
On Oct 13 Jose Betancur wrote: Best companion for the D7000
The first things I learn about photography was to keep the camera manual always at the same bag of your camera, you don't keno when you are going to need to fix a setting or move something on it.. But since I read the Mastering the Nikon D7000 of Darrel Young, the camera manual resides at home. This books is the best companion on my trips, it cover in a more easy way the different subjects. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Oct 4 David Paccoud wrote: A must have for every D7000 owner
The Nikon D7000 is an amazing camera and this book describes all you need to know to use it at its full potential. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Aug 5 Shawn Day wrote: Embrace the cre­at­ive poten­tial of the D7000
Wow! This is the manual that should come with the cam­era. If you, like me, come away from the stock manual dis­ap­poin­ted, frus­trated, or just feel­ing that it simply leaves out all the prac­tical ‘why’ type information…get this book. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Jul 16 Santosh Shanbhag wrote: Best book for the best DSLR
Nikon D7000 is Nikon's best DSLR camera ever and I have no words to express that in any language (and I know five!). Just saying that you own one is enough to elevate your status in the Nikon community. However, pictures speak louder than words and your elevated status would be short-lived if you take sucky pictures because you didn't understand the features that make this camera awesome. This book by Darrell Young is just the one you need to squeeze the juice out of your Nikon D7K. That is after you have woken up from reading the bland user manual that shipped with the camera. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

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Informative and best served in bite-sizes.
I first encountered these dynamic O’Reilly authors back when I watched the Mastering Advanced Git… Full Review >

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