
On Aug 18 Ninajean Slone wrote: Do what the Goat Tells You!
This book lays out in an easy to understand way, how you can develop with Python using Django, Selenium and JavaScript, jQuery and Mock.. It also takes you through testing Python code along the way and explains why you need all these tests. You will also learn how to develop a website, and how to make it prettier. Then you will learn what parts of it need to be tested and why. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0


On Sep 21 Mike Bright wrote: Test-Driven Development with Python by Harry Percival; O’Reilly Media
This is an incredibly thorough book from Harry Percival. From start to finish the reader is stepped through the creation of a Python3/Django-based application with great rigour following the clearly described principles and methods of Test-Driven Development as espoused by the (Obey the) Testing Goat. With this book you will learn TDD but also many tools for Python/Django/Web-development and you’ll be able to reproduce all the code yourself, or obtain the code chapter by chapter from github. Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

On Jul 28 Marc 137 wrote: The all in one TDD/web book
You buy this book thinking you are going to learn TDD and only TDD, but when you advance a few pages you realize you've made ​​a purchase worth more than what makes the price Full Review  >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0

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Featured Review

RESTful Web APIs

Dylan Scott wrote:
REST Concepts
Only having a basic understanding of REST, this book introduced many new concepts and topics… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0