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March 11, 2005
Slapped by spam in AOL Chat
Some guy at the SpecialHam.com spammer forum today was advertising ChatSlapper, a program designed to spam AOL chat room users. He posted a screen grab of the program in action. (Available here.)
ChatSlapper apparently uses the "Who's Chatting" feature of AOL to harvest screen names of chat room users. Then it sends each user a chat invitation. The guy claimed the program generated over 200 visits to a porn site in "a couple hours."
It's been a while since I've visited AOL's chat rooms, so I decided to drop in and see if I could catch ChatSlapper in action.
Yikes. It's a jungle out there!
Almost immediately upon joining the "A Crowded Room" chat, I began receiving all sorts of chat spam. Not sure if they're the work of ChatSlapper or not. (Suitable-for-work example pop-up screen-grabs here and here.)
Moments later, I received an attempt at "phishing" my password (screen grab).
Soon thereafter, I also got an email spam on my AOL account advertising a site that featured "skanks." (I assume this spam was no coincidence.)
At that point, I'd seen enough and signed off. Funny that people used to worry that AOL was turning into a gated community. (Maybe I'll turn on AOL's parental controls feature to protect myself next time I sign on ...)
Posted by brian at March 11, 2005 4:17 PM
yeah, I seen it being advertised over on GFY
Posted by: budz at March 12, 2005 10:28 AM
You might want to recheck that thread again.. lol
Whats funny about this is that an "anti spammer" i guess you could say, "owned" you in an obvious setup leaving you the "fool" for being sucked into belive such nonsense. Trickery resulting in mockery? Cute.
Posted by: Dollar at March 14, 2005 1:40 AM
Hey Swank,
So "ABM," the guy who posted the ChatSlapper ad (and sent it to spammers via ICQ) is an anti-spammer?
I hope you're right. Judging from my brief experience in the AOL chatrooms last Friday, the market is already saturated with chatroom spam tools. (I sure hope Sencode/SpamSoft isn't coming out with a new and improved one!)
Posted by: Brian at March 14, 2005 9:45 AM
Anti Spammers suck
I make $4k daily
suckers, hahahaha
Posted by: 4kdaily at March 14, 2005 12:16 PM