
Arduino Cookbook

Errata for Arduino Cookbook, Third Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 16
4th paragraph of the actual text (the paragraph right before the monkey paragraph)

r get a board with a higher SRAM (dynamic memory)
Doesn't SRAM mean STATIC memory?

Note from the Author or Editor:
Despite having the word "static" in its name, static RAM is a form of volatile memory. This is in contrast to dynamic RAM (DRAM), which needs to be occasionally refreshed to maintain an electrical charge. SRAM holds its state as long as power is maintained without needing additional circuitry to refresh it. See for more details. I will add a clarifying note the first place this term is used.

Serguey  May 14, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 19
2nd paragraph after the code

Upload the code by clicking the upload button, or choose File→Upload to I/O board (see Recipe 1.4).
First of all, there is no option "Upload to I/O board" in the "File" menu. At least not in Arduino IDE 1.8.10.
Second, sketches are loaded using menu commands "Sketch --> Upload," as is stated correctly in Recipe 1.4.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thank you. I have corrected this and made some other corrections as well. The text referred to the compile button as having a triangle in it, when it is now the verify button (with a checkmark in it). I have also updated Figure 1-6 to label the compile button as verify/compile.

Serguey  May 14, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 39
The "Discussion" section

this sentence:

Take, for example, the millis function shown in Recipe 2.10 and other recipes. It returns an unsigned long value.

There is no function millis() used either in Recipe 2.10 or in the entire chapter 2 itself. The function is discussed in section 12.1.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thank you; I have modified this to point to the correct recipe and the change will appear in a future printing.

Serguey  Jun 01, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 54
top of the page, text before code

Use strcmp (short for string compare) to compare two strings. You can see this used in Recipe 2.7:
Function strcmp() is not used in Recipe 2.7. It is used in Recipe 2.18.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thank you. I will make sure this correction is incorporated into the book.

Serguey  Jun 05, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 77
The first sentence in the page

This code is similar to the one using while loops, but it uses the break statement to exit the loop if a digital pin goes high.
The pin must go LOW, because it's always HIGH due to its having been initialized with the INPUT_PULLUP parameter. Moreover, the conditional statement in the sketch for the BREAK condition to occur says:

if(digitalRead(switchPin) == LOW)

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thank you. I will make sure this change is incorporated into a future printing. It will read "if a switch is pressed" instead of "if a digital pin goes high"

Serguey  Jun 08, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 84
The first sentence in the page

The examples that follow assume you have sensors wired to digital pins 2 and 3 as discussed in Chapter 5.
Where exactly in chapter 5 is connecting sensors to pins 2 and 3 discussed?

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thank you; I apologize that this is unclear. Chapter 5's examples are not pin-specific, but the text suggests there is an example specific to these pins. I will change this to read:

"wired to digital pins 2 and 3. Several of the recipes in Chapter 5 discuss connecting sensors and other components to digital pins."

Serguey  Jun 08, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 125
code in Solution 4.1, the last two declarations right before the setup() function:

char c1 = 4;
char c2 = 210;

What are these supposed to be? I don't see them being used anywhere in the sketch.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thank you for catching this error. That code appears to be a vestige of some earlier version and serves no purpose. It will be removed.

Serguey  May 20, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 147
the first paragraph after the code,

This sentence:
If your code calls printBinary with a two-byte value, the version declared as void sendBinary(int value) will be called.
printBinary – no such function. The correct name is sendBinary.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thank you! I will make sure this correction is incorporated into a future printing.

Serguey  May 24, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 154
the first paragraph in the Discussion section.

This sentence:
The Arduino code checks that at least MESSAGE_BYTES have been received, ensuring that the message is not processed until all the required data is available.
No such identifier MESSAGE_BYTES neither in the Processing sketch nor in the Arduino sketch. I guess, it should be TOTAL_BYTES.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thank you for this correction! It has been in the book since the second edition, and you are the first to find it. I really appreciate it, and will incorporate it into a future reprint.

