
Head First iPhone and iPad Development

Errata for Head First iPhone and iPad Development, Third Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Ch4 - Three views in one template
Test Drive section - item #2

Instructions for changing the title are correct, but the follow up task of setting the initial view controller is not. There is no option to do so when viewing the navigation item if you do find the option on the master view, you will break the navigation. The initial view controller is correctly set by default on the Navigation Controller (not the navigation item of the Master View Controller.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Please remove the sentence "Make sure to check the 'is initial view controller' box under the title." It shouldn't be there at all and the default setting for the Navigation Controller being the initial view is correct.

Michael Spears  Dec 28, 2013  Jan 17, 2014
Page copyright

Add credit to copyright page:
Brain image on spine: Eric Freeman

O'Reilly Media
Apr 10, 2018 
Page 36 and 38
Chapter 2

On page 36, the exercise says that Marco needs to post on Facebook, Twitter OR BOTH ("it needs to have a status update and it can post to Twitter, Facebook, or both.").

The final design for Marco`s app on page 38 doesn`t show to the user those options. Wouldn`t be more correct to put a component to let the user choose which Social Midia the message should be publish? Or just correct the text on page 36 to "it needs to have a status update and it must be posted on Facebook and Twitter".

Note from the Author or Editor:
Remove the reference to Facebook; it should only be Twitter.

Fabiola Werneck  Jan 04, 2014  Jan 17, 2014
Page 73
Magnet Solution

On page 73, the code is not clear to let us know what is the right code to implement on XCode. The magnets are above the text, equal sign is missing, etc. I still don`t know what is the correct code.

Note from the Author or Editor:
On p. 72 and 73 of the book a magnets exercise and the solution end up on the same spread. The correct layout would be as follows: p. 70 just the test drive; p. 71 just the no dumb questions; p. 72 Marco with the "where's my hashy tag"; p. 73 the magnets and p. 74 the solution. That will split the exercise and the solution.

As for the actual code it is below. For the following syntax, that should be blank in the magnet exercise and filled in with a magnet in the solution. *tweetText, NSString (inside the first [ ), and %@ # MarcoPollo, self.tweetTextView.text. I can send along screenshots of the correct text if that's helpful.

- (IBAction)postItButtonPressed:(id)sender {
NSLog(@?Post It button was pressed: %@?, self.tweetTextView.text);
NSString *tweetText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ #MarcoPollo, self.tweetTextView.text];
SLComposeViewController *composer = [SLComposeViewController compo
[composer setInitialText:tweetText];
[self presentViewController:composer animated:YES completion:nil];

Anonymous  Jan 04, 2014  Jan 17, 2014
PDF, Mobi
Page 147
Bottom of page

The "Who does what" quiz on page 147 says that the answers are on page 162. In fact the answers are on page 176 of the PDF version. (This is also incorrect in the mobi version).

Note from the Author or Editor:
Change the note on page 147 to read "Answers on p. 176"

Graeme Falkner  Jan 08, 2014  Jan 17, 2014
PDF, Mobi
Page 160

The iOS Magnets problem for the DetailViewController.m file (how to access the properties of the album) one of the magnets is wrong. "location.Label" should read "locationLabel"

Note from the Author or Editor:
change the magnet on page 160 from location.Label to locationLabel. The solution on p. 162 is correct.

Graeme Falkner  Jan 08, 2014  Jan 17, 2014
PDF, Mobi
Page 164
prepareForSeque code in MasterViewController.m

The code snippet says that we need to set the seque identifier to "showAlbumDetails".
This will not work.
The project will build and run without errors, but none of the details will appear on the detail view.
The correct seque identifier is "ShowAlbumDetails".

Note from the Author or Editor:
change the bolded text from "showAlbumDetails" in the code to "ShowAlbumDetails"

Graeme Falkner  Jan 08, 2014  Jan 17, 2014
PDF, Mobi
Page 165
Bullet Points

Page 153 says "On iPhone, a scene is always a view, but for iPad you can have multiple scenes"

But the Bullet Points on page 165 says "On iPhone, a single scene is a single view. On iPad, there can be multiple views in one scene"

I think it should read "multiple scenes in one view" ?

Note from the Author or Editor:
Change p. 153 to read "On iPhone, a scene is mapped to one view controller and on iPad you can have multiple scenes and multiple view controllers on the screen at once."

Copy the same text into the bullet points on p. 165.

Graeme Falkner  Jan 08, 2014  Jan 17, 2014
PDF, Mobi
Page 177
Your View toolbox - Plists

The Plist note states that Plists "Can only store strings and numbers". This is incorrect. They can also store many other data types.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Change the Plist note to say "can store strings, numbers, booleans, dates, binary data, integers, floating points, arrays and dictionaries"

Graeme Falkner  Jan 08, 2014  Jan 17, 2014