
On Aug 21 Ninajean Slone wrote: I Want One! If you read this book, you may want one too
Your date shows up at your door with chocolate and a dozen roses. He gives you a soft, sweet kiss and then hands you a gift. He asks you to wait until after dinner to open the gift. You are salivating with trepidation about what it could be. Why does he want you to wait? Then he takes you out and you order New York steak, and the first bite just melts in your mouth because it is so tender. Makes you salivate doesn’t it? That’s what happened to me while I was reading this book. My geeky side says, “I want one!”, but of course the logical side says, “Now wait a minute. You don’t who the carrier is, how much it costs or anything else other than what you just read. My geeky side sees a new exciting toy to play with and says, quite bluntly, “I don’t care! I want one!” Sorry geeky side, you’ll just have to wait awhile and we’ll see. This book is written in such a conversational style, it makes me wonder if he’s a salesman. If not, he would make a really good one. Love the writing style. This book is well written, gives you just enough information to leave you wanting to go buy the phone, and it isn’t filled with a bunch of fluff. It’s certainly worth the price. It was delivered to my Kindle Fire HD around 1:00 AM or so this morning. I awoke around 2:30 AM, so checked my mail and sure enough there was an email from O’Reilly. So I checked my Kindle and it was downloading. I sat there and read it straight through. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to more about the Amazon Fire Phone. Full Review  >

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