Serguey  May 25, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 158
The second paragraph from the bottom

This sentence:
This is because the pull-ups have been enabled on them using INPUT_PULLUP.
In this sketch the pull-up resistors for the digital pins were enabled not by INPUT_PULLUP, but by this code:

for(int i=2; i <= 13; i++)
pinMode(i, INPUT); // set pins 2 through 13 to inputs
digitalWrite(i, HIGH); // turn on pull-ups
Actually, this seems to be a valid method of doing this, but only for Arduino versions prior to version 1.0.1, to wit:
Prior to Arduino 1.0.1, it was possible to configure the internal pull-ups in the following manner:
pinMode(pin, INPUT); // set pin to input
digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); // turn on pullup resistors
The question is, is it still possible to use this method to enable pull-up resistors for digital pins in Arduino versions >= 1.0.1?

Anyway, the method said to had been used to enable pull-ups, was not actually used.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thank you for this correction. I will incorporate it into a future reprint. In general, the method shown will work on 8-bit boards. However, it is not expected to work on 32-bit boards. See

Serguey  May 26, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 198
code listing in getKey function

in section 5.5 Reading a Keypad (pages 196 to 199 in print edition)
if the user presses two keys in the same row at a time they will short out a high output column with a low output column, possibly destroying the microcontroller.
eg. If I press the “1” and “2” keys at the same time I am shorting the Column 1 (low) and Column 2 (high) output pins together. In the getKey routine one column is driven low while the other columns are driven high and they are shorted together by the user.

Note from the Author or Editor:
You are right, and thank you for catching this. I will add diodes to the circuit in a future reprint. See (it may take some time for that image to be refreshed).

Don M  Jun 18, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 301

3rd edition - Chapter 5. ... 5.5 Reading a Keypad ... (301/1248 ebook)
Code, Figure 5.6, mapping table, & PID ref are not coherents

Schematic represent connections notation (keypad → Arduino) :
1 → 8 (noted Col 1)
2 → 7 (noted Row 0)
3 → 6 (noted Col 0)
4 → 5 (noted Row 3)
5 → 4 (noted Col 2)
6 → 3 (noted Row 2)
7 → 2 (noted Row 1)
if schematic keypad pins OK (Col & rows in good order):
{kp 1234567 → Col1, Row0, Col0, Row3, Col2, Row2,ROW1)
and cables, code has to be
const int rowPins[numRows] = {7, 2, 3, 5}; // Rows 0 through 3
const int colPins[numCols] = {6, 8, 4}; // Columns 0 through 2
and mapping table to be corrected so
Note : several keypad ref. exists ( but keypad in schematic is a Matrix Keypad (PID 3845) not 1824 nor 419

If code is correct, Figure 5.6 has to be changed -
Notation COL & ROWS in good order (& color cables)

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thank you for catching this. The diagram is indeed in error. It is the diagram from the previous version of the book, and it had not been updated for this version. My apologies. I have prepared a new version of the diagram for a future printing, which you can find here (it also includes diodes to avoid a short when multiple buttons are pressed):

J-E Labbe  Aug 14, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 358
The text under Fig.8.13.

Page 358. The text under Fig.8.13.

You can find circuit diagrams for this in the Arduino wiki
What is this "Arduino wiki"? There is no wiki page on the Arduino web-site.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thank you. This referred to the now-obsolete Arduino Playground, but much of what was there is outdated or refers to broken links. We will remove the reference for now, but will research whether it's valuable to elaborate on this in a future edition of the book.

Serguey  Jul 12, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 367
the line of code at the bottom of the page:

Page 367, the line of code at the bottom of the page:
determine direction based on whether steps_to_mode is + or -
What is this steps_to_mode? This is the only occurrence of this variable in the entire book.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thank you for submitting this errata, and I'm sorry it made it through to the final version. The text "steps_to_mode" should be "steps", referring to the variable on the following line of code.

Serguey  Jul 13, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 461
Page 461, the last sentence in the second from bottom paragraph:

Page 461, the last sentence in the second from bottom paragraph:
The download for the Graphical LCD covered in Recipe 11.9 contains example sketches for displaying and setting time using an analog clock display drawn on the LCD.
Exactly WHAT download for Graphical LCDs? There are quite a few links given in that section.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thank you for reporting this. In a previous edition, recipe 11.9 used a single library that did have this example, but that is no longer the case. We well revise it to read:

All these examples print to the serial port, but you can print the output to LEDs or
LCDs. For example, the Adafruit LED Backpack library introduced in Recipe 7.13,
contains example sketches (clock_sevenseg_ds1307 and clock_sevenseg_gps) for displaying
time using an analog clock display drawn on an LED segment display.

Serguey  Jul 31, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 479
Fig. 13.7.

