
Head First jQuery

Errata for Head First jQuery

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
bold code sample

fadeIn(1000) has no visible effect and is not consistent with the exercise goal. fadeToggle(1000) gets the job done.

Anonymous  Aug 01, 2013 
Printed Page 28
United States

page 28, as the person reported with fadeIn not working this seems to be a change in the base jquery language version(1.6.2 works fine, 1.11.1 shows different behavior)

James Barnes  Oct 14, 2014 
Printed Page 109,110,112
code box

Within the function definition of the var hideCode, another function definition that is to run for each DOM member of class .guess_box is given a second parameter of "value". However, "value" is not used anywhere in that function definition, and removing that parameter appears to have no effect on the execution.

Jay Valatka  Feb 12, 2012 
PDF Page 114
1st question of the 3rd dumb questions column

The answer states that value is the same as $(this) (i.e. a jQuery object) in the .each loop, but it is the same as this (i.e. a DOM element object).

Anonymous  Dec 03, 2011 
PDF Page 230
infobubble poinitng to part of loop syntax

In the "look up close"
for the
"for( var i=0 ; i < my_arr2.length ; i++ ){" example,
there is infobubble
".length is a common
method for all arrays.
It tells you how many
items the array has."

length is property, not method.

nenad  Jul 31, 2013 
PDF Page 234
top of magnet thing

two identical card can be dealt and calling 'used_cards' at the console gives a reference error.

Kody Crouch  Jan 13, 2012 
Printed Page 234

the correct test is:
if(!($.inArray(index,used_cards) > -1)) {
instead of:
if(!$.inArray(index,used_cards) > -1) {

Anonymous  Jan 16, 2012 
Printed Page 236
highlighted new code

When you add the new controls, you have a btnDeal and you add a btnHit and btnStick. But then in the corresponding new CSS, you show btnHit, btnStick, and btnRestart.

I think you add btnRestart later in the chapter, and I think btnDeal doesn't need this CSS, but it's still very confusing that these "corresponding" code parts don't match.

Anonymous  Jan 22, 2013 
Printed Page 236
highlighted code block for hit and stand buttons

The image source for the image within #btnHit is "images/deck_small.jpg", but should be "images/hit_small.jpg".

Brian Futrell  Jul 15, 2022 
PDF Page 238

On the June 28, 2013 update, you removed the line below from pages 233 & 234. But you forgot to add it on the correct page. Without it, the cards array will always be empty so the SumCardTotal function on p238 will never run.[] = c;

Once you get to page 238, add the above line (2nd line below) in the hit function so it looks like this:

used_cards[used_cards.length] = index;[] = c;
var $d = $("<div>");

Anonymous  Sep 03, 2013 
example solution

The example shows three tests of current_total in this order:

#1: if (this.current_total > 21)

#2: if (this.current_total == 21)

#3 if (this.current_total <= 21 && == 5)

If current_total is 21 on your fifth card, you not reach the 3rd test as intended. A better solution is to reverse the order of #2 and #3:

Lynne Brown  Jul 08, 2012 
PDF Page 244
beginning of code magnets solution

After checking whether the variable "good_card" is still false, you first set it to false. This makes no sense at all and beginners will be quite confused to see this.

Roman Bl?th  Dec 04, 2011 
Printed Page 245
Test Drive

It doesn't make sense to allow adding cards after the game is over. $("#btnHit").unbind() should be added to the three end-of-game conditions in sumCardTotal.

lemuel  May 28, 2012 
Printed Page 248
Middle of the page

The btnRestart is not triggered by 249. If I was a totally new user to jQuery I might be confused as to why its not working. I know you guys know your stuff its just that I think this needs to be called earlier:
});//end btnStick click function

I see that on the next page you make the same into a function called end but for me the app did not flow correctly until I did this. This might frustrate a new user. Thanks.

Also, in the solution there is not CSS file to style the new elements and it causes a problem in some browsers: Chrome and IE. The #results div displays a blank image on the page.

Thanks for all of your hard works guys. I love the Head First series and you haven't disappointed me :)

Charles B  Oct 10, 2011 
PDF Page 248

1) index.html
Before: src is blank
<div id="result"><img src="" id="imgResult"></div>

After: add path to image
<div id="result"><img src="images/check.png" id="imgResult"></div>

2) my_scripts.js
Before: # is missing

After: add # in front of 'result'

Anonymous  Sep 03, 2013 
Printed Page 249
Test Drive

There is no code (at this point) to toggle on btnRestart so there is nothing to click on.

lemuel  May 28, 2012 
Printed Page 250
Bottom of the Page

The $(:#btnRestrart") .click function needs this added to the example:

Otherwise, the #btnStick still shows the red X.


