
On Dec 15 Vinubalaji Gopal wrote:
Being a fan of Vim, I had always tried to learn new tricks whenever I had time. Being able to enhance my skills to use the tool in a more efficient manner (Vim) was always a welcome bonus. Though the skill level to use vim would vary from person to person, the video covers a wide range of topics and I think would have something for everyone. The video starts with the help command and introduces how to use the help command in vim. This was informative, since you could learn once concept at a time by using vim help. Then the video continues with the different features of vim ranging from search to visual block mode. It was interesting to learn about the different visual modes and how they differ. There were a wide range of concepts covered in the video and I would say the best way to learn them is do one video/feature at a time. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Oct 31 DC Crowley wrote: Mastering Vim Understanding Vim's Lesser-Known Features for More Effective Editing
Summary Vim has literally thousands of commands. No one can know them all. This 3 hour tutorial series will explain and show some really use commands and vimrc setups Reaction The pros and cons of watching a video instead of reading a book! With a book you can quickly flick to a page. But O'Reilly has something for that. You can play the video back at 1.5x and 2x speed. Which is very useful. This product is for beginners and intermediates. I am not a VIM expert and I use spf13-vim on OSX. I found that not all the commands worked (like CTRL+Y). There are more than enough useful tips. But watching videos take time. It is useful if you need to see it working. Otherwise the "UNIX power tools" book from O'Reilly is a gem and contains great information about VIM, bash and regex. O'Reilly publishing approached me with a view of reviewing books for them. Having a lot of respect for them I agreed. That does not mean automatic good reviews. While the information and advice contained in the video is of high quality I am not sure I can recommend this product. The reason simply being the content is in Video format and it does not suit me in this case. Because the information contained is good it does get 4 stars. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0


On Nov 24 Mike Bright wrote: Video Review: Mastering Vim by Damian Conway; O'Reilly Media
I've used vim for 20 years now ... so there's nothing to learn right? Of course I'm wrong, vim is enormous and these videos do a great job of giving insight into vims' amazing capabilities. I was under no illusion, I was sure I was only using a small amount of vim/vi capabilities and these videos confirmed that to me. It was nevertheless a surprise just how much I did learn and I was frequently amazed at functionality I hadn't imagined. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Sep 29 REMOVED REMOVED wrote: Mastering Vim
I just got back from a three and a half hour video trip to the lesser-known Vim features with Damian Conway. This is my first O’Reilly review for one of their video courses and I can’t wait for the next one. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Sep 25 Michal Konrad Owsiak wrote: Takes every average vim user few steps forward
There is huge chance that you are reading this review because you are looking for some advanced features in vim. And, most probably, you are a regular vim user that already knows few things about it. Typical movements, jumping between words, selecting and yanking simple text regions. This is enough to get work done, but if you are looking for a shortcut to accelerate in vim, this video is for you. Well structured, very concise and extremely well delivered. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Sep 23 Arthur Zubarev wrote: See the power of VIM!
Vim,and the text editors from its family are incredibly powerful,feature-rich, and extensible. They are running on every possible OS,in fact I have it on my Android phone. Besides, I know people who deny powers of every IDE on the market in favour to using VIM. Complete software suites and websites are built solely using VIM. But for arguably many the learning curve is actually quite steep, or it looks intimidating, especially at the beginning. This is why I see a lot of value in the visual kind of training as this tutorial. And it is quite lengthy. Despite it is running for several hours (O’Reilly product page does not indicate the exact run time) prepare to spend at least double the time learning. This is because you want to MASTER the tool, not just acknowledge its capabilities. Contrary to my taste, the author chose to concentrate on roughly 80% speaking versa demoing VIM’s commands in it (I will run ahead of the locomotive here and say this largely influenced my three star rating). Furthermore,I initially scrambled to research on the vimrc file mentioned at the beginning, besides, Damian chose just to “dive into” the editor without providing specifics on how the extensibility works,but he mentioned his vimrc is very long. Likewise, no further info was given on how to install VIM or its plugins (which every typical)power user would want, but several were mentioned. These are all smaller (as Google and Bing are a click away) items, but make such seemingly “intermediate to advanced” video incomplete, I admit, Imade dozens of such stop and goes during the tutorial and I frankly testify fail to classify what level of user this tutorial is aimed at. Even a seditious thoughts tarted to occupy my head (which later dissipated)that may be Google could be a good teacher for VIM. Not so. There are positive things about this video, too. Many. I liked the part on visual modes,the ‘search’ was covered as complete as I can imagine,my favourite section was on folding, never seen it covered before. Amusingly,the author stated in the closing that he covered only 1% of the editor, feel the power of VIM! Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar3.0

On Sep 15 Christian Korneck wrote: Vim superpowers with ‘Mastering Vim’
Vim is an overwhelmingly powerful editor. While it’s possible to use and get along with Vim by only knowing the most basic conventions and commands, it can be quite a rough learning curve to build a deeper understanding of using and customizing Vim. This is where Damian Conway’s video session tries to help. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

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