Page 479, Fig. 13.7.

Pin 1 (Gnd) of the HT16K33 controller is connected to pin 5V of the Arduino board, and pin 15 (VDD - positive supply) of the HT16K33 controller is connected to pin GND of the Arduino board.

Shouldn't it be in reverse?

Vdd/Vcc - positive
Vss/Vee - negative

Where does this pin assignment for HT16K33 in the figure come from? In the data sheet on the controller:

Vss (negative/ground), all packages - pin 1
Vdd (positive) - pins 20, 24, 28 (depending on the package).

If this is supposed to be pin numbering of the breakout board, I don't see such markings on the Adafruit's item PRODUCT ID: 1427.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thank you very much for catching this. I'm very sorry about this serious error. I will correct the figure.

The pin numbering was intended to follow the physical ordering of the breakout board (also the IC in the 28SOP package) beginning with GND (1) in the upper left, proceeding counter-clockwise around the pins on the board, and ending with VDD (28) in the upper left, but I got the right-hand side of the breakout board reversed, so I must apologize for that as well. That has been corrected in the diagram.

There is some potential for confusion. Upon inspection of the breakout board schematic, the A0-A10 notation corresponds to the ROW0-ROW10 notation on the HT16K33 datasheet. However, the first three ROW pins are also named A2-A0 (in reverse order of the ROW0-ROW2 numbering), while the remaining are named K1-K8. I can find no indication that the wiring of the first three ROW pins is reversed, and it seems to me that the A numbering on the breakout board follows the order of the pins as well as the ROW numbering scheme.

Serguey  Aug 04, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 488
See Also section

Page 488, See Also section.
This sentence:

A cross-reference of similar I2C EEPROMs ( with a wide range of capacities

The link is dead.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Apologies, but it appears that the 'f' was truncated from the complete URL when the URL was shortened. The correct link should be

Serguey  Aug 05, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 500
text after the code after Fig. 13.13.

Page 500, text after the code after Fig. 13.13.
A3 is analog pin 3 (digital pin 17), and A2 is analog pin 2 (digital pin 16); these pins provide power to the nunchuck:

enum nunchuckItems { joyX, joyY, accelX, accelY, accelZ, btnZ, btnC };

enum is the construct to create an enumerated list of constants, in this case a list of the sensor values returned from the nunchuck.

I am having problems with seeing the relation of the given code line to the preceding statement of the pins used to provide power to the Wii Nunchuk. The code line just has no logical relation to the text preceding it as the colon at the end of the text seems to suggest. At least I don't see it.

The code line does form a logical unit with the following text, but it seems rather awkward to open a new logical unit with just a line of code.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thank you for catching this. The paragraph in question should end with a period instead of a colon and the paragraph that begins with "enum is the construct" should be moved to precede the line of code that begins with "enum nunchuckItems".

Serguey  Aug 07, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 505-507
Code listings

Pages 505-507. Code.

Is there any reason why there are two statements in some lines in these code listings?

Would it affect the functionality of the program is such lines were to be split in two, with each statement in its own line?

As far as I know, it shouldn't, but who knows.

Note from the Author or Editor:
This is a purely stylistic decision and you could break the code after the semicolons without altering the functionality of the program. Because the two adjacent lines (digitalWrite and delay) are companions and are short lines, it can sometimes be a useful stylistic choice to group them in this way.

Serguey  Aug 08, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 521
the paragraph immediately above fig. 14.5.

Page 521, the paragraph immediately above fig. 14.5.

In your code, you must replace 0013A200 (DH) and 403B9E1E (DL) with the high and low addresses of the destination radio. You can look up the high (ATDH) and low
(ATDL) portions of the serial number using X-CTU, as shown in Figure 14-5.
The second sentence is really confusing. I don't see how the high and low parts of the serial number fits with the preceding sentence in which the high and low addresses are discussed. Do we use the high and low parts of the destination device's serial number as the high and low parts of its address, or do we use this information to look up the corresponding DH and DL parts of its address?

Ditto about the figure caption.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thank you, and I apologize for the lack of clarity. I will change the paragraph to read:

In your code, you must replace 0013A200 (DH) and 403B9E1E (DL) with the high and low addresses of the destination radio. You can look up the high (ATDH) and low (ATDL) portions of the serial number by connecting to the destination radio using X-CTU, as shown in Figure 14-5: in the code, use the destination radio's SH (Serial Number High) for DH and the destination radio's SL (Serial Number Low) for DL. The numbers are also printed on the label underneath the XBee. (For a Series 1 XBee use 0 for the DH, and for the DL use the MY address of the XBee you want to talk to.)

