
On Oct 10 Kiatikun Luangkesorn wrote: Flask Web Development covers many aspects of web programming, well beyond what most Flask tutorials will cover.
I'm not a web developer, but Flask has always had an appeal of potentially being a potential front end to a database based application. But I've never gotten very far as tutorials generally look at only the main application, and I'm pretty sure I need some extensions but I have not been able to assess the quality of the many plugins available. Flask Web Development is that tutorial that shows Flask and selects quality extensions to introduce. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0

On Oct 2 Jon Guenther wrote: Awesome Coverage of Flask
I actually requested this book for review because I wanted to test it against a personal (non-profit) project I was doing for my martial arts school. Looks like I got a lot more than I originally bargained for. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0


On Jun 23 Arthur Zubarev wrote: A very promising framework explained by a skilled professional
I remember Miguel at one of the O’Reilly educational webcasts greeting the audience in three or four languages. Energetic, full of wisdom, creativity and warmth. How happy I was when I saw his forthcoming book available for review as part of the Reader Reviewer Program? Immensely! And my expectations were met: both Miguel and Flask ROCK! Written in a very professional manner, concise and at the same time with a feeling that the author is your friend, advocate and teacher. So Flask itself, seems relatively a newcomer to the Web 2.0 stage looks complete and mature with an active, long list of committers. My questions (including to the author) were answered in no time. A very good support. Cannot be happier about the product, both book and Flask. So more on the book: it will guide you through the bricks and mortar of Flask and how would you use it to build a fully working, yet modern Web 2.0 App. I used Ubuntu 14 without any difficulty. The book is extremely well organized, it feels like I attend a Web App craft shop of a kind. Gradually climbing the ropes of a powerful giant Flask. Python as a language is very welcoming, yet powerful at the same time, I hardly concentrated on its internals so no solid prior knowledge of any Python is really necessary. Again, Miguel is a skillful teacher, even the part of the book where there was database involvement was written so I felt completely detached from what exactly is my persistence layer, even toward the end when you are ready to deploy you do not feel overwhelmed by specifics, Miguel remains neutral and unbiased to 3rd party tools, I do not know how Miguel managed to convey such material this way. I am sure Flask is Web 3.0 compliant as well as armed and ready for any purpose. Very inspiring! I give this book 5 starts, 100 out of 100 wholeheartedly. Grab it even if you hesitate. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On May 15 David Hayden wrote: Great First Book on Flask!
Excellent book on using Flask for web development for those new to Flask. Went from no knowledge on Flask to understanding how to use Flask to build websites after finishing the book and working through the code samples. Flask is a very unopinionated web framework that is both fun to learn and use for websites. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

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