Create a service advantage with the help of customer service guru Ron Zemke.
4 results for author:"Ron Zemke"
Now, thanks to authors Kristin Anderson and Ron Zemke, supervisors have a practical guide to the day-to-day challenges that arise in training superior customer service people. This newest Knock Your Socks Off book explains how to help frontline employees hone their skills, maintain the motivation to perform, and meet new situations head-on. The authors present a model for successfully coaching anyone, anywhere, and they show readers how to apply it in familiar coaching situations.
In our increasingly connected world, customer service can make or break a business. Companies that excel keep customers coming back—and those who don’t soon discover that word spreads fast. The difference is in how managers train, coach, and support frontline employees. Extensively revised with today’s empowered, web-savvy consumer in mind, Managing Knock Your Socks Off Service shows managers and supervisors how to: • Find and retain service-oriented people • Understand customer needs, expectations and desires • Build a service vision • Design a user-friendly service delivery process • Involve and inspire employees • Recognize and reward good performance.
Managing Knock Your Socks Off Service, Second Edition Revisions by Chip R. Bell and Dave Zielinski
Managing Knock Your Socks Off Service Revamped with new examples, stories, and research, and featuring cartoons by John Bush, the book gives readers practical, proven ways to: find and retain service-oriented people get to know customers intimately build a service vision train and coach create and maintain a service management process that aligns people, systems, and customers involve and empower employees recognize and reward good performance.