Charles B  Oct 10, 2011 
PDF Page 250
last function - stick-button click handler

The stick button makes absolutely no sense - whenever you click it you win the game! This is not how a BlackJack game should work.

Roman Bl?th  Dec 04, 2011 
PDF Page 260
Test Drive output windows

When opening the page in Chrome, each line reporting a blur or focus is printed twice. This error also causes problems with the Monster Mash lightning solution in Chapter 7.

The error occurs due to the way in which Chrome processes onblur and onfocus events. When a window loses focus, it fires two onblur events; similarly, onfocus is triggered twice each time a page gains focus.

To correct this for onblur, a flag variable can be declared and initialized to false. When the event handler for onblur is triggered, if the flag is set to false, the function is executed and the flag is set to true. Otherwise, it does nothing. Then, the event handler for onfocus can set the flag to false again.

The solution is similar for onfocus.

Benjamin Wyatt  Apr 21, 2013 
PDF Page 262
within the solution box of the jQuery Magnets

both functions stopLightning and goLightning closing braces are followed up by semicolons. a function closing braces should not be followed by a semicolon.

Sherif Mahmoud  Nov 22, 2013 
PDF Page 267,268
first line of the code

I found these code never stop the timer in my firefox browser,
I find out that the first line code should be removed:

otherwise, there 2 two places will call goLightning() method,
one is the first line, the other is when window is get focus,

since each time when you call setInterval, it will return a new interval ID, if you call it twice, it will return 2 different ID, the only the second one is saved in the code. when you leave the window, only the second interval is cleared, but the first one is still running,
that is why the timer always running even if you leave the window.

To fix that, the first line of the code should removed, so that we can guarantee that only setInterval only get called once.

Steve Zhang  Oct 29, 2011 
PDF Page 267-268
all page

The code is not behaving as expected.

The line `goLightning();` causes the lightning effect to start immediately upon page load. However, when clicking on the page, the statement `window.onfocus = goLightning;` is triggered, resulting in the animation from two running functions.

Removing the line `goLightning();` doesn't help because we want the lightning effect to appear immediately after the page loads. Additionally, removing the line doesn't solve the problem in Safari. If we open a new tab and switch back to the window with our program, the `goLightning()` function is called twice in a row, causing the inability to cancel the lightning effect with the `stopLightning()` function.

My solution to this problem is to create a flag variable that tracks whether the `goLightning()` function is currently running. Here's the implementation:

/* Start of the code */
var isLightningRunning = false; // Create a flag variable and initialize it to false

function goLightning() {
if (!isLightningRunning) { // Check the flag value before executing the function body
int1 = setInterval(lightning_one, 4000);
int2 = setInterval(lightning_two, 5000);
int3 = setInterval(lightning_three, 7000);
isLightningRunning = true; // Update the flag value at the end

function stopLightning() {
isLightningRunning = false; // Update the flag value
/* End of the code */

By introducing the `isLightningRunning` flag, we can control the execution of the `goLightning()` function and prevent it from being called multiple times or conflicting with the `stopLightning()` function.

Natka  Jun 27, 2023 
PDF Page 277
Last line of the randomize() function

The last line of the randomize function reads :

It should read as:

Note the removal of '=' before the variable move_to.
We're setting the location of the individual strips as a factor of the target position. If the target position is, say, 7, then the animation should reposition the image strip such that it's left value is equal to 7*w (== 7*-367), and NOT increment the present value by 7*w. If this error persists then after a few clicks, the image strips leave the frame empty(as the image strip is exhausted) and the brown background shows through.

Somenath Sinha  Aug 09, 2016 
Printed Page 362
In the if else if else

Shouldn't the code in the if else if else be:

$('#finishers_all'). append(info);

instead of


Anonymous  Mar 04, 2017 
Printed Page 365
Ready Bake PHP

I could not get this code to run unless I included a check for the existence of the $_POST value in the first "if()". I changed this:

if($_POST['action'] == 'addRunner') { // doesn't exist on GETs

to this:

if(isset($_POST['action']) && ($_POST['action'] == 'addRunner')) {

lemuel  Jul 22, 2012 
Printed Page 400
Ready Bake Code

In the sightings_end.html code, the name of the first input field should be "creature_color_rgb".

lemuel  Aug 03, 2012 
Printed Page 420 download code

Line 58 of service.php: array key weight is unquoted.
weight => $row['creature_weight'],

should be
'weight' => $row['creature_weight'],

lemuel  Aug 03, 2012