Serguey  Aug 12, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 550
The very first sentence

Page 550, the very first sentence.

This sketch uses the Arduino UDP (User Datagram Protocol) library to send and receive strings.
What is exactly the name of this library as it appears in the Library Manager? I cannot find either the Arduino UDP or UDP or EthernetUdp library in there.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Hi, this is built in to the Ethernet library. Please see I will change this to read:

This sketch uses the EthernetUDP (UDP=User Datagram Protocol) library, which is bundled with the built-in Ethernet library, to send and receive strings. Similar libraries are bundled with the WiFiNINA (WiFiUDP) and ESP8266WiFi (WiFiUdp; note the case difference).

Serguey  Aug 18, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 552
Section Discussion

Page 552, Section Discussion, this sentence:
String length is limited by a constant set in the EthernetUdp.h library file; the default value is 24 bytes, but you can increase this by editing the following line in Udp.h if you want to send longer strings:
Do we indeed edit the Udp.h file, or, pethaps, the EthernetUdp.h file?

Note from the Author or Editor:
As it turns out, these instructions are completely incorrect. Sorry about that; the example will be updated to use a local variable instead. See for an explanation of the issue. As it turns out, the #define appears in Ethernet.h, not EthernetUdp.h. But it is not used anywhere in the library, only in the example that comes with the Ethernet library.

Serguey  Aug 18, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 553
Code, function setup()

Page 553, code, function setup(), second line:

void setup() {
Ethernet.begin(mac,ip); ------------------ this one
Does not compile. The compiler says:

'ip' was not declared in this scope

Note from the Author or Editor:
Apologies for this error and thank you. The ip argument was included in error. It should just be Ethernet.begin(mac) so that it can retrieve an IP address from the DHCP server. This will be corrected.

Serguey  Aug 18, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 554
The code

Page 554, the code, these two lines:

packetBuffer[index++] = lowByte(value); // the low byte);
packetBuffer[index++] = highByte(value); // the high byte); }

I don't believe those closing brackets and semicolons are needed there. Most definitely, not the closing curly bracket.
Although they will not affect the compilation, they do insert confusion.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thank you for catching this error. This was indeed a mistake. There were a number of fundamental issues with this example that I noticed thanks to your error report (0-values in the array would cause Processing to assume it reached the end of the message, among others). I have simplified this to map the 10-bit values to 8-bit bytes and send those to Processing. Since the Processing sketch was coded to handle them as 8-bit values anyhow, there was no loss of data. See and

Serguey  Aug 18, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 556
Code, function Boolean over()

Page 556, code, function Boolean over(),

Boolean over()
if (mouseX > xpos && mouseX < xpos+swidth &&
mouseY > ypos && mouseY < ypos+sheight)
mouseY > ypos && mouseY < ypos+sheight) --- this one
mouseY > ypos && mouseY < ypos+sheight)
Compiler says there is an error in it, suggesting it's in the second ypos+sheight) line:

expecting SEMI, found ')'
Syntax error, maybe a missing semicolon?

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thank you for reporting this error, and sorry about that. There should only be two lines here; the second one is duplicated twice, which leads to the error. It will be corrected in a future printing.

Serguey  Aug 18, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 556
, code, function Boolean over(),

Page 556, code, function Boolean over(),

Boolean over()
if (mouseX > xpos && mouseX < xpos+swidth &&
mouseY > ypos && mouseY < ypos+sheight)
mouseY > ypos && mouseY < ypos+sheight) --- this one
mouseY > ypos && mouseY < ypos+sheight)
Compiler says there is an error in it, suggesting it's in the second ypos+sheight) line:

expecting SEMI, found ')'
Syntax error, maybe a missing semicolon?
There are two extra line in the if statement condition. It should look like this:

if (mouseX > xpos && mouseX < xpos+swidth &&
mouseY > ypos && mouseY < ypos+sheight)
These lines are extras:

// mouseY > ypos && mouseY < ypos+sheight
// mouseY > ypos && mouseY < ypos+sheight)

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thank you for your correction. These lines will be removed in a future revision.

