
Java in a Nutshell

Errata for Java in a Nutshell

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Printed Page index
Section "T"

missing references to the Java keyword "this" This keyword is an important core
part of the Java language. I think because it's also a common word, it
may have been dropped by mistake.

Printed Page 7
under security section, last paragraph, last sentence

If Java's security is not yet perfect, it is has been proven strong enough for practical
day-to-day use and is certainly better than any of the alternatives.
should be:
If Java's security is not yet perfect, it has been proven strong enough for practical
day-to-day use and is certainly better than any of the alternatives.

Printed Page 26
top of page

The text says:
"Floating-point literals cannot be expressed in hexadecimal or octal notation"

But doing something like:
double d = 0xFFFFFFFC;

compiles just fine

Printed Page 39
line 10

byte b = ~12; // ~00000110 ==> 11111001 or -13 decimal

this should read:

byte b = ~12; // ~00001100 ==> 11110011 or -13 decimal

Printed Page 40
first line of 2nd paragraph

The operator shifts ... should read The >> operator shifts ...

Printed Page 40
top of 2nd paragraph

Signed Right Shift () should read Signed Right Shift (>>)

Printed Page 59
while/try/finally pseudocode just ABOVE the heading "Methods"

On page 51, in a footnote, the author acknowledges that the obvious,
na?ve rewriting of a for loop as a while loop is incorrect, because
it doesn't take into account the effect of a possible continue
statment in the loop body. On page 53, in the discussion of the
continue statement, he elaborates, explaining that a continue
statement in a for loop body does not bypass the increment expression,
as it would in the na?ve rewriting into a while loop. This lays
the foundation for the error he commits later.

On page 59, where the error actually occurs, the author attempts
to rewrite a for loop into a genuinely equivalent while loop, with
the help of a try/finally construct. Specifically, he rewrites

for( initialize; test; increment ) statement


while (test) { try { statement } finally { increment; } }

However, this is not a genuinely equivalent formulation of the loop.
The author is correct that a continue statement in the body of
the statement will now be intercepted by the try/finally structure
and thus not bypass the increment. Unfortunately, a try block
intercepts more than just continue, break, and return. It also
intercepts exceptions (which most programmers would consider its
main purpose, I think).

If the statement in the code above throws an exception (outside
the scope of an enclosing try block inside the loop body), the
for loop version of the loop will NOT execute the increment
code "on its way out", but the putatively equivalent while loop
version WILL execute the increment code before propagating the

I would have considered the fact that a Java for loop cannot
be exactly re-written as a Java while loop to be a very minor
oddity of the language, and had I been the author, I would have
given it at most a one-sentence comment in passing. Therefore
I was inclined at first to call this a "minor technical mistake".
However, the author chose to dignify this point with an extended
treatment stretching across several pages, and made it the subject
of his ONLY (pseudo)code example in the entire discussion of
try/catch/finally. Therefore I have to rank the failure to
observe that try blocks catch exceptions (which, I reiterate,
is what most programmers think they are for in the first place)
to be a serious technical error in the discussion of this
feature of the language.

To remedy this, I would suggest that the author give up the
effort to translate for into while (an exercise most programmers
wouldn't care to perform anyway, even if they could), mention
the discrepancy only once (in a brief sentence in the description
of the for loop), and dedicate the space in the try/catch/finally
discussion to an example that involves exceptions rather than

I would like to say that overall I have found this book to be
exceptionally well organized, and in the main it does an excellent
job of transmitting an enormous amount of detailed technical
information concisely and efficiently, and almost always (so far
as I have observed) accurately. This book has been extremely
valuable to me. It is partly because of the generally high quality
of the material that I thought it was worth while to point out
this one failing.

Printed Page 128
4th line

The 4th line of example 3-11 on page 128 reads:

Linkable current; = head;

I don't think this will compile. I am pretty sure this should read:

Linkable current;

Printed Page 188

Example 10-1 ShowComponents, 2nd edition

Component elements are never added to the components vector so the panel comes
out blank. To correct, the very bottom of the code should read:

continue nextarg;
System.err.println("Warning: No such property: " + name);
components.addElements(component); // this line added
return components;


Printed Page 225

The okay and cancel buttons pop down the dialog but do not destroy it.
If the user trys to bring the dialog up a second time, it appears to hang. Ad
ding the dispose() command after the hide() command fixes the problem.

okay.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

cancel.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
selectedFont = null;

Printed Page 271
1st line after "Running the applet" - spelling

error: "knruow" instead of "know".

Printed Page 297

The text describing FilterOutputStream says, "This class ... must be subclassed to
perform some sort of filtering operation and may not be instantiated directly." This
is untrue. Although FilterInputStream cannot be instantiated, because its only
constructor is protected, the same is not true of FilterOutputStream, whose
constructor is public.

