
CSS: The Missing Manual

Errata for CSS: The Missing Manual

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Printed Page 1
Chapter 8, section 8.7.4 at point 7,

The sentence

?Locate the .sidebar h3 style in the external style sheet?

should be changed into

?Locate the .sidebar h3 style in the internal style sheet?

Printed Page 1
Chapter 9, section 9.5.5, point 9

At the beginning of point 9, the text reads: "Remove the top border..."

But there ain't any Top border to remove in the code. The instructions then go further in a divergent
direction from trainee's experience.

The text follows with a "The last link's bottom border is now gone", while this is not what the trainee
sees on the screen. At point 10, the text againg reads: "Add a top border" and the following code shows
an adding of the "border-bottom" property.

It's a little mess.

The point of departure to fix the whole thing is when the author, in point 8, writes: "You still have a
couple of things to fix:... and the border between each button is 2 pixels thick".
Is the procedure to fix this problema that somehow came out wrong.

Printed Page 1
chapter 9, section 9.5.3 Highlighting..., point 4

In the code there is a line that has no meaning and no effect:
"background-image: url(images/globe_highlight.png);"

The line should be deleted.

The line was probably left over from a previous draft.

This seems to be confirmed by the support files collected in the companion Website. In the files for
chapter 9, there is NO "globe_highlight.png" image.

Printed Page 1
Chapter 11, all

In all chapter 11, the many references to "Section 11.1" and "Section 11.1.1" are wrong and should be
Just one example.
In subsection "11.1.1 The Mighty <div> tag", at the end of the second paragraph, you may read "(You'll
get a chance to work with a wrapper <div> in the tutorial in Section 11.1.1)"
Which is a nonsense because you are in section 11.1.1 and it's not one of the two tutorials of the

Printed Page 1

It reads "Return to your text editor and the sidebar.html page". This is in chapter 8 where there is no sidebar.html file and should instead read "Return to your text editor and the bg_images.html page".

Joseph Kneebone  Feb 05, 2011 
Printed Page 36
point #6

Use of the term "property" for a HTML tag is incorrect, and should be replaced by the term "attibute". HTML tags have attributes, CSS declarations have properties. Interchanging these causes beginners to get confused.

Conor Rafferty  Jan 04, 2010 
Printed Page 40
Step 7, line 2

Current text:
(between the closing title tag and the opening body tag)

Should read:
(between the closing title tag and the CLOSING HEAD tag)

Printed Page 41
In the "Note:" section.

Text reads:

"mistyped the code from step 6"

It should read:

"mistyped the code from step 7"

Printed Page 41

Type the same <link> tag you did in step 6 above.

It should say step 7 above.

**This is for the 1st addition**

Thomas M. Harrigan  Nov 27, 2009 
Printed Page 51
many occurences

English is not my mother tongue, but I thought that "descendent" was spelled "descendant".

Printed Page 67
First paragraph under "Creating and Applying an ID Selector"

Web designers frequently use ID selectors to indicate unique sections of a page, as explained on page 47.

This should refer to page 48 (I think!).

(BTW, thanks for a terrific book!!!)

Bill Pitts  Jan 01, 2010 
Printed Page 78
Second to last paragraph, #1 bullet item

The paragraph reads "1. Enter (Return) to your text editor and the inheritance.html file."

It should read "1. Return to your text editor and the inheritance.html file."

The statement errantly referred to the Windows/Mac keyboard buttons rather than the action of going back to the page in the text editor.

Other Digital Version 78
Inside chapter 04 tutorial file

In the tutorial file chapter_04 Inheritance.html

syntax error that wouldn't render the changes :

right under </head>

<body class=""pageStyle">
notice the two"" in front of pageStyle?

(I have the printed book, but found the error in the downloaded file)

Annie Chamberlain  Feb 10, 2011 
Printed Page 88

Not really an error, more an update:
The Firefox extension Firebug is much more powerful and shows all the styles, including those which are

Printed Page 89
paragraph 4

margin-left: 50px;
margin-left: 50px;

It should READ:

margin-left: 50px;


margin-right: 50px;

Anonymous  Nov 30, 2010 
Printed Page 90
Legend for Figure 5-4

The specificity of the selector "p.intro" is not 10 as stated here, but 11 (as exemplified by the example "p.byline" in the table on p87). Causes confusion and needs to be rectified !!

Conor Rafferty  Jan 02, 2010 
Printed Page 113
2nd paragraph

The note about percentages or ems being better units than pixels for specifying line spacing is also very much applicable to the letter and word spacing properties discussed just before. Might be better to have this note in a sidebar so it refers to both sections rather than just line spacing.

