Micro Frontends in Action video edition

Video description

In Video Editions the narrator reads the book while the content, figures, code listings, diagrams, and text appear on the screen. Like an audiobook that you can also watch as a video.

You can base your Micro Frontends directly off the examples in the book!
Barnaby Norman, Frontend Developer

Browser-based software can quickly become complex and difficult to maintain, especially when it's implemented as a large single-page application. By adopting the micro frontends approach and designing your web apps as systems of features, you can deliver faster feature development, easier upgrades, and pick and choose the technology you use in your stack. Micro Frontends in Action is your guide to simplifying unwieldy frontends by composing them from small, well-defined units.

about the technology

Micro frontends deliver the same flexibility and maintainability to browser-based applications that microservices provide for backend systems. You design your project as a set of standalone components that include their own interfaces, logic, and storage. Then you develop these mini-applications independently and compose them in the browser.

about the book

Micro Frontends in Action teaches you to apply the microservices approach to the frontend. You’ll start with the core micro frontend design ideas. Then, you'll build an e-commerce application, working through practical issues like server-side and client-side composition, routing, and maintaining a consistent look and feel. Finally, you'll explore team workflow patterns that maximize the benefit of developing application components independently.

what's inside

  • Create a unified frontend from independent applications
  • Combine JavaScript code from multiple frameworks
  • Browser and server-side composition and routing
  • Implement effective dev teams and project workflow

about the audience

For web developers, software architects, and team leaders.

about the author

Michael Geers is a software developer specializing in building user interfaces.

An excellent starting point to understand how to introduce micro frontends in your projects.
Potito Coluccelli

Expert practical advice for robust frontend development. The final piece of the micro puzzle!
Adail Retamal, Cubic Transportation Systems

A very concise and logically structured introduction to implementing a micro frontends team infrastructure.
Tanya Wilke, Sanlam

A definitive guide for applying micro frontends architecture to any existing UI technology.
Karthikeyarajan Rajendran, Johnson Controls India


Table of contents

  1. Part 1. Getting started with micro frontends
  2. Chapter 1. What are micro frontends?
  3. Chapter 1. The frontend
  4. Chapter 1. What problems do micro frontends solve?
  5. Chapter 1. The downsides of micro frontends
  6. Chapter 1. Productivity versus overhead
  7. Chapter 2. My first micro frontends project
  8. Chapter 2. Page transition via links
  9. Chapter 2. Composition via iframe
  10. Part 2. Routing, composition, and communication
  11. Chapter 3. Composition with Ajax and server-side routing
  12. Chapter 3. Declarative loading with h-include
  13. Chapter 3. Server-side routing via Nginx
  14. Chapter 3. Namespacing resources
  15. Chapter 4. Server-side composition
  16. Chapter 4. Dealing with unreliable fragments
  17. Chapter 4. Markup assembly performance in depth
  18. Chapter 4. Zalando Tailor
  19. Chapter 4. Fallbacks and timeouts
  20. Chapter 5. Client-side composition
  21. Chapter 5. Defining a Custom Element
  22. Chapter 5. Scoping styles
  23. Chapter 6. Communication patterns
  24. Chapter 6. Fragment to parent
  25. Chapter 6. Event bus via browser events
  26. Chapter 6. Other communication mechanisms
  27. Chapter 7. Client-side routing and the application shell
  28. Chapter 7. Client-side routing
  29. Chapter 7. App shell with two-level routing
  30. Chapter 7. A quick look into the single-spa meta-framework
  31. Chapter 7. The challenges of a unified single-page app
  32. Chapter 8. Composition and universal rendering
  33. Chapter 8. Contract between the teams
  34. Chapter 9. Which architecture fits my project?
  35. Chapter 9. Iframe
  36. Chapter 9. Comparing complexity
  37. Chapter 9. Picking the right architecture and integration technique
  38. Part 3. How to be fast, consistent, and effective
  39. Chapter 10. Asset loading
  40. Chapter 10. Referencing via include (server)
  41. Chapter 10. Inlining
  42. Chapter 10. All-in-one bundle
  43. Chapter 11. Performance is key
  44. Chapter 11. Attributing slowdowns
  45. Chapter 11. Reduce, reuse... vendor libraries
  46. Chapter 11. Versioned vendor bundles
  47. Chapter 11. Creating the versioned bundle
  48. Chapter 12. User interface and design system
  49. Chapter 12. Central design system versus autonomous teams
  50. Chapter 12. Acceptance
  51. Chapter 12. Runtime versus build-time integration
  52. Chapter 12. Pattern library artifacts: Generic versus specific
  53. Chapter 12. What goes into the central pattern library?
  54. Chapter 13. Teams and boundaries
  55. Chapter 13. Team depth
  56. Chapter 13. Sharing knowledge
  57. Chapter 13. Technology diversity
  58. Chapter 14. Migration, local development, and testing
  59. Chapter 14. Strategy #2: Frontend first
  60. Chapter 14. Fragments in isolation

Product information

  • Title: Micro Frontends in Action video edition
  • Author(s): Michael Geers
  • Release date: August 2020
  • Publisher(s): Manning Publications
  • ISBN: None