Fundamentals of Effective 1:1s: A Practical Guide to Meaningful and Productive Meetings

Video description

1:1s can be a challenge for managers and direct reports due to a lack of structure, emergent trust, or meaningful action inspired by the meetings. This course teaches managers the fundamentals of effective 1:1s and shows them how by implementing specific, recommended practices they can enhance communication, collaboration, and trust on their teams.

The course is divided into 2 parts covering the following topics: 1) the fundamentals of 1:1s: what they are, why they matter, and their the benefits; 2) Recommended practices for how to structure the time; 3) How to evaluate 1:1s, including challenges and pitfalls; 4) A successful case study showing how they help improve teams, including bonus tips for engineers managing up.

What you’ll learn and how you can apply it
  • How to structure the 1:1 meeting to enhance communication and collaboration with their direct report
  • Specifics around scheduling, timing, cadence, how to prepare, how to follow-up, and the kinds of questions to ask
  • Articulate to direct reports how this change in structure will benefit both of them, and the team
  • How to reflect on and evaluate their use of the 1:1s with specific questions based on their experience
This course is for you because…
  • You're an engineering manager interested in learning how to structure 1:1 meetings so that they are an effective use of your time and your engineer’s time
  • You're an engineer interested in learning how to effectively prepare for your meeting with your manager/how to manage up
  • You want to improve your communication, collaboration, and organization skills
  • You want to use 1:1s to ensure that you are discussing and taking action on the team’s most important priorities

Product information

  • Title: Fundamentals of Effective 1:1s: A Practical Guide to Meaningful and Productive Meetings
  • Author(s): Adrienne Lowe
  • Release date: September 2023
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 0636920942689