Printed Page 124
Item 5

as you follow those steps and jump to item 8 on page 125 it tells you that "The text on the page changes
color and font".

The color does not chage since that color code #102536 will show as "black" and not the "dark blue" you
state on the manual.

Printed Page 125
step 2

The hex color value is shown with an uppercase B. Previously all hex values have been given with lowercase letters.

Printed Page 128
3rd paragraph

The book says "bottom-margin property" in this sentence when it should be "margin-bottom"

Printed Page 129
Chapter 06_finished layout.css

The error is not in the book and this is probably not the place to raise this issue but:-

The layout.css file under the Chapter_06_ finished folder includes:
padding-left: 10px; within the #mainNav selector.

this style is not included in the layout.css file under the Chapter_06 folder.

No big deal in itself but when comparing the finished tutorial file with the published finished file in a browser the navigation items are not identically "centred" resulting in double/treble checking as to why the screens do not look the same.

Really enjoying the tutorials - many thanks

Anonymous  Jan 18, 2013 
Printed Page 131
item # 8.

Tutorial files:
External style sheet layout.css in chapter_06_finished does not match layout.css in chapter_06. This
drove me nuts trying to figure out why my finished "text.html" file didn't match the your
"text_finished.html" file. The mainNav list was shifted to the right in yours. I finally thought to check
the layout.css files in each folder, and saw

#mainNav {
float: left;
width: 175px;
margin-top: 20px;
padding-left: 10px;

instead of

#mainNav {
float: left;
width: 175px;
margin-top: 20px;

in chapter_06layout.css

Not fair!

Printed Page 138
2nd and 3rd paragraphs, the "note", plus Figure 7-4

The example given of a headline with a margin inside a div doesn't make sense at all and doesn't correlate well with the
figure which is supposed to illustrate it nor the "note" about collapsing margins.

It starts off by explaining that when you put an element like a heading inside a div and apply a vertical margin to it,
then that margin appears above the div instead of inside it. The "note" right after this statement says that "this
phenomenon's known as 'collapsing margins', meaning two margins actually come one".

To a beginner, this is confusing and doesn't make sense. The note doesn't offer any explanation for what's just been
said, which is that a vertical margin applied to an element inside a div appears above the div. That isn't "known as
collapsing margins", it's known as a margin appearing above a div. The collapsing margins part, if I have worked it out
correctly, comes into it when the margin which thus appears above the div collapses into the margin which already
separates the div from the element above it. No explanation is offered as to why a margin applied to an element inside a
div appears above the div, which is something which is bound to be confusing and illogical to a beginner (it certainly
was to me)

What makes it worse is that the figure which follows this confusing non-explanation doesn't help matters at all.

Printed Page 156 - 157
last paragraph of 156, first paragraph of 157

Last sentence of page 156 reads "The last photo(3) isn't wide enough to sit next to the second photo (2)" but surely
should read "is too wide to sit next to the second photo"

Printed Page 158,159
controlling page margin

Several errors:
1. the page sidebar.html does not look as shown in figure 7-15, specifically the list in not enumerated.
2. step #3, there is no </link> tag for the external style sheet. There is a /> closing tag, as there
should be according to page 33 at the top of the page.

Printed Page 167
figure 7-18

Figure 7-18 shows what the completed tutorial should look like for chapter 7: Margins, Padding and

I tested the finished tutorial in IE 7, Netscape 9, Firefox 2 and Opera v 9.25. All appeared as the
illustration in the book EXCEPT Opera.

I also tested the completed file provided with the tutorials that are available to download.

The problem is the sidebar is supposed to be float: right and the rest of the page content moves up and
wraps itself around this sidebar.

In Opera, however, this doesn't happen and instead, the page content stays below the sidebar.

Printed Page 179
3rd paragraph

In discussing using negative values for image placement, the text says "you can use negative values to move an image off
the right edge". Surely this should be "off the left edge".

Printed Page 183
Frequently Asked Question box

The web site referenced for free photos, has turned into a commercial page for
assorted stuff, but no photos, free or otherwise.

The link is broken. The new link is

The link has changed to

Printed Page 183
4th line left column in Finding Free Imagery section

Safari can't open the page because it can't find the server

the stylegala website is nowhere to be found. Do know if this is just a simple non-universal networking
issue or the website is down.

Printed Page 186
second paragraph, labeled item 1.

Item 1 say to open the file chapter_08>caption_ex>caption.html folder. This is not correct. It should
read to open the folder chapter_08>caption_ex>caption.html file.

