
iPhone: The Missing Manual

Errata for iPhone: The Missing Manual, Third Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 6
top-down image view

The first paragraph states "top-right edge of the iPhone" but the image is rotated so that the sleep/wake button is on the left. I recommend the image be rotated clockwise so that it would appear as though the user is looking at the top of the phone with the sleep/wake button on the right side.

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 3rd printing (1/10).

Christopher Combes  Nov 10, 2009 
Page 8
Last paragraph

"Subscriber Information Module"
should be...
"Subscriber Identity Module"

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 3rd printing (1/10).

Christopher Combes  Nov 12, 2009 
Page 14
2nd Tip box

The last paragraph in the tip box about turning off the vibration when the silencer is engaged says "...see page 335."

It should say page 334.

Jason Grose  Aug 30, 2009 
Page 25
1st paragraph under "Rearranging the Home Screen"

The paragraph reads "As you add new apps (icons) to your iPhone, it sprouts new Home screens as necessary to accommodate them, up to a grand total of 11 screens. (That's 180 apps -- and yet that's not the maximum; read on.)"

It never addresses how to get more than the 180 apps.

Jason D. Grose  Sep 03, 2009 
Page 39
Below the Double-tap method paragraph

Not a technical mistake but there is no "possible improvement" section.

"A variation on the double-tap method is the two finger select method. Split your fingers as if you're doing the V for victory (or peace) sign and tap them simultaneously at the beginning and end of the text you want to highlight."

Note from the Author or Editor:
Fixed in the third printing, 1/10. Thanks for the heads-up!

Jim Rech  Sep 07, 2009 
Page 40
Tip box at top of page. End of first paragraph.

Not a technical mistake but there is no section for "very slight possible improvements".

After: "Instead, hold your finger down on a word to produce the blue handles."

Add: "If you highlight the wrong word (easy enough to do) just slide your finger over to the right one."

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 3rd printing

Jim Rech  Sep 07, 2009 
Page 41
Bottom graphic

In the "(Possible Step 4: Undo)" section, it talks about shaking the iPhone in order to get an "undo" function. The bottom graphic does not show the undo function and is in fact an exact copy of the graphic on the top of the page.

Jason D. Grose  Sep 03, 2009 
Page 53
Second paragraph, line 2

"ougoing" should be "outgoing"

Jim Rech  Sep 07, 2009 
Page 88
3rd paragraph

The paragraph refers the reader to page 87 for how to turn off Call Waiting. Page 87 doesn't discuss turning off Call Waiting.

Note from the Author or Editor:
(should say "page 351")

Jim Rech  Sep 09, 2009 
Page 127
Email Photograph section

The text says that the resolution of emailed photos is reduced to 640x480. I'm finding now that such photos are 800x600. Maybe a 3.1 change?

Jim Rech  Sep 17, 2009 
Page 134
Tip: top of page

Says: "For details... See page 291." Should say page 295.

Edition printed November 2009.

Note from the Author or Editor:
It's actually 292. Fixed in 3rd printing.

Helen Hills  Jan 07, 2010 
Page 174
Middle page

The Tip on page 174 incorrectly directs the user to page 174 for setting up note syncing.

Also, in the paragraph below the tip, the time/date stamp is of the last time the note was edited as opposed to created.

Also, it might be mentioned that notes are listed in descending order by date which makes it easier to find the most recent notes.

Jim Rech  Sep 30, 2009 
Page 177
Last paragraph

You can also silence an alarm by pressing the Sleep/wake button or the volume button.

Jim Rech  Oct 01, 2009 
Page 306
First paragraph under the section titled "The Setup"

The instructions are not precise for the setup of MobileMe.
On page 306, second sentence in the first paragraph under "The Setup" it reads:
"For starters, you need pretty recent stuff: on the Mac, the latest version of Mac OS X 10.4 or 10.5, for example."
On the basis of that statement I ordered MobileMe. Only after I had activated the account for MobileMe did I read that it requires Mac OS X 5 or higher. As you can imagine that is an expensive lesson I learned in using your book.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Apple changed the requirements. (This reader can get his money refunded, if he wishes! That's why there's a 2-month trial.)

Fixed in 3rd printing.

Anonymous  Jan 01, 2010