
On Mar 3 Ninajean Slone wrote: Must read if you want to know the registry
Wow! What a read! Seriously folks, this book is packed full of information. I have learned more about the Windows registry since reading this book than I knew in the last few years. I have to say, though, that I never stopped to think about how much you can learn about someone’s computer by reading the registry, including mine. I always wondered how the registry worked, and now I do, somewhat. I have ‘tinkered’ with the registry before, (mine and only mine), or to use other peoples’ lingo, hacked the registry. For instance, I want more commands on my right-click menu, so I hack my registry and add them. No big deal. Unless you’re into messing with other people’s computers; and like to do damage to them by adding such programs as malware, ransomeware or virii. Anything that’s malicious to harm another person’s computer. Then you’ve sort of found a goldmine to play in. Full Review  >

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