Printed Page 188
Item #10

Where it says "margin: 10px 0 0 0;" for the font of a caption under a figure, I found that this only
works properly if the top margin is the height of the image plus any additional padding. In both Firefox and IE7, the text would not display below the figure without this. I discovered it through trial
and error by increasing the number until it fit. You can see an example of this in the code of every
image at

Printed Page 189
Section 1. Paragraph 1

"The page contains nine photos and photo captions."

There are only six of each.

Printed Page 205
Paragraph numbered "7"

Says "Locate the .sidebar h3 style in the external style sheet".
I think it should be "internal style sheet".

Printed Page 214
Last paragraph

Text shows an example of a link that will be styled as a button:
<a link="stale.html" class="button">...
"link", however, is not an attribute available for the a (anchor) tag. One must use "href". Ergo, the anchor mark-up s/b:
<a href="stale.html" class="button">...

Bill White  Jan 21, 2010 
Printed Page 216
end of section

Unix/Linux systems can use gphoto2

Printed Page 220
2nd paragraph

The text says that setting a width for any tags that wrap around links, for instance the <li> or <ul> tag, will suffice
to make the width of the links equal. I tried this in both Firefox and IE7 and setting the width of the containing <li>
tag does not do the trick, while setting it for <ul> does.

Printed Page 238
2nd paragrpah, starting with digit 4

At line 22 (from top) of page 238 of book CSS: The Missing Manual contains string
"background-image: url(images/globe_highlight.png);"
which is invalid, because,

1. This is a new string in that code, so it should be in bold letters.
2. There is no such image globe_highlight.png in images directory of tutorial files downloaded.
3. The paragraph above it doesn't mention about a new image in :hover effect, since the hover effect
comes from old globe.png image only.

Conclusion: This line should not be the part of code.

Printed Page 238
Item 4 of the Tutorial

4. Edit the style you just created by adding a background-color property:

#main a.external:hover {
background-position: right -24px;
color: #152D6A;
background-image: url(images/globe_highlight.png);
background-color: #FFF;

Note: The addition is the last line which is "bold" background-color: #FFF; (this part is correct).
However, if you pay close attention to the style, you see that the background-image is also included. If
you add this line (which is not in the images folder) then when you hover your mouse over the link, the
globe just dissapears.

The background-image: url(images/globe_highlight.png); is erroneous, just ignore that line and do not add
it to the style.

Printed Page 238
Step 4

In Step 4 of 'Highlighting External Links' the line
background-image: url(images/globe_highlight.png);
should not be there - the image isn't even in the images folder! The line doesn't appear in the
bathtub_finished.html file, either.

Printed Page 238
Step 3 of tutorial

Step 3 (or 4) should indicate that the background-image: url(images/globe_highlight.png) is to be added
to the #main a.external:hover style.

Printed Page 238
4. instructions

my download didn't contain an "images/globe_highlight.png" file.

Printed Page 238
step 3 and step 4

Step 3 has two styles applied: background-color and color. The second paragraph of step 3. says that
there is a problem, that the background color from #mainn a:hover style also appears. NO IT DOESN'T!

It will appear if you type in the extra style that mysteriously appears in step 4: the background-image
style. If you don't add this (you are never told to add it actually), you won't need to add the
background-color: #FFF style in step 4.

Printed Page 238
code in item #4

The style shown in #4 has TWO changes from what was shown in #3. In addition to adding a background-color, as discussed in the text just above #4, the style now also shows a background-image property.

This background-image property should not be added into the rule for #main a.external:hover. Two reasons:
1) Setting a new background-image for a :hover pseudo-class would defeat the whole purpose of the Pixy method being discussed on the page.
2) the image "globe_hightlight.png" simply doesn't exist.

Bill White  Jan 21, 2010 
Printed Page 238
Item #4

I believe the following text should be removed as it wasn't added in the previous example and the graphic doesn't exist: "background-image: url(images/globe_highlight.png);"

Peter Bloeme  Dec 16, 2011 
Printed Page 239
Top half of page. "Marking Visited Pages"

I've tried opening the COMPLETED version of the tutorial (bathtub_finished.html) in both IE7 and

I get different results for each.

The check-mark image and greyed out text works fine in IE but
I don't see any changed results in FF.

Printed Page 239
halfway down

#main a:visited {
color: #999;
background: url(images/check.gif) no-repeat right center;
padding-right: 18px;

This is not showing a checkmark after being visited in the latest builds of FF, Chrome, or Safari on a Mac as of 3/1/13. The globe and the faded globe with an arrow does show. But not the checkmark.

