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Writing Effective Prompts for ChatGPT

Crafting engaging and productive ChatGPT prompts

Sarah Tamsin
Sarah Tamsin

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ChatGPT has incredible potential to assist with daily tasks, but its generative abilities allow it to perform more challenging tasks like content creation, language translation, and even creative writing. However, its responses are often generic and bland and fail to fully engage readers. How can you get ChatGPT to generate responses that sound more human? It’s all in the prompt.

Join expert Sarah Tamsin to learn how to write and refine prompts to ensure that ChatGPT generates responses that are engaging, user-centered, and tailored to specific use cases. Through practical discussions and exploration, you'll build your own library of functional ChatGPT prompts, empowering you to get the most from this incredible tool in real-world situations.

What you’ll learn and how you can apply it

  • Recognize the principles of writing a prompt to get a satisfactory response from ChatGPT
  • Craft and refine effective, user-centered prompts for various use cases
  • Build your own library of useful ChatGPT prompts


The timeframes are only estimates and may vary according to how the class is progressing.

Introduction and context setting (15 minutes)

  • Presentation: ChatGPT basics; ongoing mass adoption of ChatGPT across various industries
  • Group discussion: Have you used ChatGPT yet? What for?

ChatGPT Basics (10 minutes)

  • Presentation: Getting started with ChatGPT
  • Group activity: Ask some basic prompts to set the foundation for how ChatGPT works
  • Natural language processing and large language models (20 minutes)
  • Presentation: Natural speech versus typed text; different intent and interpretation; how LLMs are trained—reinforcement learning approaches
  • Group discussion: Now you have a better understanding of how Natural Language Processing works, what are tools like ChatGPT best suited for?

Prompt engineering (40 minutes)

  • Presentation: Prompting versus asking; the concept of priming; “training” ChatGPT within the confines of your conversation; avoiding GPT fatigue and repetition; setting parameters and boundaries; using specific writing styles for specific results;
  • Accuracy, GPT hallucinations, and other ethical considerations—why human editors and fact-checkers are so important
  • Iterative querying techniques
  • Understanding the limits of ChatGPT
  • Downloadable resource: Different writing styles for ChatGPT
  • Activity: Write your own prompt using the prompt template

Creating your personal prompt library (10 minutes)

  • Presentation: Storing ‘custom instructions’ in ChatGPT

Future uses of ChatGPT (10 minutes)

  • Presentation: Future uses for ChatGPT, such as integrations with other systems and new features
  • Group discussion: How will ChatGPT change things in the next 5 years?

Discussion & Q&A (15 minutes)

About the presenter

  • Sarah Tamsin is a website developer and content creator who founded Digital Rebel Academy, a training company aimed at helping small businesses make the most of online opportunities. She has a background working with nonprofit organizations and in local government IT support, spending over 20 years creating digital content. Sarah also runs multiple other passive online enterprises, most of which are automated businesses that run on autopilot.

    Sarah Tamsin