
On Nov 25 Jim Schubert wrote: Great intro to OS X/iOS dev with Swift
I reviewed this book for O'Reilly and I really enjoyed it. I have a development background mostly in C#, Scala, and JavaScript; I was interested in this book to explore similarities between Swift and Scala. The book is useful and in-depth. I think beginners to OS X and iOS development will pick up a lot from reading the book. I read the early access version and found only a handful of typos, which is a great indicator for how well-written the final product will be. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Oct 16 Grant van Staden wrote: Grand Introduction to Programming with Cocoa using Swift
If you're interested in writing applications for both OSX and iOS, this is a good introduction. It introduces the Swift language and then shows how features of the language are used to do all the normal activities involved in Cocoa development. After reading this book and following its examples, I am more confident to take on some modest real World applications using Swift. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Oct 2 Anthony Levings wrote: Review: Swift Development with Cocoa by Jon Manning, Paris Buttfield-Addison and Tim Nugent (Early Release, O'Reilly)
If your ambition is to learn Swift and Cocoa in order to program for iOS and OS X, then Swift Development with Cocoa is aimed directly at you. The book begins with a bit of background history and some testing and distribution information before throwing us into the details of Swift in Chapter Two ('Programming with Swift'). And while I would recommend reading Apple's Swift book as well for advanced Swift concepts (in particular generics and bridging to Objective-C), it's possible to understand the main parts of Swift from simply reading this chapter. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

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