Although instantiating a FilterOutputStream is not very useful (the Sun 1.4
documentation says, "The class FilterOutputStream itself simply overrides all methods
of OutputStream with versions that pass all requests to the underlying output stream.
Subclasses of FilterOutputStream may further override some of these methods as well
as provide additional methods and fields."), it can be done. The following code
creates the file "foo.out" in the current directory:

public class foo {
public static void main(String[] unused) throws IOException {
FilterOutputStream fos =
new FilterOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("foo.out"));

Printed Page 330
} lines 212 and 214 of

The ExecuteSQL sample code uses the getObject() method to obtain a generic col
umn value and then the toString() method of class Object is used to print it.
This can lead to mismatches between the column width (obtained earlier with ge
tColumnDisplaySize()) and the actual value being printed. One such case is a D
OUBLE datatype -- a longer value may be stored than what is returned as the di
splay size. A superior approach to using getObject().toString() is to use the
getString(i) method which the ResultSet implements just for this purpose and w
hich should return a length compatible with the display size.

Printed Page 336
StringBuffer text

The text says to use toString() to convert a StringBuffer to a String. Doing this
copies the entire buffer to a string, and not just the contents. Using substring(0)
will create a String containing only the contents of the StringBuffer.

See also:
Bug Parade: 4259569
StringBuffer.toString() can cause large memory usage

Printed Page 360
java.lang.Runtime Description

does not list two new exec methods.


Printed Page 384
2rd paragraph in intro to Field class

It should be stated that, for static fields, the Object parameter of the get..
.() methods is ignored, and null is the correct and valid parameter in these c

(A similiar statement is given for the set() method, but it also only states t
hat "no object need be specified", which in fact is not possible, of course, s
ince the methods all require one Object parameter; null will work here also.)

Printed Page 393
1st Paragraph (under BigInteger heading), Line 5

In the book, on Page 393, Line 4:
"The compareTo() method compares to BigInteger objects and returns 1, 0, or 1 to indicate the result of the comparison.'

This is incorrect (most likely a typo).
The compareTo() method returns -1 (MINUS ONE), 0 or 1 as.

>From Sun's JDK 1.2 Javadoc:

public int compareTo(BigInteger val)
Compares this BigInteger with the specified BigInteger. This method is provided in preference to individual methods for each of the
six boolean comparison operators (<, ==, >, >=, !=, <=). The suggested idiom for performing these comparisons is: (x.compareTo(y) <o
p> 0), where <op> is one of the six comparison operators.
val - BigInteger to which this BigInteger is to be compared.
-1, 0 or 1 as this BigInteger is numerically less than, equal to, or greater than val."

Here's a simple test and it's output:

import java.math.BigInteger;

* Java In a Nutshell Book Errata (Page 393)
* @author moshe.nativ
* @version 1.0
public class TestErrata {

/** Creates new TestErrata */
public TestErrata() {

public static void main(String[] args) {
BigInteger x = new BigInteger("1");
BigInteger y = new BigInteger("2");
BigInteger z = new BigInteger("2");

// Compare "1" and "2"
System.out.println("x compareTo y returns " + x.compareTo(y));

// Compare "2" and "2"
System.out.println("y compareTo z returns " + y.compareTo(z));

// Compare "2" and "1"
System.out.println("y compareTo x returns " + y.compareTo(x));


x compareTo y returns -1
y compareTo z returns 0
y compareTo x returns 1

Printed Page 494
last paragraph

[2/00 printing; this is the description of java.text.SimpleDateFormat]
The last sentence on the page reads "Any characters in the format string that do not appear in this table appear literally in the f
ormatted date." This is not quite true: alphabetic characters (or rather, the ASCII subset of alphabetic characters, that is, uppe
r and lowercase letters A-Z) are reserved even if they do not have any assigned meaning in the table. If an unassigned letter appe
ars unquoted in a format string, any attempt to use that format string will result in an IllegalArgumentException being thrown with
the message "Illegal pattern character 'X'". Fortunately, although not mentioned in the book, it is possible to include such char
acters - along with actual pattern characters from the table - literally in the format string, by surrounding them with single quot
ation marks. For example, you can use the string "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" to get the ISO 8601 recommended format for combined date/
time strings.

Printed Page 791
Example 26-7. static initializer for class

The sample code uses System.load(""), whereas the explanation on the previous page (790) mentions the use of System.load
Library(). The use of System.load, only works if the path to the shared library (or dll under windows) is fully qualified and absol

Consulting Java documentation, I found that it would be more portable to use System.loadLibrary("hello") which uses the appropriate
operating system path, and composes the specific shared object name depending on the underlying OS, i.e. under UNIX li
ke OSs and hello.dll under Win32.
