
SQL for Data Analysis

Errata for SQL for Data Analysis

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Printed Page not necessarily pages, but figures and charts from the book
figures and charts

The way the logic and queries are built by the author are very good and intuitive. But part of the analyzes are not performed on the tables generated by the queries, but on the charts of these queries. And how and where to make these charts is not explained by the author. Does she use Python, Power BI, DataBricks, or another tool?

Pedro Dias  May 08, 2023 
Printed Page Page 131
Line 13 of the code excerpt above

In the section "SQL for a Basic Retention Curve", the basic query for counting legislators was built piece by piece. "count(distinct a.id_bioguide) as cohort_retained" was used to avoid duplicates. However, in the specified code excerpt, "count(*)" was used.

This change increases the cohort size to 2647.

The printed result of the query is not reproducible.

Michael Stach  Aug 03, 2023 
PDF Page 178
CSV file data for UFO sightings

I tried loading into Postgresql the data from CSV files for UFO sightings. The data import process fails for every file (ufo1.csv to ufo5.csv) saying there is some mistake in the last row of the data. For example, while importing the data from ufo5.csv the import data process failed and showed there is some mistake in 15465 row where as there are no 15465 rows there in the file.

--command " "\\copy public.ufo (sighting_report, description) FROM 'C:/Users/drama/Desktop/SQL_BO~1/CH5163~1/ufo5.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER QUOTE '\"' ESCAPE '''';""

ERROR: unterminated CSV quoted field
CONTEXT: COPY ufo, line 15465: ""Occurred : 9/10/2011 22:00 (Entered as : 09/10/2011 22:00)Reported: 9/10/2011 7:28:06 PM 19:28Poste..."

Kindy check the data files for UFO data and help.

Amandeep Singh  May 30, 2024