

Errata for DNS and BIND, Fifth Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page xvii
1st paragraph of "Obtaining the Example Programs" section

The first ftp link is broken.
The second ftp link lacks the filename to fetch.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The URL should be deleted.

The second URL should be changed to ""

And the filename in the two zcat commands should be changed from "dns.tar.Z" to "dns.5ed.tar.Z".

Page xiii
First bullet point under 'What's New...'

Coverage of SPF is incorrectly referenced to Chapter 6. Actually,
it's in Chapter 5.

Anonymous    Apr 01, 2007
Page xiii
First bullet point under 'What's New...'

Coverage of SPF is incorrectly referenced to Chapter 6. Actually,
it's in Chapter 5.

Anonymous    Apr 01, 2007
Page 68
Under Appending Domain Names

Under Appending Domain Names there starts a line where

Aaron P. Wallace  Jul 20, 2009 
Page 106
1st paragraph

"This configuration is
called a DNS client in the BIND Operations Guide."

This document seems to be no longer available (google search). I believe that the proper document is the "ARM" found in the source distribution (Bind 9.7.3-P1 for example) at /doc/arm/Bv9ARM.pdf

Please respond via e-mail to

(The same error is noted in the 4th edition print version.)

Note from the Author or Editor:
Correct, the BOG is no longer available and the reference needs to be updated. However, the ARM isn't the proper document, because it doesn't introduce the term "DNS client." I'll address this in the next edition.

Michael Kramer  Jun 24, 2011 
Page 277
the last 2 lines from the bottom:

In the page 277, the last 2 lines from the bottom:

rir-1 IN A6 0 2001:db80::2
rir-2 IN A6 0 2001:db80::6

I think the lines should be:

rir-1 IN A6 0 2001:db80:2000::
rir-2 IN A6 0 2001:db80:6000::

Anonymous  Feb 21, 2013 
Page 325
middle/bottom of diagram

Figure 11-7 depicts a white-colored key with the subtitle:
"decrypt with pubic key"
This should be:
"decrypt with public key"

Page 325
middle/bottom of diagram

Figure 11-7 depicts a white-colored key with the subtitle:
"decrypt with pubic key"
This should be:
"decrypt with public key"

Anonymous    Jul 01, 2009
Page 337
beginning of "Signing your zone" subsection

The two invocations of "cat" are incorrect:

# cat "$INCLUDE ..." >>

They should use the "echo" command and single quotes:

# echo '$INCLUDE ...' >>

Anonymous  Sep 08, 2008  Jul 01, 2009
Page 368
end of 2nd paragraph

PTR record for is listed as:
it should be:

Anonymous    Apr 01, 2007
Page 368
end of 2nd paragraph

PTR record for is listed as:
it should be:

Anonymous    Apr 01, 2007
Page 502
First sentence under "The NAPTR Record" heading

It says:

Now that we're

Should be

Now that we've

("we are" contraction should be "we have" contraction).

Page 502
First sentence under "The NAPTR Record" heading

Now that we're

now reads:

Now that we've

("we are" contraction should be "we have" contraction).

529: Changed "SRV type code: 35" to "NAPTR type code: 35"

Anonymous    Aug 01, 2008
Other Digital Version
First sentence under "The NAPTR Record" heading

Now that we're

now reads:

Now that we've

("we are" contraction should be "we have" contraction).

529: Changed "SRV type code: 35" to "NAPTR type code: 35"

Anonymous    Aug 01, 2008