was going to be our course textbook, but I've told the students to avoid it because all of the errors can undermine their understanding.

Michael Fairbank  Mar 05, 2016 
PDF Page 316
code listing

`tmp = vLiftVector.Magnitude();` tmp is overwritten two code lines later by dot product of vDragVector and the Element's vNormal. It appears the line is superfluous.

Anonymous  Feb 04, 2023 
PDF Page 329
Middle of page

The coefficient formula printed reads:

Cf = 0.075 / (log10 Rn ? 2)2

But actually the expression in brackets is supposed to be raised to the exponent 2:

Cf = 0.075 / (log10 Rn ? 2)^2

Thuan Ta  Mar 28, 2014 
Printed Page 389
bottom quarter of the code segment

Line of code immediately inside of
if ((check == CONTACT) && DOCONTACT)

sets j=0 and opens a block {}. The formatting is odd. I believe that this should be a for loop:

for (j = 0; j < NUMBODIES; ++j)

Christopher Hebert  Mar 26, 2019