Serguey  Aug 18, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 612

Page 612, code, this sentence:

Demonstrates use of UDP sendPacket and ReceivePacket
What functions are these? I can find no such functions in this code

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thank you for your correction. The description was incorrect and will be changed to "Demonstrates use of UDP to communicate with an NTP server"

Serguey  Aug 26, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 624
The first paragraph

Page 624, the first paragraph, this sentence (and other similar occurrences):
This folder needs to be put inside a folder called libraries inside your Arduino document folder.
The "document folder" part. In this case, it can be figured out from the context that the "document folder" is actually the sketch folder (yes, yes, a sketch IS a document, but so are many other types of, er, documents), which is by default called "Arduino". However, in other circumstances it can be confusing, especially when "documents" is used as the name of the folder, as in this sentence on page 627:
You can increase this by modifying the library. Go to the libraries folder in your Arduino Documents folder.
Although it can be figured out from the following sentence that it's also actually the sketch folder, it might take longer, as one might be wondering if there is actually an Arduino folder named "Documents," whereas there is no such folder. At least as far as I know.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thank you. This is a good point. We will update it to read Sketch folder.

Serguey  Sep 01, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 630
Section Discussion, the second paragraph

Page 630, section Discussion, the second paragraph:
The blinkLED function from Recipe 7.1 is moved out of the sketch and into a library file named blinkLED.cpp (the .cpp extension stands for “C plus plus” and contains the executable code).
I was pretty much confused where we got this "executable code" in the blinkLED.cpp file, until I refreshed my knowledge of what .cpp files are and found out that they contain SOURCE code. Only then it started making sense.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Good call, thanks! We'll change "executable code" to "source code for your library"

Serguey  Sep 01, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 672
the paragraph before the "See Also" section

Page 672, the paragraph before the "See Also" section, this sentence:
The code stays in the while loop at the end of the inner block, so you need to reset the board when you want to do another run.
What while loop? There are no while loops in the code being discussed.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thank you. That text was relevant in an earlier edition but is no longer correct. It will be removed.

Serguey  Sep 12, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 680
the paragraph above the code,

Page 680, the paragraph above the code, this sentence:
Enter a digit from 1 to 7 using the value in the lefthand column of Table 18-2
This is really confusing. First of all, there are no single digits in the table for Timer0. Second, in the tables for Timer1 and Timer 2, there are only digits from 1 to 5.

Also, I guess, the digit entered is chosen based on the desired frequency in the rightmost column.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thank you. Yes, the table has a lot of errors. The leftmost column should contain 1-5 for TCCR0B and TCCR1B, but 1-7 for TCCR2B. Additionally, for TCCR0B, the frequencies should read 62500, 7812.5, 976.56, 244.14, 61.04. For TCCR1B they should read 31372.55, 3921.16, 490.2, 122.55, and 30.64. For TCCR2B, they should read 31372.55, 3921.16, 980.39 (with a divisor of 32), 490.2, 245.10 (divisor=128), 122.55, and 30.64. These will be corrected

Serguey  Sep 13, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 683
the paragraph above the raven

Page 683, the paragraph above the raven. This sentence:
The pulse generator also uses Timer1 (the only 16-bit timer on the Uno and other boards based on the ATmega328), so you can combine the functionality using a single board.
The part "combine the functionality." What functionality can be combined and what can it be combined with?

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thanks for catching this. That sentence is problematic in a few ways. While it suggests that you could generate and interpret signals from the same board, that is really only of theoretic interest and doesn't have a practical value that I can discern. We'll remove the problematic part in the next printing.

Serguey  Sep 14, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 695
the paragraph under Fig. 18,1

Page 695, the paragraph under Fig. 18,1, this sentence:
From the File menu, select Upload Using Programmer to perform the upload.
There is no such option in the File menu. It's in the Sketch menu.

Note from the Author or Editor:
This will be fixed in the next reprint, thanks!!

Serguey  Sep 15, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 715
The first paragraph

Page 715, the first paragraph, this sentence.

Battery current is rated in mAh (the amount of milliamperes the battery can supply in one hour).
This is not correct. In this context, it's not battery current, but battery capacity. And it means how many hours the battery can (theoretically) work when 1 mA current is drawn from it.

Note from the Author or Editor:
You are correct; thank you for catching this!! We will make this change in the next printing.

Serguey  Sep 18, 2020  Dec 10, 2021