Theresa Jennings  Mar 01, 2013 
Printed Page 241
first line

as the text states "Below the body style in the internal style sheet, add a new style", but there is no
"body" style in the internal style sheet, originally or created through previous steps following the

Printed Page 242
step 9

This time, step 9 says to remove the top border and adjust the padding. However, the change in style
removes the bottom border with a "border-bottom: none;" style. Also, the border color number is
mysteriously changed from #999 to #999999, which is the same thing of course, but didn't need to be
changed from step 8.

Also, step 10, adds a top border to ul#mainNav style with "border-bottom: 1px dashed #999" which I don't
think is correct either.

Printed Page 243
Paragraph numbered "10"

Says "Add a top border" but should this be "bottom border"?

Printed Page 245
First sentence

"4. Repeat step 4 for each..."

should read:

"4. Repeat step 3 for each..."

Anonymous  Aug 09, 2010 
Printed Page 248
3rd paragraph

"And now it's time for the big secret of vertical nav bars-..."

should read:

"And now it's time for the big secret of horizontal nav bars-..."

Anonymous  Aug 09, 2010 
Printed Page 258
3rd line of 1st paragraph

Says "rows in a column" but should this be "cells" in a column?

Printed Page 263
example code at the bottom of the page

"margin-right; 15px;" must be "margin-right: 15px;".

Printed Page 263
item 3, bottom of page

Well I'm sure this is a typo:

In the .label style, it shows a semi-colon after "margin-right", but it should be a colon.

Printed Page 267
step 10. bottom of page adding the background image.

Step 10 has you add the background: url(images/td_bg.png) no-repeat left top; to your internal style
sheet to eventually make the stripped back ground for the table, so your table will look like the one in
figure 10-9 on page 264.After adding the code and adding the class="alt" code to the tr tags the table
all looks white yet. Upon opening the td_bg.png image located in the images folder, the graphic file is
just a white strip. Even the completed tutorial has an all white table with its graphic also a white
strip. You can either change the back ground color of the whole table if you already added the graphic to
the table to create the stripped look yet or instead of using the image use background-color tag and
slect a color for every other row.

Printed Page 272

IE does not recognise the form fields formatting. Only visible in Gecko

Printed Page 285
Second paragraph of main text; second sentence.

It says "If the total width of all the columns is less than the space available (...) then the last
column drops down..."

It should say the opposite: "If the total width of all the columns is _greater_ than the space

Printed Page 286
4 p, 5 line

Book says to float main content right and the left sidebar right within that <div>, when the left sidebar
should be floated left as indicated in Figure 11-6

Printed Page 304
code snippet at bottom of page, just before last sentence

the code example reads:

* html #mainColumn { height; 1px;}

...but that first semicolon should be a colon. Thus it should read:

* html #mainColumn { height: 1px;}

Very minor, but there it is..

Printed Page 358
paragraph 1

The text is:
"1. Create a style for the <div> tag that encloses the main content of the page (#3 in Figure
12-17). ..."

This should be (#4 in Figure 1-17).

Printed Page 359
Bottom Graphic

On page 356, you instruct readers to include a picture of a tomato in a bathtub (tomato_bath.jpg). When
one continues through the tutorial, however, and see what "it should look like in Figure 9-32", the
reader is presented with a screenshot that excludes the tomato_bath.jpg file.

Printed Page 360
Paragraph 3 of section 7.

Final sentence reads:

"To make the left sidebar line up and fly right (#4 in figure 12-17), ..."

The left sidebar is #6 in the figure.

Printed Page 366
first paragraph

Create a new advanced style named #banner img, ... should be #header img. It is correct in the Chapter_9
finished version.

Printed Page 381

in print preview text is narrow column floated right and not as shown in illustration 13-5

Printed Page 381
fig 13-5

The page does not print as shown in the example because the warning class applied to the h2 tags has a margin-left of 30px to leave space for the warning image (which is now not printed).

.warning {
margin-left: 0;

needs to be added to print.css

Anonymous  Aug 29, 2008 
Printed Page 393
very bottom (the "NOTE:")

(Not a mistake, since links change all the time), but the link to Tanek Celic is no longer valid (error
404'd). However, I was able to find it on @
as of 11/25/2007

Printed Page 411
2nd paragraph

According to the CSS spec, letter-spacing cannot be specified in any valid CSS measurement unit. Percentages are not allowed.

Printed Page 447
Step 11

Should read "Repeat Step 9" instead of "Repeat Step 11"
